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Naming Injustice, Reimagining Justice: How Victim-Survivors of Sexual Violence in Portugal Perceive Criminal Justice and its Alternatives

This thesis addresses the sexual violence justice gap in Portugal descriptively by questioning how victim-survivors of these crimes experience and/or perceive criminal justice, including those that have resorted to formal law and those that haven’t Normatively, it reflects on the justice needs of victim-survivors of sexual violence and connects these needs to the restorative justice movement - an

Energy and Circadian Assessment of a Combination Between Integrative Lighting and Daylight Harvesting

This study deals with the health and wellbeing of humans who work in offices as well as the energy use for the lighting. The focus is on how integrative lighting and daylight harvesting can be combined in an attempt to reduce the energy consumption while still eliciting a circadian response for the workers. The aim of this study is to investigate a combination of integrative lighting and daylight

Medarbetarskap och arbetsplatsohövlighet på arbetsplatsen En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Arbetsplatsohövlighet är ett omfattande och växande problem som drabbar många verksamheter. Tidigare studier visar på olika bakgrundsorsaker till arbetsplatsohövlighet, där en del lyfter brister hos individen, andra ser brister i organisationen eller ledarskapet. Samtidigt har ledarskap länge fått stort fokus i forskning, medan medarbetarskap börjat få fart under de senaste decennierna. Studier vi

Testing the wildland urban interface fire evacuation tool WUI-NITY: A case study of a rural community

This thesis makes use of a freely available platform based on multi-physics simulations, named WUI-NITY, to model WUI fire evacuation. This simulation platform includes three sub-models addressing fire spread, pedestrian movement and traffic movement allowing the representation of their interaction to produce outputs useful for dynamic vulnerability assessment. The goal of the thesis is to test th

Går laget före jaget? Hur den visstidsanställda medarbetaren förstår ambassadörskap

Den ökande konkurrensen bland varumärken har höjt trycket på medarbetarnas betydelse för organisationernas externa rykte. Det finns dock begränsad forskning kring medarbetarnas egna upplevelser samt kring hur de själva upplever ambassadörskap. Inom ramen för denna studie, har det genomförts semi-strukturerade intervjuer med visstidsanställda medarbetare för att skapa förståelse för deras roll som The increased competition amongst brands has raised the importance of coworkers to strengthen the organizational reputation. The research seen from an employee perspective on how these coworkers themselves experience brand ambassadorship is although limited. Within the frame of this study, semi-structured interviews have been conducted to gain a broader understanding of how temporary employees are

Motivationsarbete under covid-19 pandemin - Vårdgivares erfarenheter vid en öppenvårdsmottagning för patienter med samsjuklighet och alkohol- och/eller drogproblematik

The purpose of the study is to investigate caregivers' experiences of motivational work under limited conditions for physical meetings with patients who have addiction problems. The intention was to gain a deeper understanding of what advantages and disadvantages this has entailed. Qualitative content analysis of semi-structured interviews was performed. Eight caregivers from a clinic for addi

Det paradoxala biblioteket : folkbiblioteken och den fria åsiktsbildningen i ett osäkert informationsklimat

Folkbiblioteken i Sverige har ett lagstadgat uppdrag att bidra till en stärkt demokrati genom kunskapsförmedling och fri åsiktsbildning. Uppdraget med att bidra till den fria åsiktsbildningen tolkas ofta som att biblioteken ska förhålla sig opartiska till sina användare och sina samlingar. Nya förhållanden i informationsklimatet har skapat nya utmaningar för den fria åsiktsbildningen, såsom desinfPublic libraries in Sweden have a statutory task to contribute to a strengthened democracy through the dissemination of knowledge and the free formation of opinion. The latter is often understood as libraries being impartial to their users and collections. New conditions in the information climate have brought new challenges for the free formation of opinion, such as disinformation and polarizatio

Förskolebibliotek eller läshörna? En kvalitativ studie baserad på hur sju kommuner i Region Skåne arbetar med läs- och språkfrämjande verksamhet i förskolan.

My thesis is about how to define the concept of the preschool library and in what way it differs from other reading promotion and language development activities in preschool. Furthermore, I investigate how the preschool could work with preschool libraries as a long-term and permanent solution in the reading promotion and language development assignment in preschool. The question of why the presch

Analysing the quality of PlaneRCNN plane parameters using a structure from motion system

This report aims to compare the plane parameters given by the PlaneRCNN network with those created by using a Structure from Motion (SfM) solution on the same data. Several datasets are used, and the results from PlaneRCNN are evaluated by using the camera matrices from the SfM solution and applying these along with scaling and coordinate transformations. We use and explain RANSAC, neural networks

Sexualbrott på distans – att vara eller inte vara en egen brottsrubricering

Det har länge varit en självklarhet att sexualbrott är egenhändiga brott, något som under de senaste åren börjat luckras upp. Förändring har öppnat upp för möjligheten för svenska domstolar att döma gärningsmän för sexualbrott på distans; alltså när de begått sexuella övergrepp på internet. Det görs med hänvisning till formuleringen i brottsbalkens sjätte kapitel, om det med hänsyn till kränkningeFor a long time, it has been a certainty that sexual assaults are self-inflicted crimes. This matter, however, has begun to change. This has presented the possibility for Swedish courts to convict perpetrators of sexual offenses from a distance; that is, when the offense has occurred on the internet. The wording of the sixth chapter of the Penal Code makes this possible, if the act can be compared

Låt den rätte komma in: En kritisk granskning av lagen om tillträdesförbud till butik utifrån kriterierna för generell kriminalisering

Tillgreppsbrottslighet och ordningsstörningar som sker i svensk detaljhandel är en mångårig problematik som det vidtagits åtskilliga åtgärder gentemot. Butiksägares egendomsrätt kränks till följd av tillgreppsbrottslighet inom detaljhandeln. Den 1 mars 2021 trädde lag (2021:34) om tillträdesförbud till butik (”tillträdesförbudslagen”) i kraft. Lagen innebär att tillträdesförbud förenat med straffaCrime and disorderly conduct, which are affecting Swedish retail trade, have been a problem in which several preventive measures have been taken. The store owners right to property is violated as a result of the problem with crime in the retail trade. On March 1, 2021, law (2021:34) about admissibility to stores (“tillträdesförbudslagen”) came into force. The law means that a restraining order com

En utvidgad interimistisk beslutsrätt beträffande hemlig rumsavlyssning - Lämplig åtgärd att tillgripa i kampen mot den organiserade brottsligheten?

Under senare år har arbetet mot organiserad brottslighet i Sverige trappats upp. I september 2019 lanserades 34-punktsprogrammet, ett åtgärdspaket innehållande en rad förslag på åtgärder att vidta i syfte att bekämpa den organiserade brottsligheten. Inom ramen för detta program har frågan om att utvidga den interimistiska beslutsordningen beträffande hemliga tvångsmedel blivit aktuell. FörevarandIn recent years, work against organized crime in Sweden has increased. In September 2019 a crime prevention program was launched containing 34 proposals for measures to combat organized crime. Within the program the issue of extending the regulation of interim decisions concerning secret coercive measures has come to the fore. This essay aims to evaluate wheather interim decisions on bugging is a

Learning from Sports Entrepreneurs - Development of a conceptual framework for entrepreneurial risk-handling

The research takes a descriptive and exploratory approach in understanding how the risk experience of top athletes shapes sports entrepreneurs’ risk-handling strategies. In particular, the purpose of this study is to advance the theoretical knowledge of entrepreneurial risk-handling by studying risk-handling strategies developed and applied by sports entrepreneurs and putting them into a conceptua

Uppsåts- och bevisresonemang i mål om narkotikabruk

Frågor om uppsåt och bevisning tillhör en väsentlig del av straffrätten. Dessa frågor kan av allmänheten uppfattas som kontroversiell och ger inte sällan upphov till tidningsrubriker. I huvudsak kan detta anses gälla de grövre våldsbrotten. Frågor om uppsåt och hur sådant bevisas gör sig dock gällande även vid vad som är att benämna som bagatellbrott, där bland annat ringa narkotikabrott beståendeQuestions with regards to intent and evidence is an integral part of criminal law. These subjects can by the population at large be perceived as controversial and do not seldomly give rise to newspaper headlines. This can mainly be said with regards to violent crime. The question on intent and how to prove such a thing in a court of law is also relevant when it comes to “petty crimes” such as the

Evaluation of Novel Probiotics Acting on Seaweed Biomass

Fermentation is a technique which has been employed for the preservation of food since time immemorial. With a growing population comes the challenge of providing accessible and nutritious food and at the same time adapting a sustainable approach to achieve the desired target. Seaweeds have been utilized as food in the South-Southeast Asian cuisine for a long time in history. However, in the recen

The root-seeking of the city, Urban renewal in Gaoqiao Town, Pudong New Area

Urban renewal is a process that every city will inevitably go through, but how to retain the historical values in the renewal? Gaoqiao town is a historical and cultural town in Pudong New Area, Shanghai. The history of houses has more than 80 years old. In 2001, the “One City Nine Towns Development Plan” was introduced in Shanghai. The Pudong New Area government aims to develop Gaoqiao Town into a

Prolonged exposure för tonåringar – en litteraturöversikt

Tonåringar löper hög risk att utsättas för traumatiska händelser och utveckla posttraumatiskt stressyndrom (PTSD). En litteraturstudie gjordes för att undersöka vilken kvalitet evidensen för behandlingsformen Prolonged Exposure (PE-A) har för tonåringar, samt kliniska implikationer av den forskning som har gjorts. Sökningen efter litteratur resulterade i nio artiklar, fyra randomiserade kontrollerTeenagers are at high risk of being exposed to traumatic events and developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This literature study evaluates the evidence for one of the treatment protocols, Prolonged Exposure for Adolecescents (PE-A), as well as looking at the clinical implications of the studies that have been done. Reviews in databases resulted in nine articles, four of them were randomi

Beyond the words - A correlational study of the tone of CEO letters in relation to the stock market performance in Japan, Sweden, and the United States

Previous research has shown the importance of the CEO letter in a company’s annual report, with it being one of the most widely read parts. Despite this, it is compared to most other parts in the annual report not audited, meaning that the CEO can write whatever they see fit without any precautions. Based on this research, the purpose of this study was to analyse whether the tone of reported infor

Holding companies’ sale of shares: the underlying purpose test in the context of a direct and immediate link

In the ever evolving and ambiguous environment of VAT treatment of sales of shares, the underlying purpose test has arisen as a new form of controversy. While it seems to be a viable method for establishing in specific circumstances a strong enough direct and immediate link to guarantee deduction also for costs incurred in relation to an exempt or out-of-scope share disposal, the test’s nature and