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Misstänkt, ung och inlåst – en kritisk granskning av de nya häktningsreglerna för barn med hänsyn till kraven i internationella konventioner

Det svenska häktningsinstitutet har under decennier återkommande fått kritik från internationella konventionskommittéer. Den mest framträdande kritiken Sverige fått vidkännas har kommit från Europarådets kommitté för förhindrande av tortyr, Förenta nationernas kommitté mot tortyr och FN:s kommitté för barnets rättigheter. De två förstnämnda är kommittéer med sin grund i konventioner som avser allaFor decades, the Swedish Remand Institute has received repeated criticism from international convention committees. The most prominent criticism Sweden has received has come from the Council of Europe's Committee for the Prevention of Torture, the United Nations Committee against Torture and the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. The first two are committees based on conventions that app

Intra-organizational trust as a determinant of job satisfaction in the public sector. A case study of the Swedish Public Employment Service

From a managerial perspective, organizational effectiveness, whether internal or external, is of extreme importance. Therefore, management studies should investigate which phenomena need to be emphasized and safeguarded to utilize organizational effectiveness. Intra-organizational trust and job satisfaction are both defined as phenomena that are of influence on organizational effectiveness. This s

Dynamic Scheduling of Shared Resources using Reinforcement Learning

The goal of the thesis is to simulate the Ericsson Many-Core Architecture, EMCA, and implement a dynamic scheduler for the system using reinforcement learning methods. The system contains shared resources that receive and complete jobs. Also, the deadlines and latency definitions can change depending on the job type. The scheduler should aim to avoid missing deadlines as well as aim to reduce the

Factors fostering a Growth Mindset in Organizations - A qualitative study about factors and challenges in fostering a growth mindset in organizations

Individuals with a growth mindset tend to accomplish more by putting increased effort into learning and development, compared to individuals with a fixed mindset. As uncertainty increases, organizations that promote continuous learning adapt faster than competitors. If an entire organization adopts a growth mindset, employees will be more motivated to learn. Growth mindset has, therefore, received

Human Rights and Democracy in Japan's Dialogue with Myanmar: Universality of Human Rights and a Country-based Dialogue Approach in Japan's Human Rights Foreign Policy

Dialogue (対話) plays an important role not only in diplomatic relations between Myanmar and Japan, but also in Japan’s human rights foreign policy. This thesis analyzes how Japan uses a dialogue approach as part of Japan’s human rights foreign policy in Myanmar. It discusses the characteristics of Japan’s dialogue approach and its possible correlations with human rights and democracy in Myanmar. Th


The packaging solution for freeze-dried adventure food has not changed for a long time. Across the market, the available models look very similar, and differ only in branding and fine detail. With help from concept developers at AR Packaging, and based on interviews with a group of extreme athletes which are the intended users of the product, the package was analysed to see where it can be improve

Det narkotikafria samhället: En utvärdering av polisens och socialtjänstens insatser mot narkotikabruk

The general goal of the Swedish drug policy is to create a society free from narcotics. The government aims to reach this goal with a restrictive policy where consumption of narcotics is illegal, which is very uncommon in democratic countries. This policy has in later years been criticized due to the high number of deaths related to drug use in Sweden and little has been done by the government to

Solving the Schrödinger equation with artificial neural networks

Deep Learning Solves the Schrödinger Equation, a Fundamental Problem in Quantum Mechanics. The Schrödinger equation (SE) is a keystone of quantum physics, and it governs all phenomena of the microscopic world. Solving this equation helps predict the behavior of quantum systems such as molecules which means that the chemical and physical properties can be obtained with plausible accuracy. This has

Sjuksköterskans erfarenhet av personcentrerad vård för äldre personer med demenssjukdom inom kommunal vård och omsorg

Bakgrund: World Health Organization (WHO) (2020) har beräknat att ca 50 miljoner människor i världen har demenssjukdom och det är fler som insjuknar i demens sjukdom varje år. Det är betydelsefullt att den omvårdnad som sjuksköterskorna ger till äldre personer med demens är personcentrerad för att öka äldre personers livskvalitet. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskans erfarenh

En heltäckande lagstiftning? En problematisering av propositionen till diskrimineringslagen

The Swedish government submitted proposal 2007/08: 95 to the Parliament (Riksdagen) in 2007. The proposal contains the main ideas and pricipals of Sweden's first cohesive discrimination law. The proposal aims to describe how the legislation should act more efficiently and comprehensively, something the older laws could not manage. The aim of this thesis has been to explain the problems associa

Modeling Slovenian Forests under climate change and future management

Forests’ high importance due to the ecosystem services they supply is undisputed. The mitigation of climate change through net uptake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (carbon sinks) is one of them and the biodiversity hosted by a forest is an important underpinning of its functioning and may help promote the resilience of forest ecosystem services to future change. Uneven-aged forests general

The evolution of risk-taking behaviour during a post-Pleistocene radiation of Bahamas mosquitofish (Gambusia hubbsi)

Risk-taking behaviours are essential for animals’ survival and are often referred to as variation along the bold-shy continuum in animal personality research. Predation risk is a fundamental driver shaping individuals’ behaviours, and sex often plays an underlaying role in behavioural variation between individuals as well. Home to a post-Pleistocene radiation of Bahamas mosquitofish, Bahamian blue

In vitro paired daughter assay for determination of cell division patterns in murine HSCs

Ny metod för att bedöma blodstamcellers delningsmönster i möss Blodstamceller har förmågan att differentiera till alla typer av blodceller i hela kroppen. De kan skapa röda blodkroppar, blodplättar och alla typer av immunceller som vi behöver för att bekämpa infektioner. I normala fall är blodstamcellerna vilande och delar sig inte särskilt ofta. Om kroppen blir skadad och förlorar mycket blodcelHematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are recognized for their ability to self-renew and create more stem cells while also being able to differentiate into all different types of blood cells. Stem cells can do symmetric or asymmetric divisions but the biological relevance of different types of divisions is still unclear. Steady state HSCs have been found to perform both symmetric and asymmetric division

Is inequality harmful for sustainable development?

It is obviously expected that sustainable development is the primary target to raise prosperity and life standards of nations. It is necessary to ensure social, political, and economic stability. But what about the stimulus factors that motivate sustainable development? Can income inequality be one of them? Some literature has examined the role of income distribution on economic growth, but to te

Women´s Health in Ethiopia - A Regional Assessment of Diverse Health Outcomes Between 2000 and 2016

So far, broad-based assessments of health outcomes are scarce for Ethiopian women. Little is known about differences in overall health performance between regions. On that account, the present research scrutinizes a diversity of seven health indicators for women of their reproductive age. By this means, a deeper understanding of underlying mechanisms in female health performance over time and spac

All You Need Is LOVE: Applying Conceptual Metaphor Theory to the Beatles' Song Lyrics - A Comparative Study

This essay analyses conceptual metaphors in the Beatles’ song lyrics and observes how Lennon and McCartney’s use of metaphorical concepts evolved in the 1960’s. The study has an empirical and qualitative approach with quantitative elements, and employs the framework of Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT). Three specific RQs are studied in this thesis: (a) how the metaphors in Lennon and McCartney’s l

Differential expression of small RNAs in human and chimpanzee and the role of transposable elements

Our closest living relatives are the chimpanzees, with whom we last shared a common ancestor about 5-6 million years ago. 98% of our protein-coding regions are identical. However, despite our close similarities when it comes to the protein-coding regions in our genome, our cognitive abilities and the size of our brains differ considerably. The Non coding regions, which cover 98% of our genome, are

Enhanced Detection of Minispare Usage

Minispares, or spare wheels, can often cause a lot of problems for the control of the car since it rotates notably faster than normal tyres. This because it is often smaller to reduce weight. When a minispare is used, it needs to be detected for the control system to understand that one tyre is allowed to spin faster compared to the others. If the control system does not know this, it will believe

Nuptial coloration is unaffected by the immune response fibrosis in threespine stickleback

Maskar och ärrvävnad - Hur påverkar det färgen hos fisk? För att överleva olika typer av infektioner är det viktigt att immunförsvaret fungerar. Det kan dock också vara kostsamt att ha ett immunförsvar. Ett exempel är feber. Kroppen slår tillbaka mot en infektion, men själv känner en sig inte direkt manad till mycket annat än att sova. Kroppen måste avväga vad som är viktigt att lägga energi på vTo understand why immune traits affect the fitness of its host is an important part of understanding why and how immune responses evolve. In threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), fibrosis is an immune response evolved to combat infection of the tapeworm parasite Schistocephalus solidus. Already known is that fibrosis leads to a reduced mating success for males. Here I investigated wheth