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Your search for "*" yielded 537557 hits

Inter-Organizational Relationships as Political Battlefields: How Fragmentation within Organizations Shapes Relational Dynamics between Organizations

Whereas extant theorizing on inter-organizational relational dynamics has highlighted the importance of between-partner differences, we shift attention to within-partner differences. We explore how internal fragmentation – i.e., the existence of multiple coalitions within a partner organization, each with different interests and perspectives – influences the evolution of relational characteristics

Spatially adaptive covariance tapering

Covariance tapering is a popular approach for reducing the computational cost of spatial prediction and parameter estimation for Gaussian process models. However, tapering can have poor performance when the process is sampled at spatially irregular locations or when non-stationary covariance models are used. This work introduces an adaptive tapering method in order to improve the performance of ta

Detecting TP53 mutations in diagnostic and archival liquid-based Pap samples from ovarian cancer patients using an ultra-sensitive ddPCR method

High-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) is the most common subtype of epithelial ovarian cancer and early detection is challenging. TP53 mutations are a hallmark of HGSOC and detection of these mutations in liquid-based Pap samples could provide a method for early diagnosis. Here we evaluate the use of IBSAFE, an ultra-sensitive droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) method, for detecting TP53 mutations in

The Return of Religion or the End of Religion? : On the Need to Rethink Religion as a Category of Social and Political Life

During the last decades of the twentieth century, Western philosophy saw a renewed interest in religion. This ‘turn to religion’ was in many ways prompted by concrete geopolitical developments, such as the surge of religious fundamentalism or the new visibility of religious expressions and symbols in societies that had long conceived of themselves as profoundly secular. At about the same time, a g

Hospital differences in mortality rates after hip fracture surgery in Denmark

Background: Thirty-day mortality after hip fracture is widely used when ranking hospital performance, but the reliability of such hospital ranking is seldom calculated. We aimed to quantify the variation in 30-day mortality across hospitals and to determine the hospital general contextual effect for understanding patient differences in 30-day mortality risk. Methods: Patients aged ≥65 years with a

The state in the transformation to a sustainable postgrowth economy

The limits of the environmental state in the context of the provision of economic growth are addressed by applying materialist state theory, state-rescaling approaches and the degrowth/postgrowth literature. I compare state roles in a capitalist growth economy and in a postgrowth economy geared towards bio-physical parameters such as matter and energy throughput and the provision of ‘sustainable w

Fuktegenskaper hos cementbundet material med flygaskainblandning

Med cementbundna materials fuktegenskaper menas hur de binder och transporterar vatten. Känner man fuktegenskaper kan man räkna ut hur exempelvis en betong torkar. Mätning av fuktegenskaper för cementbundna material är något Avd. Byggnadsmaterial i Lund har stor erfarenhet av, särskilt för material med Portlandcement som bindemedel [1] [2]. På senare år har forskning vid avdelningen också visat hu

Nanofocusing with aberration-corrected rotationally parabolic refractive X-ray lenses

Wavefront errors of rotationally parabolic refractive X-ray lenses made of beryllium (Be CRLs) have been recovered for various lens sets and X-ray beam configurations. Due to manufacturing via an embossing process, aberrations of individual lenses within the investigated ensemble are very similar. By deriving a mean single-lens deformation for the ensemble, aberrations of any arbitrary lens stack

Do the solvent properties affect the propensity for self-association of α-cyclodextrin? Insights from NMR self-diffusion

Whether cyclodextrins (CDs) self-aggregate or not in solution is an interesting and timely scientific question. Yet, we are far from a scientific consensus as regards the nature of the phenomenon. Those who are in favor of the formation of CD aggregates justify the phenomenon by the presence of H-bonds, occurring between the hydroxyl groups located at both rims of cyclodextrins. To gain further in

Effekter av beteendepåverkande åtgärder inom transportplaneringen - en kunskapssammanställning

Detta faktaunderlag är framtaget med ekonomiskt stöd från Trafikverket inom ramen för Färdplan 2030, en plattform för beteendepåverkande åtgärder i omställningen till en fossiloberoende fordonsflotta 2030. Gröna Bilister är organisationen som står bakom Färdplan 2030, vars syfte är att samla och sprida kunskap om beteendets roll i omställningsarbetet. En viktig del i detta är att kartlägga och tyd

Intracellular staining of physiologically identified photoreceptor cells and hyperpolarizing interneurons in the teleost pineal organ

The directly photosensory pineal organ of the rainbow trout functions primarily as a luminance detector. Its neutral output reflects the level of ambient illumination in an almost linear fashion over several orders of magnitude. It may thus transmit information about the daily light-dark cycle to central projection targets in the brain, and exert an important control over putative central oscillat

Localization of 2-[125I]lodomelatonin binding sites in the brain of the atlantic salmon, salmo salar L.

The photosensory pineal organ of teleost fish shows a circadian rhythm in melatonin synthesis, and melatonin is known to influence a number of physiological functions. However, the target sites for melatonin are not known. We have investigated the distribution of melatonin binding sites in the brain of the salmon, Salmo salar. Brains were collected for receptor binding assay and autoradiography at

Development of polyester binders for the production of sustainable polyurethane coatings: Technological characterization and life cycle assessment

Polyurethane (PU) coatings are used in many industrial applications, like in the furniture and automotive sectors. The main objective of the present work is the re-design of polyester binder for PU coatings using a selection of monomers derived from biorefinery. A preliminary comparative evaluation of technological performances of the corresponding PU coatings is presented, showing that the introd

Making a Correct Diagnosis of Glaucoma : Data from the EMGT

Précis: A correct diagnosis of glaucoma established at initial visits. Purpose: It has been suggested that a diagnosis of glaucoma cannot be certain until progression has been demonstrated. Our aim was to evaluate the correctness of a glaucoma diagnosis established after 2 initial visits. Patients and Methods: Patients included in the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial (EMGT) who had continued follow-u

Exact clustering of weighted graphs via semidefinite programming

As a model problem for clustering, we consider the densest k-disjoint-clique problem of partitioning a weighted complete graph into k disjoint subgraphs such that the sum of the densities of these subgraphs is maximized. We establish that such subgraphs can be recovered from the solution of a particular semidefinite relaxation with high probability if the input graph is sampled from a distribution