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Your search for "*" yielded 530376 hits

How to kick off system innovation: a Rotterdam case study of the transition to a fuel cell transport system

Fuel cells in combination with hydrogen are expected to play an important role in a future, sustainable transport system. Recent studies have provided insight into how technological transitions may come about and may be I managed. However, there is a lack of methodologies aimed at starting off transitions or system innovations, in practice. This paper addresses this issue by presenting a methodolo

A reusable capacitive immunosensor for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) detection using thiourea modified gold electrode

A capacitive immunosensor based on a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of thiourea on gold electrode has been developed. Anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (anti-CEA) was immobilized on a self-assembled thiourea monolayer (SATUM) via covalent coupling. Under optimum conditions, the decrease in capacitive signal when carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) standard was injected could be determined with a detection

Applications of high-order harmonics

We review applications of high-order harmonic generation in different fields of physics, from spectroscopic studies of atoms and molecules, to interferometry and plasma diagnostics and nonlinear optics.

Evaluation of occupational and leisure time exposure assessment in a population-based case control study on leukaemia

OBJECTIVES: To increase the credibility of retrospective exposure assessments. documentation of the procedures and presentation of measures on quality control is recommended. The aim of this study was to present and evaluate the procedures used in a case-control study on leukaemia. METHODS: A series of 1,087 cases and matched controls were interviewed. Exposure assessments were performed for 13 oc

Alternative techniques in trochanteric hip fracture surgery. Clinical and biomechanical studies on the Medoff sliding plate and the Twin hook.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Nya operationsmetoder för trokantära höftfrakturer – klinisk och biomekanisk utvärdering av Medoff´s glidplatta och Twin hook Akademisk avhandling av Ola Olsson Sammanfattning på svenska Benskörhet är en folksjukdom som bidrar till uppkomst av en rad typfrakturer. Till dessa hör höftfrakturer, som utgör ett folkhälsoproblem och en stor utmaning för samhällets sjuvårdsIn allowing compression along the femoral shaft (uniaxial dynamization) and optional compression along the femoral neck (biaxial dynamization), the Medoff sliding plate (MSP) represents a new principle in the fixation of trochanteric hip fractures. The Twin hook with 2 apical hooks was designed as an alternative to the lag screw. In 3 prospective consecutive case series and 1 prospective randomize

Musical conception of abstract film - The case of Viking Eggeling's Diagonal Symphony

The idea of the Gesamtkunstwerk and the belief in the kinship of the arts were passed on from late romanticism to many of the modernist movements in the first decades of the twentieth century. Thus artists and film-makers wished to accomplish a fusion that transferred the achievements of non-figurative art to the new film medium, swayed by the constraints of realist story-telling. But abstract fil

Accumulations of T-points in a model for solitary pulses in an excitable reaction-diffusion medium

We consider a family of differential equations that describes traveling waves in a reaction-diffusion equation modeling oxidation of carbon oxide on a platinum surface, near the onset of spatio-temporal chaos. The organizing bifurcation for the bifurcation structure with small carbon oxide pressures, turns out to be a codimension 3 bifurcation involving a homoclinic orbit to an equilibrium undergo

Anomalous surfactant diffusion in a gel of chemically cross-linked ethyl(hydroxyethyl) cellulose

The interactions of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) with chemically cross-linked gels of ethyl(hydroxyethyl) cellulose (EHEC) were studied. Above the so-called critical association concentration (cac), binding of SDS gives rise to an increased swelling of the EHEC gels. The binding of SDS to the gels was measured with flame emission analysis of the sodium ion. The self-diffusion of the surfactant ion

Clinical aspects of delta infection

The clinical features of delta infection were analysed retrospectively in 191 hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) carriers and 592 cases of acute hepatitis B seen over 11 years in the Swedish town of Malmo (population 250 000). With a few exceptions delta infections occurred exclusively in drug addicts. In the chronic HBsAg-carriers the most common clinical manifestation was an episode of acute he

A small and compact AMS facility for tritium depth profiling

A dedicated AMS facility for depth profiling of tritium in carbon samples has been installed, tested and applied to routine measurements in the Forschungszentrum. Rossendorf. It is based on an SF6-insulated 100 kV tandem accelerator equipped with a thin diamond-like carbon (DLC) stripper foil of about 1 mug/cm(2). With this setup carbon samples with tritium concentrations in the range of 5 x 10(10

Corticotropin-induced reduction of plasma lipoprotein(a) concentrations in healthy individuals and hemodialysis patients: relation to apolipoprotein(a) size polymorphism

Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)], a strong independent cardiovascular risk factor, consists of the unique apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)] covalently linked to a low-density lipoprotein particle. Apo(a) contains a widely differing number of the plasminogen-like kringle IV, a size polymorphism that is codominantly inherited. In addition to powerful genetic control, renal failure is known to influence the plasma Lp

Sufficient Conditions for Dynamical Output Feedback Stabilization Via the Circle Criterion

This paper suggests sufficient conditions for asymptotically stable dynamical output feedback controller design based on the circle criterion. It is shown that a dynamic output feedback stabilization problem with impending problems of finite escape time, previously attacked by observer-based design, can be successfully solved using circle criterion design. Stability of the closed-loop system is gl

Fjällig vägglav fortfarande kvar i Sverige.

Länge ansågs det att fjällig vägglav bara fanns kvar på en enda alm vid Dalby kyrka i Skåne. Efter att trädet höggs ner befarades laven vara borta ur den svenska floran. Den är nu återfunnen på en mur bara några meter från där trädet en gång stod.

Computing Exp (A) and Its Integral

This report describes one algorithm to compute exp(A) and one algorithm to compute both exp(A) and its integral. The method used in the two algorithms is finite series approximation, where the matrix is scaled before the expansion. The choice of the number of terms in the series expansion is discussed in detail, and results of numerical investigations performed on the PDP 15/35 computer are presen