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Solvent Extraction of Phosphoric Acid with Long Chain Tertiary Amines

Solvent extraction of phosphoric acid with Alamine 336 and tri-n-octylamine in toluene has been investigated. The activity of phosphoric acid is expressed as a polynomial of ionic strength and Bromley's model for electrolyte solutions is employed for calculation of ionic activity coefficients. Three species R3N (H3P04) n with n = 1, 2 and 3 in the organic phase are taken into account for explanati

Du hittar mig mellan raderna : Nizar Qabbani och kvinnan

Nizar Qabbani (1923-1998) är en av den moderna arabiska poesins främsta förnyare. Han är för närvarande både den mest läste och den mest kontroversielle, den mest älskade och den mest hatade av samtidens poeter i Arabvärlden.

Isomerisation of omega-hydroxyalkenes under hydroxycarbonylation conditions in palladium catalysed aqueous phase systems

The omega-hydroxyolefins 3-buten-1-ol, 3-buten-1-methyl-1-ol and 4-penten-1-ol were subjected to hydroxycarbonylation conditions in water in the presence of PdCL2(PhCN)(2) and 4-8 equiv. of water soluble tris(3-sodiumsulfonatophenyl)phosphine (TPPTS), or N-bis(N',N'-diethyl-2-aminoethyl)-4-aminomethylphenyl-diphenylphosphine (N3P). Under conditions of high conversion, the olefins primarily undergo

Parasitism of Dinophysis norvegica by Amoebophrya sp in the Baltic sea

The temporal and vertical distribution of the infection of the dinoflagellate Dinophysis norvegica by the endoparasite Amoebophrya sp. was investigated at a fixed sampling location in the Baltic Sea during 2000 and 2001. Infected hosts were detected by epifluorescence microscopy after DAPI staining. The maximum depth-averaged parasite prevalence was 2.3 % in July 2000 and 1.8 % in August 2001. The

Leading Lives: On Happiness and Narrative Meaning

In contemporary moral philosophy, the standard way of understanding the constituents of the human good is in terms of a fairly limited number of features that contribute to our happiness independently of how they are situated in our lives. Even when this approach is supplemented by Moorean ideas about organic wholes, it still cannot do justice to the deep importance of how things are situated and

Low adherence with antihypertensives in actual practice: the association with social participation - a multilevel analysis

Background: Low adherence is a key factor in explaining impaired effectiveness and efficiency in the pharmacological treatment of hypertension. However, little is known about which factors determine low adherence in actual practice. The purpose of this study is to examine whether low social participation is associated with low adherence with antihypertensive medication, and if this association is

Determination of Spins and Mixing Ratios from Directional Correlations Measured with the OSIRIS Array

From the general triple angular correlation of gamma-radiations from axially symmetric oriented nuclear states the limit of double correlations with unobserved intermediate transitions is derived. Expressions for DCO ratios are obtained for a detector geometry in which the OSIRIS array is placed perpendicular to the beam direction and an additional Ge detector is positioned close to the beam axis.

Compositional variation of AlGaN epitaxial films on 6H-SiC substrates determined by cathodoluminescence.

High quality epitaxial films of A(l)xGa(1-x)N, grown on SiC substrates, were investigated using spatially resolved cathodoluminescence (CL), scanning electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. A variation in the observed peak energy position of the CL was related to alloy fluctuations. CL was used to reveal relative alloy fluctuations of approximately 1% on a sub-micrometer scale, with a pr

An amplifying effect of exogenous and neurally stored 5-hydroxytryptamine on the neurogenic contraction in rat tail artery

1. The interactions between sympathetic neuroeffector transmission and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) were investigated in segments of rat isolated tail artery. 2. Contractile responses to field stimulation of the artery segments were abolished by tetrodotoxin (3 x 10(-7) M). A subthreshold concentration of acutely applied exogenous 5-HT (10(-8) M) markedly enhanced the contractions induced by sympath

A Randomised RSA Study of Peri-Apatite [trademark] HA coating of a Knee Prosthesis

Fifty knees scheduled for a total knee prosthesis were randomized in two groups. Both groups had a noncemented fixation of the porous-coated implants but one group received a prosthesis with ceramic coating on the porous surface of the implant. The knees were evaluated with RSA technique regarding micromotion the first two years. There were less micromotion in the coated group. The results indicat

Activation of CD40 in cervical carcinoma cells facilitates CTL responses and augments chemotherapy-induced apoptosis

In this study, we describe the expression and function of CD40, a TNF receptor family member, in cervical carcinomas. CD40 was present at very low levels in normal cervical epithelium but was overexpressed in human papillomavirus-infected lesions and advanced squamous carcinomas of the cervix. The stimulation of CD40-positive cervical carcinoma cell lines with soluble CD40L (CD154) resulted in act

Att tala med, mot och förbi varandra : Samtal mellan föräldrar och skolledning på en dövskola

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom många olika fält hyllas dialogen. Det finns en stark och utbredd tro, främst i det västerländska samhället, att lyckas man bara upprätta en dialog kan man planera i samförstånd och lösa problem. Människor talar med varandra för att förstå, hjälpa varandra och för att skapa gemensamma värden och målsättningar. I studiet av samtal upptäcker man emellertid snabbt att In the spring of 1997 a group of parents of deaf and hearing-impaired children and representatives of a special school in the south of Sweden began to hold formally arranged meetings in order to start a “dialogue”. This particular form of collaboration became the focus of this study. The meetings lasted two to three hours and I attended seventeen of them. The transcriptions of those meetings form