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Nöjdare i det privata? En statistisk studie av brukarnöjdhet i privat och offentlig äldreomsorg och hemtjänst

2008 började Socialstyrelsen genomföra nöjdhetsundersökningar hos brukare i äldreomsorgen och hemtjänsten i Sveriges kommuner. Med ambitionen att undersöka om hypotesen “Ju högre andel privata omsorgsutförare i en kommun, desto högre brukarnöjdhet” stämmer, har vi genomfört en statistisk studie av Socialstyrelsens brukarundersökningar om äldreomsorgen och hemtjänsten i 126 kommuner från år 2019. V

CSR communication within controversial businesses - a closer look at the fast fashion industry

Vår planet står inför den största klimatkrisen för sin tid och de globala företagen är de som har störst möjlighet att påverka hur detta kommer att utvecklas i framtiden. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att få en djupare förståelse för hur företag inom ifrågasatta branscher arbetar med sin CSR-kommunikation och kommunicerar sina ansvarsfulla initiativ och engagemang på sociala medier. De ansvarsOur planet is facing severe climate crises and the global companies are those who have the opportunity to make the biggest impact on how this will unfold in the future. The aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of how companies within questioned businesses are managing their CSR-communication and communicating their responsible initiatives and engagements on social media. Further, t

Förbättra Intelligent Survey: använda brute-force metod för att förbättra diagnostisering av depression och ångest med AI

Projektet Intelligent Survey (IS) utvecklades för att predicera depression och ångest från naturligt språk genom att översätta individers kvalitativa svar från elva öppna frågor till kvantitativa värden som jämförs och prediceras mot skalorna; Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale (GAD-7), Harmony in Life scale (HILS) och Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). I saThe project Intelligent Survey (IS) was developed to predict depression and anxiety from natural language by translating individuals' qualitative answers from eleven open-ended questions to quantitative values, which are compared and predicted against the scales; Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale (GAD -7), Harmony in Life scale (HILS) and Satisfaction Wit

Träffa rätt vid rekrytering - kommunicera över noderna: En studie om den datormedierade kommunikationens träffsäkerhet vid rekrytering

Den påtvingade digitaliseringen har lett till att rekryteringsprocessen har blivit mer digital, vilket har lett till att arbetsintervjuer idag, i stor utsträckning, sker virtuellt med hjälp av videokonferenssystem. Samtidigt presenteras skildrande forskning kring hur detta har påverkat rekrytering. Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse för hur datormedierad kommunikation påverkar den upp


This study focuses on the human factors associated with elevator use during evacuation in residential buildings. An online survey is conducted to explore seven factors that may influence people’s choice of elevators in China and the United Kingdom, including floor height, waiting time for elevators, crowd density in front of elevators, mobility limitations, instructions, fire location concerning p

Nuclear Structure near the Proton Drip-line: A Search for Excited States in 62Ge

An experiment to study mirror symmetry in the mass A = 60 region was performed at the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) in 2020. The fusion-evaporation reaction 40Ca + 24Mg → 64Ge* at a beam energy of 106 MeV was used to populate excited states in 62Ge. The experimental setup used was made up of various detector systems, including Gammasphere for γ-ray detection, Microball in combination with two

Beyond the fossil era: transformative pedagogy for sustainability

Society faces multiple and interconnected crises that require transformation. Education has long been theorized as key to transformation, yet an important driver of transformation, imagination, is marginalised within pedagogical approaches to sustainability. This thesis examines Beyond the Fossil Era (BFE), a pedagogy that invites learners to become co-creators of a speculative museum looking back

Mycobacterial Membrane Vesicles in Immunomodulation

Release of extracellular vesicles is an evolutionarily conserved trait present among all life forms. Bacterial extracellular vesicles are released in the extracellular space to interact with the surrounding environment. The vesicles are known to be involved in cell-cell, intra species communication and produced in response to stress. Recently, emerging evidence of virulence factors present in vesi

How to apply Machine learning to fight against fake news - A case study in Vietnam

In this study, we aim to apply and compare modified models for fake news detection, namely Two-level Convolutional Neural Network (TCNN) and Two-level Convolutional Neural Network with User Response (TCNN-UR) used in Qian et al. (2018) on social media news in Vietnamese. We also compare our best-fitted model performance to the best model in Hieu et al. (2020) to find how important the corpus size

Förpackat eller ej? En studie om förpackningstillämpning för frukt och grönsaker

Detta examensarbete har undersökt tillämpningen av förpackningar för färsk frukt och grönsaker, med fokus på onödiga förpackningar. Olika faktorer påverkar frukt och grönsaker efter skörd som är relevanta att beakta vid förvaring och hantering. Syftet har varit att undersöka hur användningen av förpackningar ser ut för frukt och grönsaker. Arbetet ska även utforska butikers och konsumenters syn This degree project has studied the use of packaging for fresh fruits and vegetables focusing on excess packaging. Different factors after harvest affect fruits and vegetables that are of relevance to consider when storing and handling these. The purpose of this study has been to find used. The approach on the subject from out how packaging for fruits and vegetables is grocery stores and consume

“The Human Comes First, And That We Feel” Employee Engagement in a Purpose-Driven Organization

The purpose of the study is to contribute to the research gap on the relationship between employee engagement and a purpose-driven organizational mode. Our research, which adheres to the interpretive tradition of symbolic interactionism (SI) comprises a qualitative single-case study in a purpose-driven organization and follows an abductive approach. We generated our empirical data by collecting 12

The perceived need and potential impact of Article 35, on database protection and data portability, in the proposed EU Data Act

After the proposed EU Data Act was released in February this year, the facilitation of data sharing was emphasized, which might bring many aspects of impact. In particular, the implications for data portability and database protection. The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze the intersection between the EU sui generis database right and the EU right to data portability, and to which

Den hållbara kommunen - om åtgärder och stöd för det kommunala hållbarhetsarbetet

Hur skapar vi hållbara åtgärder? Hållbarhetsarbetet i kommuner behöver påskyndas, men visste du att just kommunen är en av de viktigaste spelarna för att bekämpa klimat-förändringarna och nå våra globala hållbarhetsmål? Målsättningar såsom Agenda 2030 används ofta till strategier på olika maktnivåer, och för att uppnå dessa mål för hållbar utveckling, pekas den lokala nivån ut som en mycket viGlobal development goals such as Agenda 2030 often serve as local guidelines for municipalities and research highlights the local power efforts to be significantly important for achieving sustainable development. The UN predicts a continued increase in urbanization and due to its multifaceted role, municipalities are expected to have an advantageous space to tackle difficulties and explore solutio

CSR & debt funding: The impact of corporate social responsibility on borrowing costs in the market

This paper examines the relationship between credit ratings and aggregate, as well as individual pillar CSR scores during the periods of 2009 and 2014 for European corporations. The results indicate that the aggregate CSR scores did not influence credit ratings for either period. However, social pillar scores had a statistically significant impact on credit ratings during the financial crisis of 2

En riktig flykting? : en multimodal diskursanalys av nyhetsmediers visuella berättelse om kvinnliga flyktingar från Ukraina

Studien undersöker representationen av kvinnliga flyktingar från Ukraina i nyhetsmediers fotografiska rapportering. Syftet är att undersöka vilken bild som ges av kvinnliga flyktingar från Ukraina i svenska nyhetsmedier. För att undersöka detta har bilder från Associated Press som har valts ut, köpts in och publicerats av Sydsvenskan analyserats. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av en multimodal d

Mechanistic investigations of the nitrogenase enzyme

The nitrogenase reaction mechanism has been examined using several variations of QM/MM (Quantum Mechanical/Molecular Mechanical) methods. All calculations were based on a 1.0Å X-ray crystal structure and were performed with the software ComQum and Turbomole. The investigation consists of three distinct projects. First, redox potentials between different states of the P-cluster and the FeMo clus

"If they win, we disappear": An interview study of local mining opposition in northwestern Ecuador

In the contemporary globalised era, social and economic development is being increasingly associated with extractivism. Opening up resource markets to multinational extractive industries is a common strategy used by Latin American states for promoting economic growth and reducing poverty. This thesis is a case study of the current establishment of large scale mining in the Tropical Andes of Ecuado

Låt oss prata om den rosa elefanten — en kvalitativ intervjustudie om familjebehandlarens upplevda hinder och möjligheter samt använda kunskapsformer i arbetet med familjer där en förälder har psykisk sjukdom

The purpose of the study has been to investigate family therapists experience of working with families where a parent has mental illness. More specifically, how they experience obstacles and opportunities in this work and which forms of knowledge that get expressed when they describe their work with these families. The study has a qualitative approach, and six semi-structured interviews were condu

Om socialt stöds betydelse för socialsekreterare vid arbete med barns placering i familjehem

The purpose of this study was to investigate how child and family social workers on the basis of a specific mentor model express their discretion in their professional role. The data was collected by using qualitative interviews with five social workers from the same workplace.The benchmark of the municipality was determinative for the social embeddedness, the social climate and the social network