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L-Arabinose transport and catabolism in yeast

Two yeasts, Candida arabinofermentans PYCC 5603(T) and Pichia guilliermondii PYCC 3012, which show rapid growth on L-arabinose and very high rates of L-arabinose uptake on screening, were selected for characterization of L-arabinose transport and the first steps of intracellular L-arabinose metabolism. The kinetics of L-arabinose uptake revealed at least two transport systems with distinct substra

The functional variant of the CLC-Kb channel T481S is not associated with blood pressure or hypertension in Swedes.

Objective A common threonine481serine polymorphism (T481S) has been shown in vitro to strongly activate the chloride channel Kb (CLC-Kb) expressed in the kidney, and the 481S allele has been associated with human hypertension. The study aim was to evaluate the association of the T481 S polymorphism with blood pressure (BP) levels and the BP progression rate in Swedes. Design and methods The cardio

COHb% as a marker of cardiovascular risk in never smokers: results from a population-based cohort study.

Aim: Carbon monoxide (CO) in blood as assessed by the COHb% is a marker of the cardiovascular ( CV) risk in smokers. Non-smokers exposed to tobacco smoke similarly inhale and absorb CO. The objective in this population-based cohort study has been to describe inter-individual differences in COHb% in never smokers and to estimate the associated cardiovascular risk. Methods: Of the 8,333 men, aged 34

Broad spectrum of time of detection, primary symptoms and disease progression in infants with HIV-1 infection

The relationship between time of HIV-1 detection, appearance of symptoms and disease progression was studied in all 24 HIV-1-infected infants from a cohort of 117 children who were born to HIV-1-infected mothers and monitored from birth. HIV isolation from plasma and mononuclear cells, HIV-1 DNA PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and, retrospectively, a quantitative assay for HIV-1 RNA were used for

Determination of hexahydrophthalic and methylhexahydrophthalic acids in urine by gas chromatography-negative-ion chemical-ionisation mass spectrometry

A method for determining hexahydrophthalic (HHP acid) and methylhexahydrophthalic acids (MHHP acid) from human urine was developed. These acids are metabolites of the highly sensitising hexahydrophthalic anhydride and methylhexahydrophthalic anhydride. The acids were purified from urine by liquid-solid extraction and derivatised with pentafluorobenzyl bromide to the corresponding esters. These wer

Comparison of the PKCalpha and the PKCepsilon C1b Domains: Identification of Residues Critical for PKCepsilon-mediated Neurite Induction.

We showed earlier that over-expression of protein kinase C (PKC) epsilon induces neurite outgrowth. The effect is mediated by a region (PKC epsilon PSC1V3) encompassing the pseudosubstrate, the two C1 domains and part of the V3 region, and is independent of the catalytic activity of the enzyme. In this region, residues immediately N-terminal of the C1b domain are crucial for neurite outgrowth. How

Uppför Hawkes stege. Hur kan vi studera ritual i det förflutna?

Artikeln diskuterar möjligheten för arkeologer att utifrån materiella källor diskutera ritual i det förflutna. Med utgångspunkt i ett avhandlingsarbete om mesolitiska gravar (Nilsson Stutz 2003) föreslås en kombination av handlingsteori och metoden ”anthropologie de terrain” som en väg till insikt. Författaren understryker behovet av att synkronisera arkeologisk teori och metod. Kan vi studera oc

Reduced functional performance in the lower extremity predicted radiographic knee osteoarthritis five years later.

Background: Reduced quadriceps strength is an early finding in subjects with knee osteoarthritis, but it is not clear whether it is a cause or a consequence of knee osteoarthritis. Objective: To determine whether reduced functional performance in the lower extremity predicts the incidence or progression of radiographic knee osteoarthritis. Design: Prospective, epidemiological, population based c

Oil Spills in Öresund - Hazardous Events, Causes and Claims

Öresund is one of the areas in the world with most ship movements. More than 40,000 ships pass through the sound in the direction north-south or the opposite every year. Other ships/ferries frequently cross the sound in the direction east-west or west-east. The ships carry goods and/or passengers in huge volumes. Since Öresund is a quite narrow sound with a difficult navigation situation, many ris

A focused antibody library for improved hapten recognition

The topography of the antigen-binding site as well as the number and the positioning of the antigen contact residues are strongly correlated with the size of the antigen with which the antibody interacts. On the basis of these considerations, we have designed a focused scFv repertoire biased for haptens, designated the cavity library. The hapten-specific scFv, FITC8, was used as a scaffold for lib

Pre-eclampsia is a potent risk factor for deterioration of retinopathy during pregnancy in Type 1 diabetic patients

The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of pregnancy on deterioration of retinopathy in patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus. Sixty-five pregnant Type 1 diabetic women attending the University Hospital in Lund were studied retrospectively. The degree of retinopathy, and levels of HbA1c and blood pressure 12 months before, during, and 6 months after pregnancy were compared of th