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Your search for "*" yielded 528139 hits

What is the role of global health and sustainable development in Swedish medical education? A qualitative study of key stakeholders’ perspectives

Background: Global health and sustainable development have increasingly been recognised as important parts of medical education, yet education on these issues remains fragmented and scarce. In 2020, a bill to reform the national medical curricula across all Swedish medical schools was introduced, including a greater emphasis on global health and sustainable development. This study aimed to explore

Elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol : An inverse marker of morbidity and mortality in patients with myocardial infarction

Background: The incidence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease increases with levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). Yet, a paradox may exist where lower LDL-C levels at myocardial infarction (MI) are associated with poorer prognoses. Objective: To assess the association between LDL-C levels at MI with risk factor burden and cause-specific outcomes. Methods: Statin-naive patie

From recipient to donor : The case of Polish developmental cooperation

Research on development aid has focused on Western powers—the global South's 20th century colonial masters—largely ignoring the practices of donors who are not members of the West-dominated Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and its Development Assistance Committee (DAC). This article informs about the world of "non-DAC donors," through examining Polish development aid and its s

Coulomb engineering of two-dimensional Mott materials

Two-dimensional materials can be strongly influenced by their surroundings. A dielectric environment screens and reduces the Coulomb interaction between electrons in the two-dimensional material. Since in Mott materials the Coulomb interaction is responsible for the insulating state, manipulating the dielectric screening provides direct control over Mottness. Our many-body calculations reveal the

Repealing Ireland's Eighth Amendment : abortion rights and democracy today

Abstract in French En 2018, le peuple irlandais a voté l’abrogation du huitième amendement de la Constitution irlandaise interdisant l’avortement dans le pays depuis 1983. L’Irlande vivait alors un moment décisifde son histoire, qui n’était pas sans lien avec de plus vastes débats, aujourd’hui en cours dans lemonde entier, portant sur le genre, le droit à la procréation, l’avenir de la religion, lIn 2018, the Irish public voted to repeal the Eighth Amendment to the Irish Constitution, which since 1983 banned abortion in the country. While this was a watershed moment in Irish history, it was not unconnected to wider discussions now taking place around the world concerning gender, reproductive rights, the future of religion, Church–State relationships, democracy and social movements. With th

Powering Sustainable Growth: Investigating Energy Efficiency in Chilean Industry through Decomposition Analysis

This research aims to study the energy efficiency of the Chilean industry sector using decomposition analysis methods to understand energy intensity decoupling from economic output. The study focuses on the industry sector, the biggest energy consumer, and utilises a dataset that specifies subindustries' energy consumption and economic contribution to GDP. The results suggest that, for the sub

Determinants of Female Farmers Access to Agrarian Extension Services: A case study from Ethiopia

This paper aims at investigating the determinants of female farmers access to Agrarian Extension Services in Ethiopia, where extension services represent a critical tool for the development of the agrarian sector. Despite the country’s efforts to develop a gender-responsive extension system, several bottlenecks are negatively driving down women’s access to these services. By reviewing previous

Doctoral Degrees in the Light of R&D Funding Allocations to Private Firms

To address contemporary challenges like climate change, technological innovation becomes ever more important. Innovation is the product of a vast array of interactions between actors in the economy and it is vital to understand the relations between these. This quantitative study examines the interplay between highly skilled human capital and public R&D funding to private sector firms at the r

Three phragmalin-type limonoids orthoesters and the structure of odoratone isolated from the bark of Entandrophragma candollei (Meliaceae)

The phytochemical exploration of the Entandrophragma candollei stem bark extract led to the isolation and identification of twenty compounds including three undescribed phragmalin-class limonoids named encandollens C–E (1–3), the undescribed protolimonoid 5 together with sixteen known compounds. The structures of all the isolated compounds were determined by interpretation of their spectroscopic a

Response of foraminifera Ammonia confertitesta (T6) to ocean acidification, warming, and deoxygenation - An experimental approach

Ocean acidification, warmer temperatures, and the expansion of hypoxic zones in coastal areas are direct consequences of the increase in anthropogenic activities. However, so far, the combined effects of these stressors on calcium carbonate-secreting marine microorganisms - foraminifera are complex and poorly understood. This study reports the foraminiferal survival behavior, and geochemical tr

Addressing Water, Energy and Food Accessibility towards Achieving Sustainable Development in Katsina State, Northern Nigeria

It has become increasingly evident that water-energy-food nexus security is critical to realising the ambitious global goals (SDGs). Demands for water, energy and food have exceeded available supplies in many regions of the world. Population growth and mobility, economic development, urbanisation, cultural and technological changes, and climate change are among the major drivers that are behind th

Korsar avgrunden - En multipel fallstudie om arbetet hos två uppstartsföretag inom tekniksektorn med organisationsinriktningar och kommersialisering av radikala innovationer

Examensarbetets titel: Korsar avgrunden - En multipel fallstudie om arbetet hos två uppstartsföretag inom tekniksektorn med organisationsinriktningar och kommersialisering av radikala innovationer Seminariedatum: 2 Juni 2023 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Albert Johansson, Alexander Kokko & David Lamorell Han

The Art of Shielding Luxury Brands: Defensive Strategies for Success

Abstract Title: The Art of Shielding Luxury Brands: Defensive Strategies for Success Seminar date: 2023-06-01 Course: FEKH29, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) Authors: Arvid Vesterberg, Oscar Frithiof and Stefan Karlsson Advisor: Jon Bertilsson Key words: Brand image, luxury brands, automotive industry, defensive,

Viral Vibes: Mastering Music Marketing on TikTok - A quantitative analysis of consumer journeys from TikTok to music streaming services

This bachelor’s thesis aimed to investigate what drives the conversion of music from TikTok to streaming services amongst TikTok users. The study is based on marketing funnel models, such as AIDA and the simplified funnel including the three steps: awareness, consideration, and conversion. From these three steps, an ACC model was formulated that included awareness and consideration as independent

Intersectional Praxis and Disability in Higher Education

This article explores whether intersectional praxis can be discerned in the provision of disability/accessibility resources in higher education in Sweden and the United States. Analysing interviews with administrative staff based on hypothetical scenarios (vignettes) that could qualify as situations of disability discrimination, this article identifies several situations of (missed) opportunities

Structure of apo flavin-dependent halogenase Xcc4156 hints at a reason for cofactor-soaking difficulties

Flavin-dependent halogenases regioselectively introduce halide substituents into electron-rich substrates under mild reaction conditions. For the enzyme Xcc4156 from Xanthomonas campestris, the structure of a complex with the cofactor flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and a bromide ion would be of particular interest as this enzyme exclusively brominates model substrates in vitro. Apo Xcc4156 crys

Elucidation of the low-expressing erythroid CR1 phenotype by bioinformatic mining of the GATA1-driven blood-group regulome

Genetic determinants underlying most human blood groups are now clarified but variation in expression levels remains largely unexplored. By developing a bioinformatics pipeline analyzing GATA1/Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) datasets, we identify 193 potential regulatory sites in 33 blood-group genes. As proof-of-concept, we aimed to delineate the low-expressing com

Oxidative cost of highly unsaturated fatty acids during nestling development in urban Great tit (Parus major) nestlings

”Du är vad du äter” – lider urbana talgoxungar av Omega 3-brist? Livet i städer medför många bekvämligheter, inte bara för oss människor, utan även för en del vilda arter av djur som lyckats anpassa sig till förutsättningarna i dessa miljöer. För de djur som kan livnära sig på mänskligt matavfall, eller för fåglar som vi människor har en fäbless för att mata kan livet i staden till exempel erbjudIt has been known for quite some time that urban breeding birds suffer reduced reproductive success compared to rural conspecifics. Various environmental variables linked to urbanisation are known to have an influence, such as vegetal cover and composition, artificial light at night as well as increased air pollution. Several of these factors have also been shown to elicit physiological responses:

Consequences of migratory distance, habitat distribution and season on the migratory process in a short distance migratory shorebird population

Background: The migratory process in birds consists of alternating periods of flight and fueling. Individuals of some populations make few flights and long stopovers, while others make multiple flights between short stopovers. Shorebirds are known for executing marathon flights (jumps), but most populations studied are long distance migrants, often crossing major barriers and thus forced to make l