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Stable Periodic Motions of Inertia Wheel Pendulum via Virtual Holonomic Constraints
We present a new control strategy for an underactuated two-link robot, called inertia wheel pendulum. The system consists of a free planar rotational pendulum and a symmetric disk, attached to its end and directly controlled by a DC-motor. The goal is to create stable oscillations of the pendulum, which is not directly actuated. We exploit a recently proposed feedback control design strategy, base
On the radiation resistance for small capacitive dipole antennas
A relation between the radiation resistance and the quasi-static polarizability, input capacitance, and input inductance for small electric dipole antennas is investigated. The relation follows from the forward scattering sum rule and sum rules for the input impedance together with resonance models for the partial realized gain and the reflection coefficient.
Housing and health in very old age: Findings from the cross-national ENABLE-AGE Project.
Functionalization of magnetic nanoparticles
Decentralized Production Planning and Choice of Organizational Structure
Loggbok som medel för kunskapsproduktion och som underlag för examination
Studenter med vittspridda förkunskaper och mål, ett komplext och omfattande kursinnehåll, begränsad undervisningstid – låter det bekant? Lägg därtill institutionens önskan att göra disciplinen attraktiv samt kravet på hög genomströmning och man inser snabbt att man befinner sig i ett dilemma. Som lärare i musikhistoria har jag mött denna situation under flera år och utvecklat med tiden en kombinat
Value Oriented Organizations with Value Neutral Hierarchies
This paper gives a game-theoretical treatment of the institutional homogenization of value-oriented firms. It explains why intrinsically motivated, value-oriented firms like non-profits may become similar to for-profit firms in terms of organization and norms. It highlights and explains the pairs: value-oriented and flat organizations in contrast to value-neutral managers and hierarchical organiza
Privata försäkringsbolag i en offentlig äldrevårdsförsäkring : möjligheter och problem
Försäkringslösningar som ett sätt att finansiera den framtida äldreomsorgen har diskuterats allt mer under senare år - inte minst för att öka befolkningens tilltro till samhällets förmåga att kunna ge äldreomsorg även i framtiden. I denna studie som författats av Per Gunnar Edebalk, professor vid Socialhögskolan i Lund, och Marianne Svensson, projektledare vid IHE, belyses vilka möjligheter och pr
Intellectuals and apparatchiks: Russian nationalism and the Gorbachev revolution
Analysis of the main innovations in directive 2015/1513 on renewable energy
This article assesses the main innovations in the newly adopted Directive 2015/1513 on renewable energy and biofuels in the EU transport sector. It analyses the strengths and weaknesses of this legal framework and reflects on possible future elaborations of the EU approach to renewable energy and sustainable biofuels in the transport sector. These developments must be in balance with the productio
Innovationsdrivande forskning
The effect of industrial policy and European car prices
Bilder, seende och normalitet : populärvetenskapens visuella representationer av hjärnan
Definitions of hypnosis and hypnotizability and their relation to suggestion and suggestibility. A consensus statement.
Abstract in UndeterminedThis article reports a consensus that was reached at an Advanced Workshop in Experimental Hypnosis held as part of the joint annual conference of the British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis (BSMDH) and the British Society of Experimental and Clinical Hypnosis (BSECH). The unanimous consensus was that conventional definitions of hypnosisand hypnotizability are logical
Design of new training sequence and estimation scheme for frequency dependent I/Q imbalance in MB-OFDM based UWB systems
This paper analyzes the I/Q imbalance effect of direct-conversion receiver in wide-band wireless communication system and sets up frequency-selective I/Q imbalance model for ultra-wide band system. We design a new training sequence based on extra phase rotation and propose an estimation algorithm using diversity message introduced by I/Q imbalance during the demodulation process. Theoretical analy
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Popular Abstract in German n/a[abstract missing]