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Recalibrating Climate Prospects

IPCC's 2018 Special Report is a stark and bracing reminder of climate threats. Yet literature, reportage, and public discourse reflect imbalanced risk and opportunity. Climate science often understates changes' speed and nonlinearity, but Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) and similar studies often understate realistic mitigation options. Since ~2010, global mitigation of fossil CO2—including by

Holistic Innovation Policy : Theoretical Foundations, Policy Problems, and Instrument Choices

Holistic Innovation Policy puts forward a novel framework for the design and analysis of innovation policy. It provides a theoretically anchored foundation for the design of holistic innovation policy by identifying the core problems that tend to afflict innovations and the activities of innovation systems, including the unintended consequences of policy itself. As most of the current innovation p

Developing strategic frameworks for innovation related public procurement : Thematic Report Topic A

This thematic report addresses frameworks for innovation related public procurement. It focuses on four specific kinds of procurement, namely (1) direct innovation procurement, (2) catalytic innovation procurement, (3) functional regular procurement, and (4) Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP). (1) – (3) are also called Innovation-Enhancing Procurement (IEP). The four different kinds of innovation re

The role of innovation in development

Innovation is often seen as carried out by highly educated labour in R&D intensive companies with strong ties to leading centers of excellence in the scientific world. Seen from this angle innovation is a typical "first world" activity. There however, another way to look at innovation that goes significantly beyond this high-tech picture. In this, broader perspective, innovation-the attempt to

Innovation : Exploring the knowledge base

New types of knowledge, and new ways of organising the production of it, may emerge as knowledge producers respond to the challenges posed by a changing society. This paper focuses on the core knowledge of one such emerging field, namely, innovation studies. To explore the knowledge base of the field, a database of references in scholarly surveys of various aspects of innovation, published in "han

Mobilizing for change : A study of research units in emerging scientific fields

Local research units, this article argues, play a very important role for the scientific field they belong to, for example by mobilizing financial support, offering job opportunities, attracting talented recruits, and providing adequate training. Little is known, however, about such units, at least in the fields under study here, i.e., studies of innovation, entrepreneurship and related phenomena.

The evolution of Norway's national innovation system

This paper analyses the co-evolution of science, technology and innovation policy and industrial structure in a small, open, resource-based economy (Norway). The contributions of the paper are threefold. First, it develops an evolutionary and historically oriented approach to the study of the development of these policies that may have wide applicability. Second, it focuses on a particular type of

Serum exchange and use of dilutions have improved precision of measurement of islet cell antibodies

In an attempt to improve the diagnostic value of measuring antibodies to islet cell cytoplasmic antigen, coded sera were distributed to 38 laboratories and results were returned for analysis. Comparison between laboratories revealed that results for some individual sera differed by up nine doubling dilutions and even within laboratories duplicate samples could differ by six doubling dilutions. By

Plasmapheresis in the initial treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in children

Several factors indicate that autoimmune mechanisms may play a part in the aetiology of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. At the onset of the disease in 10 children (aged 11-16 years) plasmapheresis was performed four times over one to two weeks. Seventeen age-matched children with the same clinical features served as controls. The C-peptide concentrations at onset were the same in the two grou

Trypan Blue as a marker of plasma membrane permeability in alloxan-treated mouse islet cells

Suspensions of pancreatic islet cells from noninbred ob/ob-mice were incubated with Trypan Blue. Microscope photometry showed that apparently viable cells excluded the dye completely, whereas the nuclei of nonviable cells accumulated Trypan Blue by a saturable process. The nucleus-to-medium dye gradient was more then 30∶1 in media containing 0.1% or less Trypan Blue. The apparent affinity constant

Specificity of cyclic AMP potentiation of glucose-stimulated insulin release

The insulin-releasing activities of cyclic and non-cyclic nucleotides were studied with isolated pancreatic islets from obese-hyperglycemic mice. Substitution of cylidine, inosine, guanosine, or uridine for the adenosine moeity of cyclic 3ʹ,5ʹ-adenosine monophosphate was associated with a total loss of insulin-releasing ability. The 5ʹ-nucleotide triphosphate derivatives of these nucleotides were

Effects of neutral and dibasic amino acids on the in vitro release of insulin

The insulin-releasing ability of some neutral and di-basic amino acids was studied in an in vitro system using micro-dissected pancreatic islets with a high proportion of insulin-producing β-cells. The neutral amino acids l-alanine and α-aminoisobutyric acid had no substantial effects on basal and glucose-stimulated insulin release. In contrast, 5–20 mm of the dibasic amino acid l-arginine gradual

Specificity of leucine stimulation of insulin release

The ability of leucine to stimulate insulin release was studied in an in vitro system, using microdissected pancreatic islets with a high proportion of the insulin-producing β-cells. When tested in a glucose-free medium, l-leucine stimulated insulin release over a wide concentration range with maximum effect at about 20 mm. The stimulation of insulin release was additive to that elicited by 10 mm