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Your search for "*" yielded 533487 hits

Complete parameterization of temporally and spectrally resolved laser induced fluorescence data with applications in bio-photonics

We present a set of spectrally and temporally resolved clinical fluorescence data-with two separate excitation wavelengths-that was recorded in vivo. We demonstrate that data in the spectral and temporal domains are in certain ways coupled and provide a method for integrated and effective parameterization of spectrally and temporally resolved fluorescence (i.e., time-resolved emission spectra). Th

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A survey on household waste sorting and disposal habits was conducted in Sweden to investigate behavioral patterns of recycling in a context in which wide measures are taken to promote and encourage pro-environmental behavior by making it easy and convenient. 207 residents of three cities in southern Sweden, Lund, Malmö and Helsingborg, responded to an online questionnaire survey. Relations betwee

Effects of soil frost on growth, composition and respiration of the soil microbial decomposer community

Most climate change scenarios predict that the variability of weather conditions will increase in coming decades. Hence, the frequency and intensity of freeze-thaw cycles in high-latitude regions are likely to increase, with concomitant effect on soil carbon biogeochemistry and associated microbial processes. To address this issue we sampled riparian soil from a Swedish boreal forest and applied t

Anti-cancer potency of tasquinimod is enhanced via albumin-binding facilitating increased uptake in the tumor microenvironment.

Tasquinimod, an orally active quinoline-3-carboxamide, binds with high affinity to HDAC4 and S100A9 in cancer and infiltrating host cells within compromised tumor microenvironment inhibiting adaptive survival pathways needed for an angiogenic response. Clinical trials document that as low as 0.5-1mg tasquinimod/day is therapeutic against castrate resistant metastatic prostate cancer. Tasquinimod i

Numerical investigation in chaos characteristics of macro-mixing efficiency of two-dimensional supersonic mixing layer

Coherent structures of two-dimensional supersonic turbulent mixing layers with the engineering background have been investigated numerically with large eddy simulation method. The chaos characteristics of transverse sections of mixing layer flowfield have been obtained through the analyses of two chaos characteristic parameters, Lyapunov exponent and correlation dimension. The results show that un

Characterization and Control of Multi-Cylinder Partially Premixed Combustion

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kraven på bränslesnåla och rena motorer har ökat under de senaste åren. Det började med att priset på olja steg kraftigt i början av 2000-talet. Kraven växte sedan ytterligare i kölvattnet av debatten kring växthuseffekten där koldioxid, en av de dominerande produkterna vid förbränning, spelar huvudrollen. Med tanke på att sänkt bränsleförbrukning rör både ekonomiska ocIn the last decade diesel combustion has developed in a new direction. Research has been carried out trying to prolong the ignition delay and enhance fuel/air premixing to avoid diffusion combustion as well as lowering the combustion temperature through use of EGR. One of these new combustion concepts is Partially Premixed Combustion (PPC). PPC is aimed to provide combustion with low smoke and NOx

Mouse ApoM Displays an Unprecedented Seven-Stranded Lipocalin Fold: Folding Decoy or Alternative Native Fold?

Mouse apolipoprotein M (m-apoM) displays a 79% sequence identity to human apolipoprotein M (h-apoM). Both proteins are apolipoproteins associated with high-density lipoproteins, with similar anticipated biological functions. The structure of h-apoM has recently been determined by X-ray crystallography, which revealed that h-apoM displays, as expected, a lipocalin-like fold characterized by an eigh

Changing the Nexus: The Evolution and Renegotiation of Venture Capital Contracts

We study the evolution and renegotiation of the cash-flow rights that venture capitalists (VCs) obtain in their portfolio companies. When company performance between financing rounds is poor, subsequent contracts contain stronger VC cash-flow rights, and existing VCs tend to either give new VCs senior claims or forfeit their existing rights altogether. These results are consistent with the importa

Changing pattern in the prescription of biological treatment in rheumatoid arthritis. A 7-year follow-up of 1839 patients in southern Sweden

Objective: To study prescription patterns of biological treatment in rheumatoid arthritis ( RA) patients in southern Sweden, a region with no formal or economic restrictions for the use of biological treatment in rheumatological diseases. Specifically, we studied conformity with the national Swedish guidelines for biologics in RA. Methods: Rheumatologists in southern Sweden contribute to a volunta

Modeling Morphological Evolution in the vicinity of coastal structures

A numerical model of beach topography evolution was developed. The model includes five sub-models: random wave transformation model, surface roller model, wave-induced current model, sediment transport model, and morphological change model. The model was validated by two unique high-quality data sets obtained from experiments on the morphological impact of a detached breakwater and a T-head groin

Distinctive character of electronic and vibrational coherences in disordered molecular aggregates

Coherent dynamics of coupled molecules are effectively characterized by the two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy. Depending on the coupling between electronic and vibrational states, oscillating signals of purely electronic, purely vibrational or mixed character are observed with the help of oscillation maps, constructed from time-resolved spectra. Amplitude of beatings caused by electronic coh

Balloon kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty in the management of vertebral compression fractures

Vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) are the most prevalent fractures in osteoporotic patients. The classical conservative management of these fractures is through rest, pain medication, bracing and muscle relaxants. The aim of this paper is to review prospective controlled studies comparing the efficacy and safety of minimally invasive techniques for vertebral augmentation, vertebroplasty (VP)

Long-range angular correlations on the near and away side in p-Pb collisions at root S-NN=5.02 TeV

Angular correlations between charged trigger and associated particles are measured by the ALICE detector in p-Pb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV for transverse momentum ranges within 0.5 < P-T,P-assoc < P-T,P-trig < 4 GeV/c. The correlations are measured over two units of pseudorapidity and full azimuthal angle in different intervals of event multiplicity, and exp

Surveillance and File-Sharing: Two Issues Engaging the Unengaged

Abstract in UndeterminedOver the last decade a great deal of research attention has been paid to the Internet as a potential vehicle for civic and/or political engagement among young people. Many of these analyses have been looking (or perhaps hoping) for a simple cause-and-effect relationship. Young people seem uninterested in traditional forms of politics, but they are very interested in Interne

Information activities and appropriation in teacher trainees’ digital, group-based learning

Introduction: This paper reports results from an ethnographic study of teacher trainees’ information activities in digital, group-based learning and their relation to the interplay between use and appropriation of digital tools and the learning environment. Method. The participants in the present study are 249 pre-school teacher trainees in Sweden. Three key informants and their teams were followe

Baltic-Finns and Scandinavians : Comparative-Historical Linguistics and the Early History of the Nordic Region

The study investigates how the early nineteenth century invention of comparative-historical linguistics affected European ethnohistoric thought, and how this process altered ethnohistorical research on the early, pre-Christian history of the Nordic region. The case study of the Nordic region (Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Estonia) includes the discipline histories of Finno-Ugric st

Design, implementation and first measurements with the Medipix2-MXR detector at the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment

The Medipix detector is the first device dedicated to measuring mixed-field radiation in the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) experiment cavern and able to distinguish between different particle types. Medipix2-MXR chips bump bonded to silicon sensors with various neutron conversion layers developed by the IEAP CTU in Prague were successfully installed for the 2008 LHC start-up in the CMS experimental