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Modelling of Microturbine Systems

The thesis describes the development of a dynamic model of a microturbine system. The thesis is done in close cooperation with Turbec AB and the model is adjusted, tuned and verified against their microturbine T100. The microturbine unit consists of a compressor and a turbine connected on a single shaft to a high-speed generator. Moreover there is a combustion chamber, a recuperator and a gas/wate

Modelbased Visual Servoing Grasping of Objects Moving by Newtonian Dynamics

Robot control systems are traditionally closed system. With the aid of vision, visual feedback is used to guide the robot manipulator to the target in a similar manner as humans do. This hand-to-target task is fairly easy if the target is static in Cartesian space. However, if the target is dynamics in motion, a model of this dynamical behaviour is required in order for the robot to predict or tra

Hälsonormer och ursäkter - en kvalitativ studie om personalhälsa inom äldreomsorgen

The aim of this study was to examine nursing home staffs experiences of different health promoting activities that are implemented in their work and how they view their own health. The main questions of this study were: how did staff experience discussion and work with health on their workplace, how did staff discuss the continuity of health activities, how did staff discuss responsibility for the

Utförsäljning, allt ska bort! (Investerares motvilja att köpa oetiska aktier öppnar upp för möjligheter)

Syfte: Att undersöka ifall det går att generera överavkastning genom att enbart investera i branscherna alkohol, spel, tobak och försvar. Detta genom att jämföra dessa investeringar mot indexet MSCI Europe och den etiska fonden SEB Ethical Europe. Metod: Med hjälp av programmet Thomson Reuters Datastream har fakta kring bolagen tagits fram och sorterats in utifrån branschtillhörighet. Denna data

Metodik för riskklassificering av byggnader i samband med en grundvattensänkning

En styrd grundvattensänkning är ett vanligt inslag i byggprojekt där markarbeten sker under grundvattennivån. Under byggtiden sänks grundvattennivån genom att grundvatten pumpas upp genom installerade brunnar. En sänkning av grundvattennivån minskar portrycket och ökar effektivspänningen i jorden vilket medför marksättningar. Storleken på marksättningar beror på avsänkningens storlek och jordegensDuring a construction project where excavation is made beneath the water table, it is common to perform a lowering of the water table. The groundwater can be extracted by installed wells in the stratum of water-bearing soil. A lowering of the water table results in a decreased pore pressure and in an increased effective stress in the soil. An increased effective stress results in ground settlement

Dual motor control for backlash reduction

Within the EU FP-6 project SMErobotTM a new type of high-performance robots has been developed by ABB Robotics, the Robotics Lab at Lund University and Güdel AG, Switzerland. The new design is based on a parallel configuration of the robot's joints (parallel robots). The main novelty of that concept is its completely new parallel kinematic structure, which allows to exploit all the advantages

The Application of Agent-Based Technology to Packaging Line

Control systems used by manufacturing companies today are often centralized. In such a system, the controller is concentrated to one location. As the production lines in Tetra Pak becomes more and more complex with growing costumer demand, a centralized approach becomes more and more inadequate. Agent-based technology provides a way to implement a desirable, robust and decentralized manufacturing

ESP for Suppression of Jackknifing in an Articulated Bus

The Electronic Stability Program (ESP) is becoming increasingly popular in vehicles as a means to prevent spin-out and lane departure accidents, and is nowadays a standard feature in most cars. From 2012 the ESP will also be a standard feature in buses. As a first step, this thesis is dedicated to implementing an ESP for an articulated bus in simulation using Matlab/Simulink. The core of the ESP i

Error Detection in the Active Front Steering System

Parameters to the CUSUM algorithm are calculated with the aid of the statistical properties of the input data and change detection theory. It works on Gaussian sequences but not on the data from the measurements. Also an approach called Local CUSUM, which lets detectors act over different intervals of the input data is presented and turned out to give good results. These approaches are compared to

Control of Heating Chamber on Packaging Machine A1 TFA

On the packaging machine Tetra Pak A1 a heating box is used to sterilize the packaging material. This is done by passing the material through a bath of hydrogen peroxide and then vaporizing the liquid in the heating box. The heating is done by three resistive elements that pass their energy by convection and radiation to the packaging material. Problems occur due to temperature variations on the w

Optimizing Yacht Routes using Dynamic Programming

A method for generating minimum time yacht routes for short distances while avoiding stationary obstacles and taking into account wave and water current disturbances is sought. The method should be feasible for use in an autopilot type construction. A solution is found using an iterative forumulation of the dynamic programming algorithm on a grided state space and an implementation in ANSI C is pr

6-DOF Visual Servoing Using the Lie Group of Affine Transformations

In this thesis a visual servoing approach for uncalibrated systems with 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) is evaluated. Assuming weak perspective, the observed motions of the robot end-effector are constrained to affine trans-formations in the image space. This allows us to express the control error directly in terms of an affine transformation in the camera images. By this approach, visual servoing is r

Probing Control of Glucose Feeding in Cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

In order to maximize the biomass yield in fed-batch cultivations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a pulse feeding strategy originally developed by Mats Åkesson at the department of automatic con-trol (Åkesson, 1999), was implemented. The controller was intended to keep the specific glucose uptake rate, qs, below the critical specific glucose uptake rate qs crit , to avoid over-flow metabolism. Simulat

Implementing a Wireless I/O Unit using Bluetooth

Bluetooth is a new standard for wireless communication. The aim so far has mostly been to use this technology in an office environment. This master thesis considers the advantages of Bluetooth in an industrial environment. A general circuit board that uses Bluetooth for wireless communication has been constructed. The board can be seen in the picture to the right. This platform can easily be conne

Adaptiv reglering av system med glapp

Backlash is common in mechanical and hydraulic systems. It severely limits the overall system performance. Many mechanical solutions have been developed to overcome backlash, for example by using spring-loaded split gear assemblies or dual motor systems. These mechanical solutions can satisfactorily handle the backlash problem but they give rise to other problems like decreased accuracy and reduce