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Smoking Rain Clouds over the Amazon

Heavy smoke from forest fires in the Amazon was observed to reduce cloud droplet size and so delay the onset of precipitation from 1.5 kilometers above cloud base in pristine clouds to more than 5 kilometers in polluted clouds and more than 7 kilometers in pyro-clouds. Suppression of low-level rainout and aerosol washout allows transport of water and smoke to upper levels, where the clouds appear

Importance of the evolutionarily conserved glycine residue in the N-terminal region of cystatin C (Gly-11) for cysteine endopeptidase inhibition

Human cystatin C variants in which the evolutionarily conserved Gly-11 residue has been replaced by residues with positively charged (Arg), negatively charged (Glu), bulky hydrophobic (Trp), or small (Ser or Ala) side-chains have been produced by site-directed mutagenesis and expression in Escherichia coli. The five variants were isolated and structurally verified. Their inhibitory properties were

Teenagers as victims in the press

Research into press reporting on young people has tended to concentrate on young people as offenders. In contrast, this article focuses on press coverage of teenagers as victims. Reports in two Swedish newspapers (a morning broadsheet and an evening tabloid) were studied over a period of four months and subjected to a qualitative analysis of discourse on teenagers as victims of various forms of vi

Design of a 5-station macromolecular crystallography beamline at MAX-Lab

A beamline for macromolecular crystallography is under construction at the Swedish synchrotron light source MAX-lab at Lund University in a collaborative effort between Denmark and Sweden. Of the 7 mrad horizontal wiggler fan emitted from the new superconducting multipole wiggler, the central 2 mrad will be used and split in three parts. The central 1 mrad will be used for a tunable station optimi

Community assembly in experimental Grasslands: Suitable environment or timely arrival?

It is hard to defend the view that biotic communities represent a simple and predictable response to the abiotic environment. Biota and the abiotic environment interact, and the environment of an individual certainly includes its neighbors and visitors in the community. The complexity of community assembly calls forth a quest for general principles, yet current results and theories on assembly rul

Adaptive Cruise Control and Driver Modeling

Many vehicle manufacturers have lately introduced advance driver support in some of their automobiles. One of those new features is Adaptive Cruise Control DACCE, which extends the conventional cruise control system to control of relative speed and distance to other vehicles. In order to design an ACC controller it is suitable to have a model of driver behavior. The approach in the thesis is to us

Intestinal Bypass and Total Parenteral Nutrition: Changes in Gut Function and Morphology

Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING Ett gott mål mat (enteral nutrition) och en välfungerande mag-tarmkanal från mun till brunn är för de flesta en självklarhet men för vissa mer en önskvärdhet. Vid sjukdom i tarm eller bukhåla kan det hända att ett tarmavsnitt nödga's koppla's ur den normala kontinuiteten genom anläggande av en så kallad stomi. Vid överviktskirurgi (exAbolition of enteral nutrition is sometimes required in severe illness. The primary aim of the present work has been to elucidate possible changes in intestinal morphology and motor function in absence of enteral nutrition. Total absence of enteral nutrition in an isolated intestinal segment was created by bypassing the distal ileum in a rat model. Intestinal bypass causes marked circumferential a

Review of Olle Larsson, Biskopen visiterar. Den kyrkliga överhetens möte med lokalsamhället 1650–1760. Växjö 1999

I sin avhandling i historia undersöker Larsson mötet mellan den kyrkliga överheten och församlingsborna vid biskopsvisitationerna i Växjö stift 1652–56, 1691–1702 och 1750–59. Han söker fånga stiftspartikularismen före 1686 års kyrkolag, vilket genomslag lagen sedan fick, och vad som hände när kyrkan fick ”konkurrens av andra religiösa rörelser”. De båda första tidssnitten är naturliga, men det tr

Detailed chemical composition of the open cluster IC 4651: The iron peak, α elements, and Li

We present a detailed chemical analysis of 22 stars along thecolour-magnitude sequence of the intermediate-age (1.7 Gyr) open clusterIC 4651, based on high-resolution, high S/N ratio spectra from UVES/VLT.IC 4651 thus becomes one of the few open clusters for which a detailedcomposition analysis exists for stars spanning 3.5 mag, from solar-typemain-sequence stars to giants above the RGB clump. In

Simultaneous inhibition of B7 and LFA-1 signaling prevents rejection of discordant neural xenografts in mice lacking CD40L.

Transplantation of embryonic human neural tissue can restore dopamine neurotransmission and improve neurological function in patients with Parkinson's disease. Logistical and ethical factors limit the availability of human embryonic allogeneic tissue. Embryonic xenogeneic neural tissue from porcine donors is an alternative form of donor tissue, but effective immunomodulatory techniques are warrant


The isotope Ag-105 has been studied using 169.5 MeV Cl-37 ions impinging on Ge-76. The Nordball Ge array detected the gamma rays and a 4 pi charged particle detector system detected emitted light charged particles. A very deformed band has been established using Doppler shift attenuation methods. The analysis is based on the gamma gamma coincidences and the angular dependence of the four rings of

Neural network models of haptic shape perception

Three different models of tactile shape perception inspired by the human haptic system were tested using an 8 d.o.f. robot hand with 45 tactile sensors. One model is based on the tensor product of different proprioceptive and tactile signals and a self-organizing map (SOM). The two other models replace the tensor product operation with a novel self-organizing neural network, the Tensor-Multiple Pe

Synergistic effects of food chain dynamics and induced behavioral responses in aquatic ecosystems

The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that temporal differences in food chain composition affect lower trophic levels not only directly, by predation and grazing, but also indirectly, by inducing avoidance behavior. In a field study, the recruitment rate from the sediments to water of two algal species (Gonyostomum semen and Peridinium sp.) was higher at low than at high biomass

Product-service systems: Panacea or myth?

Popular Abstract in Swedish Dagens storskaliga tillverkning baseras på varor med relativt kort livstid och lågt pris. Vinsterna för tillverkarna kommer från den stora mängden sålda varor. Det finns dock inom många industribranscher krympande vinstmarginaler och många företag söker därför efter nya källor för att uppnå bättre rörelseresultat. Även miljöfrågorna är en utmaning för industrin. VäxandeLife cycle environmental problems have been addressed by a number of strategies. However, the results are mostly lamentable because solutions are searched for within the same paradigms that give rise to the problems. This research questions the vision of linear material growth and searches for ways to sustain economic growth without putting the natural environment under stress. The research explor