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Your search for "*" yielded 531530 hits

Glueball dark matter

We delve deeper into the potential composition of dark matter as stable scalar glueballs from a confining dark SU(N) gauge theory, focusing on N={3,4,5}. To predict the relic abundance of glueballs for the various gauge groups and scenarios of thermalization of the dark gluon gas, we employ a thermal effective theory that accounts for the strong-coupling dynamics in agreement with lattice simulati

Hiroshima in Egypt: interpretations and imaginations of the atomic age

This article focuses on Egyptian interpretations of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the US at the end of the Second World War. It surveys the reactions and responses of influential thinkers between 1945 and 1951, a crucial period prior to decolonisation. The objective of this research is to capture a specific moment in time and understand how it shaped imaginations of the future.

Temperature-Dependent Intensity Modulated Two-Photon Excited Fluorescence Microscopy for High Resolution Mapping of Charge Carrier Dynamics

We present a temperature-dependent intensity modulated two-photon excited fluorescence microscopy technique that enables high-resolution quantitative mapping of charge carrier dynamics in perovskite microcrystal film. By disentangling the emission into harmonics of the excitation modulation frequency, we analyze the first and second order charge carrier recombination processes, including potential

The effect of electrode composition on bimetallic AgAu nanoparticles produced by spark ablation

A flexible way to generate bimetallic nanoparticles with high control of their composition is to use spark ablation of alloyed electrodes. It has been generally accepted and stated that particles produced using spark ablation of alloyed electrodes obtain the same chemical composition as the electrodes. However, we identify a lack of studies fully supporting the connection between electrode and par

Mörka moln vid horisonten : Berättelser om dålig stämning på svenska arbetsplatser

Arbetsplatsen har blivit en plats där vi, som arbetstagare, eventuellt ska hitta/känna lyckan. En vanlig fråga till barn är "vem vill du bli när du blir stor?" Eller "vad vill du göra?" Man förväntas jobba med någonting givande, intressant, spännande. Man ska kunna hitta lycka, kanske till och med livets mening i sitt arbete. Vi förväntas kunna säga "jag älskar mitt jobb". Från tidig ålder vill viThis article deals with an uneasy atmosphere – dålig stämning in Swedish – in workplaces in Sweden. In today’s neo-liberal society, we spend long days at work and much of the ‘happiness’ in life lies for the individual in being able to say that one’s work is good. At the same time, it can be difficult to handle different people/personalities among one’s colleagues, something that risks creating di

Theorising ethnolinguistic diversity under globalisation : Beyond biocultural analogies

This paper seeks to advance our theoretical understanding of diversifying and homogenizing processes in human societies by exploring the sources of and threats to ethnolinguistic or cultural diversity. Invoking concepts such as ethnogenesis, schismogenesis, and structural transformations, it discusses the parallels as well as the divergences between biological and cultural theory. Models in histor

The estimated effect of season and vitamin D in the first trimester on pubertal timing in girls and boys : A cohort study and an instrumental variable analysis

Background: Season of birth has been associated with age at menarche. Maternal vitamin D levels in pregnancy may explain this effect. We investigated whether the season of first trimester or maternal 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 [25(OH)D3] levels were associated with pubertal timing in children. Methods: We conducted a follow-up study of 15 819 children born in 2000-03 from the Puberty Cohort, nested in t

"En grupp av sådana människor, vilkas möjlighet till att föröka sig framträder som en uppenbar social, ekonomisk och medicinsk meningslöshet" - En tematisk analys av synen på psykisk ohälsa i svenska dagstidningar år 1934, 1995 samt 2020

This study aims to investigate how mental illness was portrayed and stigmatised in media in 1934, 1995, and 2020. To research this we did a qualitative thematic analysis where we examined newspaper articles from the chosen years. We sourced our articles from Kungliga Bibliotekets online archive and Mediaretriever. We selected articles either about mental illness or the prevailing view on mental il

Tau-neurodegeneration mismatch reveals vulnerability and resilience to comorbidities in Alzheimer's continuum

INTRODUCTION: Variability in relationship of tau-based neurofibrillary tangles (T) and neurodegeneration (N) in Alzheimer's disease (AD) arises from non-specific nature of N, modulated by non-AD co-pathologies, age-related changes, and resilience factors. METHODS: We used regional T-N residual patterns to partition 184 patients within the Alzheimer's continuum into data-driven groups. These were c

Misremembering the ACRS: Economic Imaginations and Nuclear Negotiations in the Middle East

This article examines the political economy of Arab-Israeli peacemaking in the first half of the 1990s, specifically the multilateral working group on Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS). It focuses on the misplaced memorialization of the ACRS process as a lost opportunity for the establishment of a nuclear weapons free zone (NWFZ) in the Middle East, which has resulted in a continuous “retu

Measurements of azimuthal anisotropies at forward and backward rapidity with muons in high-multiplicity p–Pb collisions at sNN=8.16 TeV

The study of the azimuthal anisotropy of inclusive muons produced in p–Pb collisions at sNN=8.16 TeV, using the ALICE detector at the LHC is reported. The measurement of the second-order Fourier coefficient of the particle azimuthal distribution, v2, is performed as a function of transverse momentum pT in the 0–20% high-multiplicity interval at both forward (2.032 GeV/c. The v2 coefficient of incl

Measurement of the Lifetime and Λ Separation Energy of HΛ3

The most precise measurements to date of the HΛ3 lifetime τ and Λ separation energy BΛ are obtained using the data sample of Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV collected by ALICE at the LHC. The HΛ3 is reconstructed via its charged two-body mesonic decay channel (HΛ3→He3+π- and the charge-conjugate process). The measured values τ=[253±11(stat)±6(syst)] ps and BΛ=[102±63(stat)±67(syst)] keV are compa

In Vivo Myelin Water Quantification Using Diffusion–Relaxation Correlation MRI : A Comparison of 1D and 2D Methods

Multidimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a versatile tool for microstructure mapping. We use a diffusion weighted inversion recovery spin echo (DW-IR-SE) sequence with spiral readouts at ultra-strong gradients to acquire a rich diffusion–relaxation data set with sensitivity to myelin water. We reconstruct 1D and 2D spectra with a two-step convex optimization approach and investigate a