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Sjuk eller frisk av bostaden?
Det är inte bara fukt, dålig ventilation eller andra tekniska faktorer, som är boven i dramat när människor upplever att de blir sjuka av innemiljön. Livssituation och livsstil kan också påverka.
Ticket to ride – vilka följde med på färden? En utvärdering av 2004 års säkrare sex-kampanj
Septentrionalia : a summary guide to Mediaeval archival and library holdings in Sweden.
Building People and Organizational Excellence
Modeling Validation and Simulation of an Anode Supported SOFC including Mass and Heat Transport, Fluid Flow and Chemical Reactions
Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that directly transform chemical energy into electricity, which are promising for future energy systems, since they are energy efficient and, when hydrogen is used as fuel, there are no direct emissions of greenhouse gases. The cell performance depends strongly on the material characteristics, the operating conditions and the chemical reactions that occur ins
God kommunal hushållning måste man arbeta för
A Study of the Surrogate Light chain
This thesis has investigated the importance of the VpreB1 protein in early B cell development. Mice lacking the VpreB1 protein showed normal numbers of peripheral mature B cells. The number of B220 positive cells in the bone marrow was also normal, but the amounts of pre-BI cells was increased 2-fold and the numbers of pre-B II cells were reduced by 20%. In all other respects the lymphoid compartm
Inget landskap är en ö : dialektik och praktik i öländska landskap
Popular Abstract in Swedish I en tid då allt färre lever på landsbygden har jordbrukslandskapet blivit föremål för ett växande intresse. Landsbygdens landskap har i vår tid kommit att framstå som idylliskt, äkta och naturligt, men också som i hög grad hotat. Den här avhandlingen analyserar ur ett etnologiskt perspektiv vad landskap är och hur landskap skapas. Den behandlar bland annat människors oThe complex character of rural landscapes implies a constant interaction between mind and matter as well as between nature and society. In landscapes, the established division of reality into nature and culture appears all but natural. This book points to the possibilities of regarding landscape as a dialectical process. Landscape is here used as an analytical device to examine nature-culture rela
Kan man veta hur mycket och vilken skog som behöver skyddas?
"Nu er vi ikke mere piger" : identitetsprocesser bland svenska tjänstekvinnor i Köpenhamn 1880-1920
Supply Chain Risk and Sourcing Strategies: Automotive Industry in Iran
Widowhood Strategies in Preindustrial Society
In preindustrial society, the loss of a spouse usually impelled the surviving party to adapt quickly by choosing between certain strategies: to remain the head of the household, to remarry, to enter a household headed by a child or the spouse of child, to dissolve the household and enter into an unrelated person's household, or to migrate out of the parish. The use of competing-risk hazard models
Blood Ties: Leib Rochman's Yiddish War Diary
Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx: Deactivation and Regeneration Studies and Kinetic Modelling of Deactivation
Selective catalytic reduction of NOx (SCR) has been recognised as an effective post-combustion method for reducing nitrogen oxides from stationary sources. The cost of replacing the catalyst is a major part of the maintenance of the SCR system, hence it is desirable to advance methods to prolong the catalyst life. The objectives of this thesis were to investigate the extent and the mechanism of de
WALCYNG Outlining future lobbying. Official report of Work Package No. 11. Report 0: No. 11 WALCYNG How to enhance WALking and CYcliNG instead of shorter car trips and to make these modes safer. A research project within the EU Fourth Framework Programme
Att förstå drogmissbruk : Praktiken, situationen, processen
While the purpuse of the study is to understand drug abuse through experiences told by individuals in life history interviews, the analyses moves beyond the level of descriptive life history. The interview material is interpreted within a theoretical framework, where the multidimensional character of drug abuse is considered. Three perspectives are applied in the analyses: (1) Practise: Different
Extremt sned könsfördelning bland naturvetenskapliga professorer - Natfak satsar på nya lektorat för kvinnor
Försvunnet ESS-mejl sinkade miljardavtal
Undersökningar över atomspektra med användning av glidande gnista
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