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Viktor Orbán’s use of history in the European refugee crisis

Viktor Orbán as the Prime Minister of Hungary is a figure that dominates headlines both at home and abroad. During his time in Hungarian and European politics, he has never shied away from using history to bolster his political message. Following the ongoing refugee crisis of 2015, he has employed history as tool against refugees. This paper aims to investigate which aspects of Hungarian history O

The Gorkha Aftershocks - A Window of Opportunity to Human Development in Okharpauwa, Nepal?

The Gorkha earthquake that happened on the 25th of April and its aftershocks on the 26th 2015 was a remarkable event in Nepal’s history. Okharpauwa, a village development committee in Nuwakot District, was considerably affected by the aftershocks and the affected people were in the process of recovering when this master’s thesis was written. A dominant idea within disaster recovery literature is

Transformationens poetik; En tillbyggnad till Lackalänga kyrka genom en undersökning av lagerverkan som gestaltningsidé

Arkitektur som har spår av förändring och på olika sätt förmedlar tidens förlopp har ett mångfacetterat djup. De förändringar som sker i byggnader går att avläsa som en ansamling fysiska och mentala lager, vilka genereras i en kontinuerlig och ständigt föränderlig process. Lagren är ett resultat av mänsklig aktivitet och tillsammans förmedlar de vilka vi än gång varit men återspeglar också hur vi

Analys och utvärdering av kampanjers förmåga att förändra beteende - En studie av sju avfallsförebyggande kampanjer

För att upprätthålla vår höga levnadsstandard och ha möjlighet att fortsätta utveckla vårt samhälle måste vi lära oss att hantera våra resurser på ett hållbart sätt. På kommunnivå kan man arbeta med detta genom att arbeta avfallsförbyggande. Ett allt vanligare sätt för kommuner att arbeta med dessa frågor är genom att arrangera kampanjer som fokuserar på avfallsförebyggande hos privata hushåll. Ma

A parametric approach to data cleaning of ion current measurements

In this thesis, a few possible methods to clean nuisance signals from ion current measurements are explored. Ion current measurements can be used to optimise a combustion engine, but interference from the ignition system coupled with clipping caused by limitations in the measurement equipment limit the amount of data that can be extracted. This thesis develops a model which is used for simulation

Finding candidate genes underlying early flowering barley mat-e mutants

Barley, Hordeum vulgare, is a commercially important crop plant mostly used as animal feed but also as human food where it serves as an important source of _-glucan and other nutrients. As populations are growing worldwide, early flowering cultivars can play a vital role to increase the production of barley to meet the increasing demand of this crop. We analyzed five early flowering mat-e mutants

Statoil blir Circle K

Today's corporate market is characterized by tougher competition than ever be- fore. In a changing society, companies must be prepared to change and develop their brands to stay relevant. In order to meet consumer demands and expectations, companies reposition their brand. However, a company can only control the change of the brand's identity and not the brand's image, because the imag

What is in the picture: Do target ratings reveal insecurities after being primed with attachment related pictures

Implicit measures have started to gain attention in the attachment literature, as they offer a way to offer insight into information processing patterns, which may not be open to investigation otherwise. The aim of the current study was to investigate the role of supraliminal priming on ambiguous stimuli in individuals who reported high levels of attachment anxiety and avoidance, with a speci

Pharmacological strategies to enhance mitochondrial activity and their potential use in genetic mitochondrial disorders

Mitochondria are the main organelles in eukaryotic cells involved in energy production together with their role in other mechanisms including intermediate metabolism, calcium signaling and apoptosis. Due to their importance in the correct function of the cell, genetic mitochondrial disorders can present a wide variability of symptoms, such as epilepsy, skeletal and cardiac myopathy and intellectua

Kontakttrådens ledningsförmåga – Studie inför Sveriges höghastighetsbanor.

På höghastighetslinjerna som planeras byggas i Sverige är det satt som mål att köra i 320 km/h. Att köra så pass mycket snabbare än det görs i dagsläget kräver ett kontaktledningssystem vars kontakttråd klarar av att vara stabilt och rakt uppspänt så att strömavtagaren kan gå jämt och inte orsaka att kontakttråden börjar svaja. Det resulterar i krav på att kontakttråden spänns upp med ett högre mo

Current Account Imbalances in the European Monetary Union

This paper investigates empirical determinants of current account positions worldwide with a focus on the countries that started out as the European Monetary Union (including Greece that joined in 2001). Specifically, it addresses the question whether current accounts inside the Eurozone have reacted more sensitively to changes in macroeconomic fundamentals due to the facilitation of inter-country

Characterization of extracellular matrix proteases (ECMp)-binding proteins from nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae

Bakteriers kidnappning av mänskligt protein för att ta sig igenom vävnad För att sår och vävnadsskador ska läka behöver kroppen kunna bryta ner gammal vävnad för att göra plats åt nya celler, en process som även är viktig för barns bentillväxt. Detta komplexa system styrs av en typ av proteiner som är strikt reglerade men obalans i regleringen kan leda till cancer samt andra sjukdomar som hjärt-

Mechanical Tests and Numerical Simulations of Pressurised Thin Membrane

During manufacturing of beverage packages, the pre-laminated hole get subjected to various mechanical loading. Thus needs a greater comprehension and knowledge of its behaviour to understand packaging materials. In this Master's thesis, the behaviour of the thin membranes consisting of polymer and aluminium foil has been studied when subjected to pressure. Mechanical, visual, as well as virtua

Swedish county council's efficiency in production of specialized somatic care

Sverige brukar få hög placering i internationella jämförelser av sjukvårdssystem. Det gäller inte minst patientnöjdhet och kvalitet, läkartäthet och hälsoutfall. Ändå har de senaste åren varit mycket vanligt med larmrapporter om kris på sjukhusen med påstådda överfulla vårdsalar och personal som lämnar sjukvården pga för hög arbetsbörda och ohållbar arbetsmiljö. Situationen har dragit igång debattData Envelopment Analysis (DEA) which compares different Decision Making Units (DMUs) has been used by some scholars to find the most efficient hospitals within Sweden or within Nordic countries. In Sweden, healthcare is decentralized and provided mostly by the 21 county councils. Even private providers have to sign contracts with the county councils in order to be permitted to operate within thei

Regulation of expression and intra-cellular transport of S100A9 during steady state and cancer

Reglering och transport av S100A9 i cancer S100A9 är ett protein involverat i immunförsvaret och fungerar som en signal mellan olika celler för att optimera inflammation. Bortsett från det, har immunförsvaret som roll att bekämpa cancer. Där blir i stället effekten av S100A9-signalering att immunförsvarets attack dämpas och tumören gynnas. Det är därför av intresse att veta mer om detta signalsysS100A9 is a calcium binding protein commonly found in cancer, autoimmunity and inflammation. Factors in the tumor microenvironment can induce cancer cells to start expressing S100A9. This protein has also been found to be up regulated and have different subcellular distribution during hypoxia. In this study I used western blot to analyze the regulation of expression and intra-cellular transport of

What is the effect of unemployment on health and health inequality? An investigation of the effect of unemployment using a new decomposition approach

This study investigates the effect of unemployment on health and rank-dependent indices of income-related health inequality in Europe during the period 2006-2015, using data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe. I use a recently proposed general method of decomposition and a panel data approach with individual fixed effects, and find a significant negative relationship betwee

Examination of bioactive compounds in the liver and venom sac of the ratfish C. monstrosa

The deep sea fish C. monstrosa (known as the rat fish) is a common bycatch of shrimp trawling. The rat fish carries on its back a vigorous venom spine. Some of the most toxic organisms on this planet are marine. The active substances differ in the venoms of the toxic organism, but the active substances are in many cases peptides. Natural peptides found in venoms have recently become more common ca

Some deviations from linear dynamics due to more accurate damping models

För att förutsäga beteendet hos mekaniska dynamiska system används beräknings-modeller som utgår ifrån systemens massa, styvhet och dämpningsegenskaper. Dessa modeller kan vara avancerade eller lätthanterliga mycket beroende på hur dämpnings-mekanismerna modelleras. Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka hur mer avancerade materialmodeller för beskrivning av dämpningen påverkar systemets dynamik.Damping is present in all dynamic systems. In one way or another energy is being dissipated in the system. To capture this aspect of reality in a computational model is a difficult task. A common simplification is to assume that the damping is of a linear viscous nature. This assumption provides an equation of motion (linear dynamics) which is easy to handle mathematically. However, the simplicity of

Functional characterization of coiled coil proteins with a putative role in cell architecture in Streptomyces coelicolor

Bakterier har också skelett Bakteriers cytoskelett består av olika typer av proteiner, som ansvarar för bland annat bakteriers rigiditet och form samt är delaktiga i olika tillväxtprocesser. En grupp cytoskelettproteiner som är delaktiga i just tillväxtprocesser är intermediära filament (IF). Syftet med arbetet var att försöka identifiera nya IF i bakterien Streptomyces coelicolor, en viktig baktCoiled coil is a simple and versatile type of protein fold. Proteins with this kind of structure play roles in a numerous kind of cellular processes, e.g. DNA repair, nucleoid organization, and cytoskeletal functions. Cytoskeletal intermediate filament (IF) proteins are an example of proteins containing large coiled coil domains. The eukaryotic cytoskeletal proteins tubulin and actin have well-stu

From Natural Resource Windfalls to Curse? The Resource Curse Paradox and Economic Diversification in Kazakhstan

The evidence pointing to a fundamental link between abundance in natural resources and unsustainable development processes in developing countries has caught attention lately, one aspect of this being the „resource curse‟. This paper aims to demonstrate the extent to which the resource abundance can explain the unsustainable economic development process of Kazakhstan. It aims to answer the overarc