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Pricing of Discretely Monitored Barrier Options - Improvement of an Approximation Formula

There are many different methods for pricing discretely monitored barrier options. There is a trade-off, however, between speed and accuracy. The players on the financial markets would of course ideally want a method which is both exact and returns a price instantaneously. In this thesis we start from a fast, but on the other hand somewhat less accurate, approximation formula. It will be referred

Migranters ansvarstagande över nationella gränser - en kvalitativ studie om vilket ansvar kosovoalbanska migranter tar gentemot sina äldre anhöriga

The purpose of this study was to investigate the responsibilities transnational Kosovo-Albanian migrants take over their older relatives. To achieve our purpose, we have carried out a qualitative study in which we have had oral interviews with seven Kosovo-Albanian migrants who immigrated to Sweden in the 90s. Our theoretical starting point has been transnational migration, and we have used concep

Focused Funds – How Do They Perform in Comparison with More Diversified Funds?

The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether or not focused funds can outperform bigger and more diversified funds, both in mean return and in its relation to risk taking. The data used in this thesis consist of 67 Swedish mutual funds, one benchmark index and 129 stocks. All data is from the period 2007-2011. The fund data is retrieved from FactSet, the benchmark index from SIX-Telekurs an

Important Market Characteristics in International Establishments

This study aims to identify important market characteristics that affect international market establishments in the IT consulting industry. A qualitative case study has been conducted at an IT consulting firm, where Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas has been used as a tool to identify and compare market characteristics to existing theory regarding internationalisation in the Knowledge-Intens

The War Against the Asylum Seeker: Why 'boat people' became a security issue in Australia

This essay aims to analyze Australia’s ambivalent relationship towards the asylum seeker in general, boat people in particular, using the theoretical framework of institutional panic, as formulated by Blum and ‘securitization’, as developed by the Copenhagen School. It outlines the country’s past and present relationship with migration, while focusing its analysis on events preceding and following

Ordovicium i Fågelsångskärnan-2, Skåne : stratigrafi och faciesvariationer

Det relativt sparsamma utbudet av ordoviciska blottningar i Fågelsångsdalen, Skåne, krävde en borrkärna för att lära mer om lagerföljden. Borrkärnan har, under arbetet med denna rapport, studerats och dokumenterats litologiskt, litostratigrafiskt och till viss grad paleontologiskt. Fågelsångskärnan-2 består av mörka skiffrar avsatta i relativt djup marin miljö med rikt innehåll av bland annat grapOrdovician strata are well represented in the Fågelsång valley in south-central Scania (Skåne), southern Sweden, but exposures of such deposits are relatively few and most of the present outcrops are small. In order to study a stratigraphically more complete succession from the area, a core drilling, here referred to as Fågelsång-2, was conducted in 2013. The drilling was stopped at a depth of 64,

Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av första intraoperativa mötet med den vuxna oroliga patienten - En intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Det första intraoperativa mötet är oftast kort och det är viktigt att anestesisjuksköterskan får en god kontakt med patienten. Organisatoriska aspekter kan påverka mötet genom ett pressat tidschema. Tidigare forskning kring oro är ur ett patientperspektiv. Därför är det av vikt att belysa anestesisjuksköterskans upplevelser. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa anestesisjuksköterskors upplevel

Mellankommunal samverkan för delregional utveckling - En fallstudie av det mellankommunala samarbetet Stockholm Nordost

På grund av det kommunala självstyret och kommunens beskattningsrätt, argumenteras det för att kommuner sinsemellan har blivit platsbundna konkurrenter om icke platsbundna hushåll och företag. Trots den konkurrenssituationen finns det flera exempel som visar på att kommuner samverkar för att skapa attraktivitet och utveckling i sin delregion, vilket inte minst märks i de svenska storstadsregionern

Den livsviktiga läsningen : en uppsats om litteracitet och bibliotekariers läsfrämjande arbete

The importance of reading : a Master’s Thesis about literacy and librarians’ motivational reading strategies towards children and teenagers. The public literacy debate has exploded all over Swedish media since PISA published their report at the end of 2013 with the result that politicians, teachers and parents suddenly have shown a lot more interest in what and how young people read. The report h

Exponering av bisfenol A från fiskkonserver

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disruptor which is very present in our surrounding environment. As a component mainly used in plastics and in the inner linings in cans, BPA can also be found in our bodies due to migration into food. Once the substance is reaching the components of the body it is biotransformed into a more water soluble molecule called monoglucoronide. Whether to measure the unco