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Anatomical and physiological evidence for polarisation vision in the nocturnal bee Megalopta genalis
The presence of a specialised dorsal rim area with an ability to detect the e-vector orientation of polarised light is shown for the first time in a nocturnal hymenopteran. The dorsal rim area of the halictid bee Megalopta genalis features a number of characteristic anatomical specialisations including an increased rhabdom diameter and a lack of primary screening pigments. Optically, these special
Tolerance Mechanisms in Collagen-Induced Arthritis an Animal Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) is one of the most commonly used animal models for Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). CIA is induced in susceptible mouse strains after immunization with heterologous type II collagen (CII). In mice of the H-2q haplotype rat CII (rCII) is used whereas in mice of the H-2r haplotype bovine CII is utilized. The broad objective of this thesis was to gain an understanding of th
Organic farming improves pollination success in strawberries.
Pollination of insect pollinated crops has been found to be correlated to pollinator abundance and diversity. Since organic farming has the potential to mitigate negative effects of agricultural intensification on biodiversity, it may also benefit crop pollination, but direct evidence of this is scant. We evaluated the effect of organic farming on pollination of strawberry plants focusing on (1) i
Persistence of spatial variance and spatial pattern in the abundance of a submerged plant
Organisms usually benefit from heterogeneous conditions, but, by doing so, may reduce the degree of heterogeneity. The question therefore arises how heterogeneity is maintained. We investigated within-year spatiotemporal patterns in a monospecific stand of a submerged plant (fennel pondweed, Potamogeton pectinatus), with the novelty that we distinguished between different forms of heterogeneity: s
Seasonal Variation in Human Salivary Cortisol Concentration
Measurement of cortisol concentration can contribute important information about an individual's ability to adjust to various environmental demands of both physical and psychosocial origin. However, one uncertainty that affects the possibilities of correctly interpreting and designing field studies is the lack of observations of the impact of seasonal changes on cortisol excretion. For this reason
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I denna studie visar vi olika fördelar med vår e-learning-modell, som har „räddat” småspråket rumänska. Vi konstaterar dessutom att denna utbildningsmodell kan tillämpas på vilket annat språk som helst, för att uppnå ett flexibelt, rationellt, kostnadseffektivt och modernt lärande.
Possible chirality in the doubly-odd Tl-198 nucleus: Residual interaction at play
A candidate for chiral bands was found in Tl-198 for the first time in a mass region of oblate (or nonaxial with gamma >= 30 degrees) deformed nuclei. Two bands show very similar quasiparticle alignments, moments of inertia, and B(M1)/B(E2) ratios. They have a relative excitation energy of about 500 keV and different patterns of energy staggering. Calculations using the two-quasiparticle-plus-tria
Mortality Among Men with Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer Managed with Noncurative Intent: A Nationwide Study in PCBaSe Sweden
Background: There are limited prognostic data for locally advanced prostate cancer PCa to guide in the choice of treatment. Objective: To assess mortality in different prognostic categories among men with locally advanced PCa managed with noncurative intent. Design, setting, and participants: We conducted a register-based nationwide cohort study within the Prostate Cancer DataBase Sweden. The enti
The secret lives of tourists: Delays, disappointments and daydreams
Tourist research on life in "The Experience Economy" has led to a focus oil the eventful cold dramatic, on ways of packaging and marketing "great experiences" that turn a heritage into all event, a city into desires, a museum into all adventure. There is a lot of talk about the production of great atmospheres and exciting events, but tourist life is of course full of non-events, indifferent or bad
Vibronic origin of long-lived coherence in an artificial molecular light harvester.
Natural and artificial light-harvesting processes have recently gained new interest. Signatures of long-lasting coherence in spectroscopic signals of biological systems have been repeatedly observed, albeit their origin is a matter of ongoing debate, as it is unclear how the loss of coherence due to interaction with the noisy environments in such systems is averted. Here we report experimental and
Durability of concrete with mineral additions
Tubular and glomerular kidney effects in Swedish women with low environmental cadmium exposure
Cadmium is a well-known nephrotoxic agent in food and tobacco, but the exposure level that is critical for kidney effects in the general population is not defined. Within a population-based women's health survey in southern Sweden (Women's Health in the Lund Area, WHILA), we investigated cadmium exposure in relation to tubular and glomerular function, from 1999 through early 2000 in 820 women (71%
Holism in community leg ulcer management: a comparison of nurses in Sweden and the UK
Sydsvenska baptister inför myndigheter. Tillämpning av religionsbestämmelser i Lunds och Växjö stift 1857-1862.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under 1850-talet framträdde baptismen som den första verkliga frikyrkorörelsen i Sverige. Den tog helt och hållet avstånd från det ordinära kyrkolivet och kom därför i konflikt med samhällets religiösa regelverk. Kyrkliga och världsliga myndigheter betrktade baptismen som villfarande och samhällsupplösande. Deras agerande mot baptisterna i landets södra delar blir i denDuring the 1850's, Baptism appeared as the first real free church movement in Sweden. It distanced itself completely from normal church life and therefore came into conflict with society's religious rules. Ecclesiastical and temporal authorities regarded Baptism as erroneous and social disruptive. In the present treatise, their actions against the Baptists in the southern parts of the country beco
Laser pulse control of exciton dynamics in the FMO complex: Polarization shaping versus effects of structural and energetic disorder
Femtosecond laser pulse control of exciton dynamics in biological chromophore complexes is studied theoretically using the optimal control theory specified to open quantum systems. Based on the laser pulse induced formation of an excitonic wave packet the possibility to localize excitation energy at a certain chromophore within a photosynthetic antenna system (FMO complex of green bacteria) is inv
Functional role of aerobic glycolysis in rat portal vein
The functional role of aerobic lactate production in the rat portal vein was investigated. Changing substrate from glucose (11.5 mM) to pyruvate (11.5 mM) or beta-hydroxybutyrate (3 mM) had virtually no effect on spontaneous mechanical activity. Lactate production (FLA) was smaller with pyruvate than with glucose (0.05 +/- 0.01 vs. 0.14 +/- 0.03 mumol g-1 min-1, n = 4). Addition of 0.5 mM iodoacet
Autocatalytic behaviour in esterification between anhydrides and alcohols
In this work the Arrhenius parameters and heat of reaction for the esterification of acetic anhydride by methanol and the esterification of propionic anhydride by 2-butanol were determined using a CPA 202 reaction calorimeter (ChemiSens). Three reaction rate models were tested for each of the esterification reactions, two of which assumed autocatalytic behaviour. The autocatalytic models were base
The distance scale of planetary nebulae
By collecting distances from the literature, a set of 73 planetarynebulae with mean distances of high accuracy is derived. This sample isused for recalibration of the mass-radius relationship, used by manystatistical distance methods. An attempt to correct for a statisticalpeculiarity, where errors in the distances influences the mass-radiusrelationship by increasing its slope, has been made for t