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Is the association with fiber from foods in colorectal cancer confounded by folate intake?
The effect of multivariate adjustment including folate on the strong protective effect of fiber in foods on colorectal cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition was investigated in 1,721 cases identified in the latest follow-up. The inclusion of an additional 656 cases confirmed our previously published results, with a strong and significant reduction in color
Cloning and sequencing of the Bet v 1-homologous allergen Fra a 1 in strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) shows the presence of an intron and little variability in amino acid sequence
The Fra a I allergen in strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) is homologous to the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1, which has numerous isoforms differing in terms of amino acid sequence and immunological impact. To map the extent of sequence differences in the Fra a I allergen, PCR cloning and sequencing was applied. Several genomic sequences of Fra a 1, with a length of either 584, 591 or 594 nucleo
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Condensation of 1-cyanomethyl-2,3,3-trimethyl-3H-indolium perchlorate with ortho-hydroxy-substituted aromatic aldehydes afforded 1-cyanomethylindoline spiropyrans. The latter underwent rearrangement to bridged 1,3-benzoxazepino[3,2-a]indoles on treatment with a base. The mechanism of the rearrangement includes generation of a carbanion stabilized by a cyano Group.
On the production of Swedish stops
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Strategies for reducing emissions of air pollutants from the Swedish transporation sector
Different strategies for reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide from the Swedish transportation sector are evaluated by making scenarios for the year 2015, using a bottom-up approach. Methods for reducing emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and sulphur dioxide are discussed more briefly. The scenarios are based on official forecasts of future passenger and goods transport
Welfare, Security and the Level of Fertility: A Global Analysis, 1985 and 1995.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Välfärd, säkerhet och fertilitetsnivån: En global analys, 1985 och 1995.Aims: This study aims to find an explanation for differentials in the level of fertility through the analysis of the recent data of seventy-eight developed and developing countries. The main approach adopted is the specification of a macroeconomic interdependent model testing hypotheses within an institutional point of view. Methods: This is a cross-sectional data analysis in a system of four equ
Territorial Complexity in Public Spaces - A Study of Territorial Production at Three Squares in Lund
The object of this paper is to develop a discussion of territoriality in the built environment as a way of dealing with issues of accessibility and the public nature of urban space. A discussion of territoriality makes it possible to deal with issues of spatial control and access in detail, as well as to maintain some of the complexity in the discussion by refraining from solely analysing these is
De intellektuella filosoferna. Filosofisk modernism från Wien till Uppsala och Lund
Process Engineering Economics of Bioethanol Production
This work presents a review of studies on the process economics of ethanol production from lignocellulosic materials published since 1996. Our objective was to identify the most costly process steps and the impact of various parameters on the fi- nal production cost, e.g. plant capacity, raw material cost, and overall product yield, as well as process configuration. The variation in estimated etha
Steam drying a bed of porous spheres: Theory and experiment
The process of steam drying a bed of porous spheres is analysed in terms of a hybrid model that makes use of volume averaged transport equations for the fluid flowing in the bed and point equations for the heat and mass transport taking place in the spheres. To verify the model, a series of experiments with varying mass flux and steam temperature were carried out at atmospheric pressure using cera
Human Capital and the Internationalisation of Venture Capital Firms
We examine the neglected area of internationalisation by VCs. Using a representative sample of 195 VCs, we show that the decision of a European VC firm to invest internationally is driven by its human resources. Having more VC executives in general and more VC executives with previous international experience in specific, results in a higher probability of investing internationally. In contrast, m
Germinal center B cells constitute a predominant physiological source of IL-4: Implication for Th2 development in vivo
Protective immunity depends upon the capability of the immune system to properly adapt the response to the nature of an infectious agent. CD4+ Th cells are implicated in this orchestration by secreting a polarized pattern of cytokines. Although Th2 development in animal models and in human cells in vitro to a large extent depends on IL-4, the nature of the cells that provide the initial IL-4 in vi
Growth and characterization of defect free GaAs nanowires
Most III-V compound semiconductor nanowires seeded by metal particles grow preferentially in a (over bar 1 over bar 1 over bar 1)B direction (B wires) and most commonly with many stacking faults perpendicular to the growth direction. If growth proceeds in an alternate direction, defect-free growth has been observed. We present experimental results for the growth of GaAs nanowires in a previously u
Montelukast does not affect exercise performance at subfreezing temperature in highly trained non-asthmatic endurance athletes
Anti-leukotriene therapy represents a new principle in asthma treatment. As elite athletes can have asthma, this double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised cross-over study investigated the effect of 10 mg oral montelukast, a specific and potent cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonist, on physiological responses to submaximal and maximal aerobic exercise at -15 degrees C in 14 non-asthmatic hi
Insulin Detemir Offers Improved Glycemic Control Compared With NPH Insulin in People With Type 1 Diabetes: A randomized clinical trial.
OBJECTIVE—Insulin detemir is a soluble long-acting basal insulin analog designed to overcome the limitations of conventional basal insulin formulations. Accordingly, insulin detemir has been compared with NPH insulin with respect to glycemic control (HbA1c, prebreakfast glucose levels and variability, and hypoglycemia) and timing of administration. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—People with type 1 d
The LundADose Method for Planar Image Activity Quantification and Absorbed-Dose Assessment in Radionuclide Therapy.
A new method for absorbed-dose assessment in radionuclide therapy is presented in this paper. The method is based on activity quantification by the conjugate-view methodology, applied to serial whole-body, anterior-posterior, scintillation-camera scans. The quantification method is an extension of previous studies, and includes separate corrections for attenuation, scatter, and overlapping organs.
Effects of isradipine, a new calcium antagonist, on postpartum uterine activity
The effects of a new calcium antagonist, isradipine (PN 200-110) on postpartum uterine activity and the maternal cardiovascular system were investigated. Uterine activity was recorded by a microtip transducer catheter inserted transcervically within 45 min of normal vaginal delivery. 0.5 mg of isradipine was given as a bolus injection during 5 min to 7 women with spontaneous uterine activity and 1
Missing values in peer assessment of social behavior using the RCP
This article deals with probable causes for missing values when using the Revised Class Play instrument for peer assessment of social behavior. The study was conducted with 10-13 year old primary school children in Sweden. The findings reveal that missing values may be caused by the cognitive and linquistic complexity of the instrument (RCP), as well as by gender stereotypes. The results indicated
Relationships between Atmospheric Circulation and Wind Erosion in Southern Sweden and Australia
Popular Abstract in Swedish Områden som är kontinuerligt utsatta för vinderosion löper stor risk för att erhålla en försämrad jordkvalitet eftersom vinderosion innebär en utsållning av fina fraktioner och humus från jordmånen. För att vinderosion ska inträffa krävs en kombination av vissa väder- och markförhållanden. Flera av dessa är direkt relaterade till klimatet, t ex vindhastighet och jordfukWind erosion is a serious threat to soil resources as it causes depletion of the fine fractions that may result in a less fertile soil. Wind erosion encompasses several processes of which many are related to climate variables. To date, there is little work performed on how wind erosion relates to climate and climate change. In this thesis, atmospheric circulation and wind erosion were analysed to