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Searching for tailbiting codes with large minimum distances

Tailbiting trellis representations of linear block codes with an arbitrary sectionalization of the time axis are studied. A new lower bound on the maximal state complexity of an arbitrary tailbiting code is derived. The asymptotic behavior of the derived bound is investigated. Some new tailbiting representations for linear block codes of rates R=1/c, c=2,3,4 are presented

Experiences from the Architectural Change Process

A good software architecture is becoming recognized as a major factor for successful products. There has been much research on the technical aspects of software architecture and it is recognized that the driving requirements for architectures are "non-functional", but few have studied how organizations decide on architectural changes. In this paper we study the topic through several case studies.

Objects as Links Between Person and Place

In a recently conducted interview study, some survivors of traffic victims rate their home as the most important place for remembrance, compared to both the accident site and the burial plot. The reason for this evaluation appears to be the place’s ability to bring about a positive presence of the deceased. Supported by photographs and personal objects, the home serves as a constant reminder, and

ASD, Eating Problems, and Overlap with Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa

Abnormal eating behaviors are overrepresented in the autism spectrum disorders, including food refusal, pica, rumination, and selective eating. Those disturbances can have detrimental complications and are often resistant to treatment. In autism spectrum disorders the background factors to eating disturbances are more complex than in the general child population, and sensory abnormalities, rituali