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Kvinnans status i Iran

The purpose of this paper is to explain and examine the status of the women in Iran based on how the Islamic law is affecting the women’s rights. Based on objective information I will try to obtain legal, sociological and religious perspective on the definition of the Islamic law, women’s rights and feminism. In order to clarify the circumstances of this subjects I will be observing the concepts b

Sexturism : en studie av sexturismen i Thailand ur ett postkolonialt perspektiv

The sex tourism in Thailand is a widespread phenomenon where men around the globe have the privileged of visiting and taking part of an industry set up for an inter-national market. The purpose of this paper was to clarify how the sex tourism in Thailand can be seen from a postcolonial perspective, where countries with an unequal power configuration can result in an exploitation of what we call th

INGEN FRAMTID UTAN RÄTTVISA, INGEN RÄTTVISA UTAN AMNESTI? En uppsats om TRC och Amnesti efter apartheid i Sydafrika

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in South Africa was a unique experiment. It has been named as a “third way” between punishment and amnesia. The TRC was created so that the South African community could deal with the horrors of the past crimes of apartheid, and so that South Africa could lay a new foundation of freedom and human rights in the new democratic state. Within the TRC there

Mänskliga rättigheter i arbetslivet - med fokus på migrantarbetares rättigheter och ickeratificeringen av FN:s Migrantarbetarkonvention i Sverige

As the economic globalization has intensified worldwide and Sweden has become a member of the European Union we have in a short time experienced a dramatic change with the influx of migrant workers, also in the Swedish labour market. The increase of migrant labour against a background of free mobility in the EU has raised a number of new issues and problems. Above all questions of how migrant work

Kommunal ansvarsfrihet: en kritisk granskning av proposition 2005/06:46 och dess enlighet med Sveriges rättighetsanspråk och principen om barnets bästa

The objective of this essay is to scrutinise proposition 2005/06:46 regarding the reception and housing of unaccompanied minors. By using the course of events in Vellinge municipality as a confirming component, the problematic distribution of responsibility between the Swedish state and its municipalities will be highlighted. The principle of prioritising the best interest of the child characteris

Vad händer sen? En kvalitativ studie kring ett framtida eftervårdsuppdrag för LSU-dömda ungdomar.

What happens next? - A qualitative study about a future follow-up care for young offenders in Sweden Author: Charlotte Sannestad & Mattias Strand Title: What happens next? - A qualitative study about a future follow-up care for young offenders in Sweden [translated title] Supervisor: Anders Östnäs Assessor: Sune Sunesson The purpose of this study is to take a closer look at Swedish young adul

Brandgasspridning via ventilationssystem - beräkningsteori och beräkningsexempel för olika typer av lokaler och verksamheter

Smoke spread via ventilation systems relying on running fans or bypasses can be calculated with performance based fire safety analyses tools. The focus of this thesis work was to review existing methods for treating this problem and to further develop current analysis methods. Suggestions are also made for setting up guidelines as to what are tolerable amounts of smoke spread depending on building

Brandscenario för ledningsträning

The aim of this study was to create a scenario for a simulation model where the Swedish fire commanders could practice tactics, techniques and giving orders in a rescue operation. The object on which the fire scenario is created is an athletic centre in Lund called Gerdahallen. Both the computer model HAZARD and hand calculations have been used to construct a model of the fire in this building. Th

Värdering av utrymningssäkerheten på Statens Räddningsverks kontor i Karlstad

Fire safety evaluation at the Swedish Rescue Services Agency office building. Conclusions are based on a fullscale evacuation drill compared with calculations and computer simulations concerning smokefilling and evacuation. Suggestions have been made to improve the situation of evacuation today from the results and judgements made. (Swedish)

Prosolviadomen i belysning av tidigare rättspraxis och doktrin

Varken bestämmelserna i ABL som rör revisorns skadeståndsansvar eller förarbetena till dessa bestämmelser ger någon konkret vägledning i fråga om bedömningen av revisorns skadeståndsansvar. Frågan har med andra ord lämnats över till rättstillämpningen och doktrinen. Problemet är att det i detta avseende länge har varit tämligen begränsat med rättsfall, särskilt från HD. Hösten 2010 föll dock den u

”What’s in a name?” Distinktionen mellan SRHR:s delbegrepp och framingsstrategi som förklaring till deras olika användningsutbredning

With the perception from literature that the partial concepts within SRHR (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights) Sexual Health (SH); Reproductive Health (RH); Sexual Rights (SR); and Reproductive Rights (RR) where used more or less interchangeably and to an uneven frequency, my aim for this paper was twofold – to find the distinctions between the partial concepts and through framing theory su

Rättfärdighetsfrågor i 16:9-format

Denna uppsats ställer frågan hur israelisk film tar upp och bearbetar rättfärdigandeproblematik från det första Libanonkriget 1982. Det centrala för analysen är att undersöka hur rättfärdigandediskursen tar sig uttryck i filmens värld, något som ofta förbises i analyser av detta slag trots filmers ibland enorma genomslag. Filmerna Beaufort (2007), Waltz with Bashir (2008) och Lebanon (2009) analys

Lyxkonsumtion – Vad vill svenska konsumenter uppnå med sin lyxkonsumtion?

Nyckelord: Lyxkonsumtion, symbolisk konsumtion, lyxvarumärken, lyxkonsumenter, aspirerande lyxkonsumenter Syfte: Vi vill studera kundens relation till lyxkonsumtion och lyxvarumärken samt hur dessa påverkas vid den stundande demokratiseringen av lyxvaror i dagens samhälle. Vi vill vidare undersöka konsumenternas syften till lyxkonsumtionen och hur den tros uppfattas av omgivningen. Metod: Primärda

Det manliga offret- om män som blivit utsatta för sexuellt våld

The aim of this study is to highlight men who have experienced sexual violence. The study is based on an examination on what help there is available for men who have experienced sexual violence and why there seems to be a bigger resistance from men, rather than from women, to report to the police and seek help after their experiences. By interviewing four professionals who works in organisations w

Riskhänsyn vid fysisk planering - en detaljstudie av Malmö Hamn

The report brings up the matter of risk analysis in urban planning. A risk analysis of the harbour area in Malmö has been carried out. The purpose is to provide basic data for decision-making concerning construction of residential areas in the harbour area.

Kostnad-nyttaanalys av brandskyddsinvesteringar på StoraEnso Pulp Skutskärs Bruk

The aim in this report is to create a decision tool for fire protection investments at StoraEnso Pulp, Skutskär Mill, Building TKM. Expected Monetary Value (EMV) for damage caused by fire have been calculated from fire hazard analysis, design fire, expected damage, expected fire scenario in different parts of the buildings, probability analysis and effects of fire safety systems, and from economic

Analysis of the history of landscape changes over a period of 200 years. How can we predict past landscape pattern scenario and the impact on habitat diversity?

Biodiversity, and in particular plant species diversity decline is linked to landscape fragmentation and habitats loss due to land use transformations but also to decreasing dispersal vectors in the landscape. During the last 200 years the landscape has undergone dramatic changes in its structure and its habitats diversity. Among the different habitats that constitute rural landscape there are thr