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Antenna Selection with RF Pre-Processing

Multiple antenna transmitter and receiver architectures that combine antenna selection with RF pre-processing have been shown to significantly outperform conventional antenna selection with the same number of RF chains. Often, performance close to a full complexity architecture (with more RF chains) is also achieved. This work studies the effect of hardware and signal processing non-idealities on

Physical bounds on the antenna scattering matrix

The antenna scattering matrix is based on a spherical vector wave expansion and contains a complete description of the matching, transmission, receiving, and scattering properties of an antenna. It is commonly utilized in near-field measurements and it can also be used to model MIMO antennas. Here, an approach based on the holomorphic properties of the antenna scattering matrix is used to derive p

Facket och A-kassan

Inget statligt ingrepp har någonsin haft en så negativ inverkan på den fackliga organisationsgraden i Sverige som den förändring av a-kassornas finansiering som den borgerliga alliansregeringen genomförde från årsskiftet 2006/2007. Under loppet av två år sjönk andelen fackligt anslutna löntagare med sex procentenheter: från 77 procent 2006 till 71 procent 2008. Den 1 januari 2007 höjdes avgifterna

Essays on Corporate Risk Management

Companies spend a lot of attention and resources on something commonly referred to as ‘risk management’. Despite its apparent importance and intuitive appeal, corporate risk management is fraught with many difficulties, both on the conceptual and practical level. This may partly be explained by the fact that the role of risk management in increasing firm value is not very clear-cut. A contributing

The lightning swept stroke along an aircraft in flight. Part I: thermodynamic and electric properties of lightning arc channels

During a lightning strike to an aircraft in flight, the lightning channel becomes deformed in the airflow and displaced along the aircraft, a so-called swept stroke . The deformation and the displacement are caused by the interaction between the aerodynamic flow and the plasma properties of the channel together with the properties of the surface. The main part of the lightning current is a continu

Individual Metering and Charging of Heat and Hot Water in Multi-Apartment Buildings

Popular Abstract in Swedish Europaparlamentet vill minska primärenergianvändningen samt minska beroendet av energiimport till unionen (EU Direktiv 2012/27/EU). Ett hjälpmedel för att uppnå detta mål kan vara användandet av individuell mätning och debitering (IMD) av värme och varmvatten i flerbostadshus. IMD innebär att boende i flerbostadshus endast ska betala för deras egen konsumtion, vilket skIndividual metering and charging (IMC) means that tenants in multi-apartment buildings should pay only for their own energy consumption, which gives an economic incentive for energy-conscious behaviour. In April, 2014, Swedish legislation about energy metering in buildings (SFS 2014:267) was passed by the Swedish Parliament as an implementation of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU. The

Film Music in the Lab : Eye Tracking Experiments on Music's Influence on Film Semantics

This paper discusses the possible advantages and disadvantages by using experimental methods in order to understand how music influences our understanding of film narratives. Can experimental and quantitative methods such as eye tracking, questionnaires, galvanic skin response, EEG (electroencephalogram) and fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging – a brain scan) give us insights into the sign