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Studying industrial decarbonisation : Developing an interdisciplinary understanding of the conditions for transformation in energy-intensive natural resource-based industry

The ambition to keep global warming well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, as recognised in the Paris Agreement, implies a reorientation towards low-carbon societal development and, ultimately, the decarbonisation of human societies and economies. While climate policy has been geared towards achieving set emission reduction targets, the decarbonisation of key socioeconomic sectors such as ene

On the Robustness of the Pooled CCE Estimator

Among the existing estimators of factor-augmented regressions, the CCE approach is the most popular. A major reason for this popularity is the simplicity and good small-sample performance of the approach, making it very attractive from an empirical point of view. The main drawback is that most of the available asymptotic theory is based on quite restrictive assumptions, such as that the common fac

Mapping local patterns of childhood overweight and wasting in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2017

A double burden of malnutrition occurs when individuals, household members or communities experience both undernutrition and overweight. Here, we show geospatial estimates of overweight and wasting prevalence among children under 5 years of age in 105 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) from 2000 to 2017 and aggregate these to policy-relevant administrative units. Wasting decreased overall ac

Artificial light at night, in interaction with spring temperature, modulates timing of reproduction in a passerine bird

The ecological impact of artificial light at night (ALAN) on phenological events such as reproductive timing is increasingly recognized. In birds, previous experiments under controlled conditions showed that ALAN strongly advances gonadal growth, but effects on egg-laying date are less clear. In particular, effects of ALAN on timing of egg laying are found to be year-dependent, suggesting an inter

Shedding light on the governing mechanisms for insufficient CO and H2 burnout in the presence of potassium, chlorine and sulfur

Based on the experiences of insufficient burnout in industrial fluidized bed furnaces despite adequate mixing and availability of oxidizer, the influence of potassium on CO and H2 oxidation in combustion environments was investigated. The combustion environments were provided by a laminar flame burner in a range relevant to industrial furnaces, i.e. 845 °C to 1275 °C and excess air ratios ranging

Morphine affects brain activity and volumes in preterms : An observational multi-center study

Objective: We hypothesized that morphine has a depressing effect on early brain activity, assessed using quantitative aEEG/EEG parameter and depressed activity will be associated with brain volumes at term in extremely preterm infants. Study design: 174 preterm infants were enrolled in 3 European tertiary NICUs (mean GA:26 ± 1wks) and monitored during the first 72 h after birth with continuous 2 c

Identification and validation of VEGFR2 kinase as a target of voacangine by a systematic combination of DARTS and MSI

Although natural products are an important source of drugs and drug leads, identification and validation of their target proteins have proven difficult. Here, we report the development of a systematic strategy for target identification and validation employing drug affinity responsive target stability (DARTS) and mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) without modifying or labeling natural compounds. Thro

Effect of In-cylinder Flow Structures on Late Cycle Soot Oxidation in a Quiescent Heavy-duty Diesel Engine

This paper reports on CFD simulations of in-cylinder flow and combustion in an open-bowl heavy duty diesel engine at high load. The focus of the study is to unravel the effect of swirl motion on the soot formation and on the late cycle soot oxidation. To incorporate detailed kinetic mechanism while maintaining a manageable computational time, Representative Interactive Flamelets (RIF) method is em

What is an Open IoT Platform? Insights from a Systematic Mapping Study

Today, the Internet of Things (IoT) is mainly associated with vertically integrated systems that often are closed and fragmented in their applicability. To build a better IoT ecosystem, the open IoT platform has become a popular term in the recent years. However, this term is usually used in an intuitive way without clarifying the openness aspects of the platforms. The goal of this paper is to cha

SMOS-IC : Current status and overview of soil moisture and VOD applications

In 2017, the new SMOS-IC retrieval product of soil moisture (SM) and L-band Vegetation Optical depth (L-VOD) was developed. This product relies on a two-parameter inversion of the L-MEB model (L-band Microwave Emission of the Biosphere) which requires little ancillary information and was found to be accurate, making it very well-suited for application in agriculture, hydrology, climate and vegetat

Familial risk of breast cancer by dynamic, accumulative, and static definitions of family history

Background: Familial breast cancer risk studies usually overlook the dynamic nature of family history. Methods: The authors assessed the effect of incorporating the timing of cancer diagnosis events into the assessment of familial risks of breast cancer in first-degree and second-degree relatives in a nationwide cohort study of 5,099,172 women (follow-up was between 1958-2015). Family history was

Short-range remote sensing of water quality by a handheld fluorosensor system

Laser-induced fluorescence is a powerful measurement method for determining the concentration of organic pollutants as well as the amount of algae in water. It can be applied in remote sensing of natural waters and has the advantages of high speed and sensitivity. In this paper, we present a compact handheld fluorosensor system for water quality assessment. The power of the technique is demonstrat

The Interplay of Recent Vegetation and Sea Ice Dynamics—Results From a Regional Earth System Model Over the Arctic

Recent accelerated warming over the Arctic coincides with sea ice reduction and shifting patterns of land cover. We use a state-of-the-art regional Earth system model, RCAO-GUESS, which comprises a dynamic vegetation model (LPJ-GUESS), a regional atmosphere model (RCA), and an ocean sea ice model (RCO), to explore the dynamic coupling between vegetation and sea ice during 1989–2011. Our results sh

Reviews and syntheses : Biological weathering and its consequences at different spatial levels - From nanoscale to global scale

Plant nutrients can be recycled through microbial decomposition of organic matter but replacement of base cations and phosphorus, lost through harvesting of biomass/biofuels or leaching, requires de novo supply of fresh nutrients released through weathering of soil parent material (minerals and rocks). Weathering involves physical and chemical processes that are modified by biological activity of

What happens to young adults who have engaged in self-injurious behavior as adolescents? A 10-year follow-up

This study examined the longitudinal associations between non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in early adolescence and various positive and negative aspects of mental health in young adulthood. The participants were a cohort of regular school students (n = 1064) in grades 7–8 from a Swedish municipality. Nine hundred and ninety-one of these completed an 11-page questionnaire (T1: Mage = 13.7; 50.3% gi

A pilot study on the relationship between primary-school teachers’ well-being and the acoustics of their classrooms

Although teachers’ well-being and vocal health are affected by noise, research on classroom sound environment from the teachers’ perspective is scarce. This study investigated the relationship between teachers’ well-being and classroom acoustics. The possible influence of teachers’ age, experience, teaching grade and class size on the relationship was also investigated. In this study, well-being r

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients have a distinct cartilage and bone biomarker profile that differs from healthy and knee-injured children

OBJECTIVES: Joint destruction is a hallmark of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Clinical evaluation and radiographic imaging are current methods to identify destruction. Biomarkers could aid an earlier and more sensitive diagnosis. Our aim was to investigate levels of bone and cartilage degradation biomarkers in JIA patients, compared to healthy children or juveniles with knee injuries. METHOD

Posterolateral corner of the knee : an expert consensus statement on diagnosis, classification, treatment, and rehabilitation

Purpose: To develop a statement on the diagnosis, classification, treatment, and rehabilitation concepts of posterolateral corner (PLC) injuries of the knee using a modified Delphi technique. Methods: A working group of three individuals generated a list of statements relating to the diagnosis, classification, treatment, and rehabilitation of PLC injuries to form the basis of an initial survey for

Transplantation in Children and Adolescents with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia from a Matched Donor versus an HLA-Identical Sibling : Is the Outcome Comparable? Results from the International BFM ALL SCT 2007 Study

Eligibility criteria for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) vary according to disease characteristics, response to treatment, and type of available donor. As the risk profile of the patient worsens, a wider degree of HLA mismatching is considered acceptable. A total of 138 children and adolescents who underwent HSCT from HLA-identical sibling donor

A voluntary simplicity lifestyle : Values, adoption, practices and effects

Adopting a voluntary simplicity lifestyle (VSL) contributes to a change in consumption patterns towards more sustainable ones, which is urgently needed. This study defines the VSL as a voluntary reduction of income and consumption in exchange for more free time. Our research aims to contribute with more detailed VSL criteria. A literature review develops initial VSL criteria, which are validated a