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Your search for "*" yielded 535843 hits

Nature-assisted rehabilitation for reactions to severe stress and/or depression in a rehabilitation garden: long-term follow-up including comparisons with a matched population-based reference cohort.

Objective: To determine the effect of a nature-assisted rehabilitation programme in a group of patients with reactions to severe stress and/or mild to moderate depression. Changes in sick-leave status and healthcare consumption in these patients were compared with those in a matched population-based reference cohort (treatment as usual). Design: Retrospective cohort study with a matched reference

Mechanisms for motor timing in the cerebellar cortex

In classical eyeblink conditioning a subject learns to blink to a previously neutral stimulus. This conditional response is timed to occur just before an air puff to the eye. The learning is known to depend on the cerebellar cortex where Purkinje cells respond with adaptively timed pauses in their spontaneous firing. The pauses in the inhibitory Purkinje cells cause disinhibition of the cerebellar

Flow sensing in the cardiovascular system

Background: This contribution deals with chemical processes at the biological membranes of endothelial cells in blood vessels. A basic observation is that the intensity of blood flow navigates the vascular width through a negative feedback circle. When the blood flow increases, the vessels become wider; when it decreases the vascular smooth muscle cells contract. The anionic polyelectrolyte hepara

Is fairness blind?-The effect of framing on preferences for effort-sharing rules

This paper uses a choice experiment to study citizens' preferences for effort-sharing rules for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. For a given global cost and level of emission reduction, we study the willingness to pay for various rules that imply different distributions of the cost between EU, the US. China and Africa. The focus of this paper is on the use of two different treatments, one where

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This article presents a policy analysis of prostitution policies across Europe.

Health-related quality of life is not impaired in children with undetected as well as diagnosed celiac disease: a large population based cross-sectional study

Background: Knowledge regarding the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of children with celiac disease remains limited and inconclusive. We investigated the HRQoL of three groups of 12-year-olds with: i) undetected celiac disease ii) clinically diagnosed celiac disease, and iii) without celiac disease. Methods: A school-based cross-sectional multicenter screening study invited 18 325 children,

Identified particle production in p-Pb collisions measured with the ALICE detector

ALICE has unique capabilities among the LHC experiments for particle identification (PID) at mid-rapidity (vertical bar eta vertical bar < 0.9) over a wide range of transverse momentum (pT). In this proceeding(1) recent measurements of PT spectra for pi, K, K-s(0), p, and Lambda in p-Pb collisions are presented and compared to results from Pb-Pb and pp. In particular the implications for the quest

Är statligt krisstöd förenligt med god ekonomisk hushållning i kommunerna?

Statligt stöd till kommuner i finansiella svårigheter förknippas ofta med efterföljande brister i kommunernas ekonomiska hushållning, eftersom kommunerna förväntar sig att staten griper in i svåra tider. Tidigare studier har dock undersökt stöd utan tydligt specificerade krav på motprestationer från mottagarnas sida. Vi studerar utvecklingen av kostnader och resultat under 2000-talet i de kommuner

The effects of continuous prostacyclin infusion on regional blood flow and cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid haemorrhage: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Background: One of the main causes of mortality and morbidity following subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) is the development of cerebral vasospasm, a frequent complication arising in the weeks after the initial bleeding. Despite extensive research, to date no effective treatment of vasospasm exists. Prostacyclin is a potent vasodilator and inhibitor of platelet aggregation. In vitro models have shown

Remarks on features

This paper pursues the idea that uninterpretable features are not present in syntax, but are instead a product of the interfaces. In particular, it argues that formal feature values belong to PF only, i.e., that they are not syntactic objects but PF ‘translations’ of more abstract syntactic structures and correlations. It follows that case is nonexistent in syntax and it also follows that agreemen

Trafiksäkerhet och väjningsbeteende i cykel-motorfordon interaktioner

Bakgrunden till projektet var det tidigare projektet Motorfordonsförares väjningsbeteende gentemot cyklande. Syftet med detta projekt var att studera om och i så fall hur motorfordonsförares väjningsbeteende kan kopplas till trafiksäkerhetssituationen på en plats. Ett annat syfte var att genom enkäter få en bild av hur trafikanter uppfattar väjningsreglerna vid cykelöverfarter. Sju platser från de

Inclusive single-particle production in two-photon collisions at LEP II with the DELPHI detector

A study of the inclusive charged hadron production in two-photon collisions is described. The data were collected with the DELPHI detector at LEP II. Results on the inclusive single-particle PT distribution and the differential charged hadrons d sigma/dp(T) cross-section are presented and compared to the predictions of perturbative NLO QCD calculations and to published results. (C) 2009 Elsevier B

Towards single Ce ion detection in a bulk crystal for the development of a single-ion qubit readout scheme

Popular Abstract in English At the beginning of 20th century, scientists started to realize that atoms exhibited the discrete behaviour, e.g. the energies of bond electrons were not continuously distributed, but had discrete values. Light is also transmitted as discrete packages (called photons). These phenomena can not be explained by classical physics, which has been accepted as the law of descrThe work presented in this thesis was concerned with investigating the relevant spectroscopic properties of Ce ions randomly doped in an Y2SiO5 crystal at low temperatures (around 4 K), in order to develop a technique and an experimental set-up to detect the fluorescence photons emitted by a single Ce ion. The aim of the work was to determine whether a single Ce ion (referred to as the readout ion

Overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor C increases growth and alters the metastatic pattern of orthotopic PC-3 prostate tumors

Background: Prostate cancer metastasizes to regional lymph nodes and distant sites but the roles of lymphatic and hematogenous pathways in metastasis are not fully understood. Methods: We studied the roles of VEGF-C and VEGFR3 in prostate cancer metastasis by blocking VEGFR3 using intravenous adenovirus-delivered VEGFR3-Ig fusion protein (VEGFR3-Ig) and by ectopic expression of VEGF-C in PC-3 pros

Micellization of Water-Soluble Complex Salts of an Ionic Surfactant with Hairy Polymeric Counterions

For ionic surfactants in general, a change from simple to polymeric counterions leads to increasing attraction between micelles, condensing them in a concentrated phase. In the present study, two novel “complex salts” were prepared in which the cationic surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium was neutralized by two different copolyions, both having poly(methacrylate) main chains randomly decorated w

Adsorbate induced surface alloy formation investigated by near ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Formation of meta-stable surface-alloys can be used as a way to tune the binding strength of reaction intermediates and could therefore be used as improved catalyst materials for heterogeneous catalysis. Understanding the role of adsorbates on such alloy surfaces can provide new insights for engineering of more active or selective catalyst materials. Dynamical surface changes on alloy surfaces due

Rapid responses of permafrost and vegetation to experimentally increased snow cover in sub-arctic Sweden

Increased snow depth already observed, and that predicted for the future are of critical importance to many geophysical and biological processes as well as human activities. The future characteristics of sub-arctic landscapes where permafrost is particularly vulnerable will depend on complex interactions between snow cover, vegetation and permafrost. An experimental manipulation was, therefore, se

Harmonic morphisms from four-dimensional Lie groups

We consider 4-dimensional Lie groups with left-invariant Riemannian metrics. For such groups we classify left-invariant conformal foliations with minimal leaves of codimension 2. These foliations produce local complex-valued harmonic morphisms.