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Your search for "*" yielded 531651 hits

Enhanced distribution kinetics in liquid-liquid extraction by CO2-expanded solvents

Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is a useful extraction technique for highly complex samples, however, it suffers from being slow due to mass transfer limitations. Carbon dioxide expanded liquids (CXL) is a good replacement of traditional organic solvents for extraction, and for the first time, the use of CXL in LLE was evaluated. An equipment consisting of a high-pressure view cell with on-line gas

Cancer diagnoses among older people with intellectual disability compared with the general population : a national register study

BACKGROUND: Cancer occurrence among older people with intellectual disability (ID) is poorly documented, so we investigated the frequency and distribution of cancer in older people with ID compared with the general population.METHOD: People with ID who were ≥55years old and alive at the end of 2012 (n = 7936; ID cohort) were identified through a national register of people with ID who received soc

Periodontitis and airflow limitation in older Swedish individuals

Aim: To investigate whether there was an association between periodontitis and airflow limitation in older Swedish individuals. Materials and Methods: Study individuals were randomly selected from the Swedish civil registration database representing the ageing population in Karlskrona, Sweden. Clinical and radiographic examinations were performed, alongside which participants completed questionnai

A 24-Year Follow-up Study on Recidivism in Male Mentally Disordered Sexual Offenders With and Without Psychotic Disorders

There is a lack of knowledge on mentally disordered sex offenders (MDSOs) targeting adult victims, especially regarding recidivism patterns and the specific subgroup with psychiatric disorders. This paper presents index offense data, clinical data, and recidivism patterns over up to 24 years in a cohort of 146 MDSOs, with and without psychotic disorders, sentenced in Sweden between 1993 and 1997.

The future of evacuation drills : Assessing and enhancing evacuee performance

Evacuation drills are generally the main mechanism for improving or measuring occupant performance in emergency situations, but their effectiveness is often hard to measure, and there is limited evidence for sustained training benefits. However, innovations in technology (e.g., augmented/virtual reality, novel sensors and wearable tech) offer (when combined with new approaches to designing and del

Recycling of worn out brake pads ‒ impact on tribology and environment

Disc brake systems are widely used on commercial vehicles for braking. The brake pads are usually replaced by new ones before being totally worn out. Current methods to deal with the replaced brake pads include landfill and combustion, resulting in a huge waste of resources and increase of CO2 footprint. From a sustainable point of view, this study aims to evaluate the feasibility of recycling rep

Surface optical reflectance combined with x-ray techniques during gas-surface interactions

High energy surface x-ray diffraction (HESXRD), x-ray reflectivity (XRR), mass spectrometry (MS) and surface optical reflectance (SOR) have been combined to simultaneously obtain sub-second information on the surface structure and morphology from a Pd(100) model catalyst during in situ oxidation at elevated temperatures and pressures resulting in Pd bulk oxide formation. The results show a strong

Charitable organisations

This chapter focuses on the direct taxation issues arising vis-à-vis charities. Many charitable organizations are active in the EU. Because of their important role in civil society, they are often granted a special status in national tax legislation. The charity itself is not always the direct or statutory beneficiary of the tax incentives. However, the idea behind these incentives is that indirec

Mutations in MVK, encoding mevalonate kinase, cause hyperimmunoglobulinaemia D and periodic fever syndrome

Hyperimmunoglobulinaemia D and periodic fever syndrome (HIDS; MIM 260920) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of fever associated with lymphadenopathy, arthralgia, gastrointestinal dismay and skin rash. Diagnostic hallmark of HIDS is a constitutively elevated level of serum immunoglobulin D (IgD), although patients have been reported with normal IgD levels. To de

Effect of delay between nuclear medicine scanning and sentinel node biopsy on outcome in patients with cutaneous melanoma

Background: Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is an important staging tool for the management of melanoma. A multicentre study was done to validate previous findings that the timing of lymphoscintigraphy influences the accuracy of SLNB and patient outcomes, particularly survival. Methods: Data were reviewed on patients undergoing SLNB for melanoma at three centres in the UK and Sweden, examining t

Spectral induced polarization of limestones: time domain field data, frequency domain laboratory data and physicochemical rock properties

With advances in data acquisition and processing methods, spectral inversion of time domain (TD) induced polarization (IP) data is becoming more common. Geological interpretation of inverted spectral parameters, for instance Cole–Cole parameters, often relies on results from systematic laboratory measurements. These are most often carried out with frequency domain (FD) systems on sandstone samplesWith advances in data acquisition and processing methods, spectral inversion of time domain (TD) induced polarization (IP) data is becoming more common. Geological interpretation of inverted spectral parameters, for instance Cole–Cole parameters, often relies on results from systematic laboratory measurements. These are most often carried out with frequency domain (FD) systems on sandstone samples

Outcomes of Simultaneous Resections and Classical Strategy for Synchronous Colorectal Liver Metastases in Sweden : A Nationwide Study with Special Reference to Major Liver Resections

Background: About 20% of patients with colorectal cancer have liver metastases at the time of diagnosis, and surgical resection offers a chance for cure. The aim of the present study was to compare outcomes for patients that underwent simultaneous resection to those that underwent a staged procedure with the bowel-first (classical) strategy by using information from two national registries in Swed

Influence of the Sc cation substituent on the structural properties and energy transfer processes in GAGG:Ce crystals

The influence of the Sc cation substituent on the structural and luminescence properties of GAGG:Ce crystals was studied. Unit cell parameters and space groups were obtained using XRD analysis. The chemical compositions of the crystals were determined using SEM-EDX and TEM-EDX techniques. Structures were refined by the Rietveld method and the distribution of Al/Ga/Sc cations between octahedral and

New perennial grains in African smallholder agriculture from a farming systems perspective. A review

Perennial grain crops are gaining increased attention from researchers as one possible solution to agriculture’s many sustainability challenges. In the Sub-Saharan African context, perennial varieties of crops such as sorghum, rice, and pigeon pea have potential to provide numerous benefits for smallholder farmers. The introduction and adoption of new crops and practices is however a complex proce

Facilitators and Barriers for a Good Night’s Sleep Among Adolescents

Background: Sleep deprivation among adolescents is a major public health issue. Although previous studies have described their sleep habits and the consequences thereof, the voices of adolescents themselves are rarely heard. The aim of this study was to investigate adolescents’ experiences regarding what they perceived as facilitators and barriers for a good night’s sleep. Methods: A qualitative f

Risk factors for dropped nucleus in cataract surgery as reflected by the European Registry of Quality Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive Surgery

PURPOSE: To analyze the incidence, risk factors, and outcomes of cataract surgery complicated by a dropped nucleus. SETTING: Patients who have received cataract surgery in 18 European countries. DESIGN: Retrospective cross-sectional register-based study. METHODS: Data from the European Registry of Quality Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (EUREQUO) were analyzed. The EUREQUO contains pr

Performance Bounds in Positioning with the VIVE Lighthouse System

The VIVE lighthouse system is evaluated for indoor positioning of micro unmanned aerialcvehicles (MUAVs). A detailed mathematical analysis is provided, including a Cramer-Raocbound derivation and performance analysis of the MUAV state estimate. The lighthousecmeasurements are fused with inertial measurements in a multiplicative extended Kalmanfilter (MEKF). We consider two implementations, one wit

Associations between perfluoroalkyl substances and serum lipids in a Swedish adult population with contaminated drinking water

BACKGROUND: Exposures to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have shown positive associations with serum lipids in previous studies. While many studies on lipids investigated associations with perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), there are only a few studies regarding other PFAS, such as perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS). The purpose of the current study is to i

Clickable decellularized extracellular matrix as a new tool for building hybrid-hydrogels to model chronic fibrotic diseases in vitro

Fibrotic disorders account for over one third of mortalities worldwide. Despite great efforts to study the cellular and molecular processes underlying fibrosis, there are currently few effective therapies. Dual-stage polymerization reactions are an innovative tool for recreating heterogeneous increases in extracellular matrix (ECM) modulus, a hallmark of fibrotic diseases in vivo. Here, we present

Do parents counter-balance the carbon emissions of their children?

It is well understood that adding to the population increases CO2 emissions. At the same time, having children is a transformative experience, such that it might profoundly change adult (i.e., parents’) preferences and consumption. How it might change is, however, unknown. Depending on if becoming a parent makes a person “greener” or “browner,” parents may either balance or exacerbate the added COIt is well understood that adding to the population increases CO2 emissions. At the same time, having children is a transformative experience, such that it might profoundly change adult (i.e., parents') preferences and consumption. How it might change is, however, unknown. Depending on if becoming a parent makes a person "greener" or "browner," parents may either balance or exacerbate the added CO