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The slippery slope of hematopoietic stem cell aging

The late stages of life, in most species including humans, are associated with a decline in the overall maintenance and health of the organism. This applies also to the hematopoietic system, where aging is not only associated with an increased predisposition for hematological malignancies, but also identified as a strong comorbidity factor for other diseases. Research during the last two decades h

Age-appropriate preparations for children with cancer undergoing radiotherapy : A feasibility study

The aim of this study was to test age-appropriate information and preparation procedures for children with cancer undergoing radiotherapy (RT) for feasibility and effectiveness in terms of the need for general anesthesia (GA) and anxiety. In a quasi-experimental controlled clinical trial, 17 children aged 3–18 years receiving age-appropriate preparation were compared with 16 children in a control

A health economic simulation model for the clinical management of osteoporosis

Summary: The objective was to estimate the burden of osteoporosis in Sweden based on current clinical practice and the cost-effectiveness of improvements in the management of osteoporosis over the clinical management compared to current clinical practice. Results showed that better compliance to treatment guidelines is associated with better projected outcomes and cost-savings. Introduction: The p

Exome-wide association study of plasma lipids in >300,000 individuals

We screened variants on an exome-focused genotyping array in >300,000 participants (replication in >280,000 participants) and identified 444 independent variants in 250 loci significantly associated with total cholesterol (TC), high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-densitylipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and/or triglycerides (TG). At two loci (JAK2 and A1CF), experimental analysis in m

Aspectuality, temporality and modality: a relevance-theoretic analysis of some pragmatic markers in Mandarin Chinese

Aspecuality, temporality and modality: a relevance-theoretic analysisof some pragmatic markers in Mandarin Chinese It is generally agreed that in Mandarin Chinese, tense (at least absolute tense) is not expressedmorphologically but there is a number of verbal and sentence-final particles that express aspect and mood. These (in particular the aspectual ones) have been studied rather extensively thr

Psykisk ohälsa, radikalisering och terrorism : Inget säkert samband har kunnat påvisas

Tillgängliga forskningsresultat om samband mellan radikalisering, terrorism och psykisk ohälsa kan ännu inte användas som underlag för beslut om ändrade rutiner eller behandlingsmetoder i klinisk psykiatrisk verksamhet. De screening- och riskbedömningsverktyg som finns tillgängliga för kliniskt bruk går inte att använda inom psykiatrin utan att psykiatrins roll i det svenska samhäl-let allvarligt There is little evidence supporting the concept of mental illness as a part of, or reason behind radicalization towards violent extremism and terrorism. There is weak evidence that lone gunmen, particularly those involved in school shootings, may suffer from mental illness to a larger degree than the general population, whereas organized terrorist groups such as jihadists and right-wing extremists

Food laws and labelling as a contributor to food waste

Food law, and food labelling, establishes the rights of consumers to safe food and to accurate and honest information. Although food safety is at the core of food information, the broad principle of the food law is about telling the truth about products so that the consumer can make a choice about what they choose to eat. However, food law and labelling can also become a trade barrier and thus con

Robot-assisted laparoscopic pelvic and paraaortic lymphadenectomy

Pelvic and paraaortic lymphadenectomy are standard procedures for staging of genital cancers but may also be indicated by other malignancies in the pelvis. The procedures are well suited for minimally invasive surgery and robot assistance may help generalize and standardize the procedures.Step by step surgical techniques for pelvic and paraaortic lymphadenectomy will be described.

Det obetalda omsorgsarbetet ur ett hälsoekonomiskt perspektiv

Psykossjukdomar, framför allt schizofreni, anses vara en av de mest krävande sjukdomar för anhö-riga, dels i termer av daglig assistans, dels dess negativa påverkan på hälsa och livskvalitet. Det är idag ovanligt att informell vård inkluderas i hälsoekonomiska analyser. I detta kapitel granskar vi litteraturen på detta område och har funnit sex kostnadsstudier i en europeisk kontext men inte någon

Postmenopausal hormone therapy and risk of stroke : A pooled analysis of data from population-based cohort studies

Background: Recent research indicates a favourable influence of postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT) if initiated early, but not late, on subclinical atherosclerosis. However, the clinical relevance of timing of HT initiation for hard end points such as stroke remains to be determined. Further, no previous research has considered the timing of initiation of HT in relation to haemorrhagic stroke ris