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Knäskador hos manliga fotbollsspelare i division 3-6 & handbollsspelare i division 1-4 - en kvalitativ enkätundersökning

Bakgrund: Den vanligaste typen av skador inom dessa idrotter är knäskador, där främre korsbandsskador (ACL-skador) är den vanligaste typen av intra-artikulära knäskador. Tidigare studier har visat att flest skador uppkommer i tävlingssammanhang samt att de ofta innebär en lång frånvaroperiod. För att minska knäskadeincidensen har flertalet preventiva träningsprogram framtagits. Syfte/frågeställnin

Är dagens arméofficerare sämre rustade för en väpnad konflikt?

The purpose of this Essay is to study whether Swedish Army Officers of today are less prepared for an armed conflict than their older colleagues. The study is a text analysis of Meir Finkel’s theory on Cognitive and Command Flexibility, Swedish military Doctrines and other relevant documents. A research report put together by Swedish Defence Research Agency examining the process of career developm

Anonyma terroristattacker – i terrorismens kölvatten.

In 2016 Max Abrahms and Justin Conrad published a study that resulted in a theory regarding anonymous terrorist attacks. Terrorism is a political communication strategy used by groups to communicate their grievances and the cost of ignoring them. In practice, however, terrorist groups only take responsibility for a small fraction of all attacks. Terrorist leaders are not honored for the violence a

Eye Diagnostics in Virtual Reality

Enkel ögondiagnostik - Snart i ett hem nära dig? Inom den moderna sjukvården utvecklas ständigt verktyg som kan underlätta för sjukvårdspersonalens vardag genom att snabbt och enkelt kunna ställa korrekta diagnoser av en uppsjö av olika sjukdomar. Speciellt sjukdomar eller symptom med tydlig koppling till ögonrörelser har visat sig lämpliga att diagnostisera med teknik kopplad till eye tracking. Eye tracking technology has been a great addition to medicine, psychology and behavioural science. Its contribution to diagnosis and the understanding of specific eye diseases should not be understated. However, eye tracking technology is often complex, expensive, immobile and usually requires users that can keep still for longer periods of time. These prerequisites are at times not possible, and

Sommarkollo vid Rolstorpasjön

I tre somrar har jag jobbat på ett sommarkollo för barn. Under min tid där utvecklades tankar om hur dagens kolloverksamhet hade kunnat stöttas av förändringar i stugornas utformning. Detta ledde till mitt val att göra ett examensarbete med syftet att gestalta en nutida kollostuga. Kollo som verksamhet har krympt sedan 1950-talet då det var som störst. Under den senaste tiden har efterfrågan vuxiThree summers I’ve worked at a summer camp for children. During my time there I started to think about how today’s summer camp could benefit from changes in the buildings appearance. This led to the decision that my thesis project will be to design a building for a summer camp of today. The summer camp movement in Sweden have increased since the 50’s when it was as its greatest. In recent times th

Effekten av olika träningsprogram vid Multipel Skleros: En Litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning har indikerat att träning kan förbättra funktionsförmåga, leda till ökad självständighet, möjliggöra ökad anställningsgrad och vara ekonomiskt vinnande på en samhällsnivå för personer med multipel skleros. Det har under senare år tillkommit flera nya interventionsstudier vilket gör att det finns ett behov av att uppdatera och sammanfatta evidensläget för olika typer av

Visual observation of postural orientation with two-dimensional footage in a healthy physically active population – using a predefined test battery and rating scale

Background The two main functional goals of postural control are postural stability (balance) and postural orientation. Postural orientation is the ability to maintain alignment between body segments and the environment during a static or dynamic activity. Nae et al. have evaluated the measurement properties of a clinical test battery for assessing postural orientation errors (POEs) in patients wi

Abundance and species richness of Araceae along an altitudinal transect in the tropical cloud forests of Ecuador

Araceae is one of the most abundant species families in South America with over 2200 species across the continent, yet it has not been given much attention in ecological investigations. I analysed the species diversity and abundance of araceans along an altitudinal transect between 400 and 2350 m altitude. The transect, made up of 7 different sites, was located in the Cloud forests of the Ecuadori

‘I HEARD IT ON THE RADIO’ : Giving Voice To Audiences Through Radio Talk Shows In Liberia

This thesis explores the experiences of radio talk show participants in Liberia, using the Okay Morning Rush of Okay FM as a case study. The thesis probes the Liberian perspective of how talk shows give voice to citizens in public discourses and the resulting experiences for both the participants and the society. It considers the theoretical and analytical scope of Habermas public sphere and Goffm

“I do not know why, but I always wanted to go away”: Brazilian migrants’ reflections on their transnational experiences and sense of belonging in Sweden

This thesis aims to explore the transnational experiences of Brazilian immigrants living in Sweden. As a contribution to media and migration studies, this research investigates the immigrants’ non-mediated and mediated practices that influence their sense of belonging in the host country. There is scarce research comprising Brazilian immigrants abroad, particularly in Sweden, compared to other Lat

Islands in the sun

What was it that prompted a security policy-differentiated action between Sweden and Denmark as a counter action to the Russian power built up with landing ships in the Baltic Sea region mid-January 2022? This study will try to provide answers to this. We look at it as a comparative case study with two of Keren Yarhi-Milo´s theories from the book The Behavior thesis: Knowing the adversary from 201

The devil’s edit in Korean reality TV and audience and fan engagement : a case study of Street Woman Fighter (2021)

This thesis explores the new and contemporary audiences and fans’ studies with the genre of reality competition shows, using the Korean show Street Woman Fighter (2021) as a case study. A qualitative interview method was used to collect the empirical data of the study, and qualitative data analysis was employed to understand the data. The research takes the standpoint theory (Harding, 2008) to des

Reduction of Noise and Artefacts in MRIScan of Metal Implant Reconstructed by Frequency Mapping

Metal objects can cause significant artefacts in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, cause loss of signal and what is known as geometric warping. There are ways to address these problems using different MRI sequences. This project looks at a newer method of artefact correction proposed by Månsson and Morin. The aim is to improve upon the main two faults of the method. The method makes use of a

Japans väg in i andra världskriget

In the early 20th century liberalism had an upswing. New treaties were signed, and the everlasting peace had finally arrived. In the Far East, Japan was emerging from an agricultural society and making major leaps toward industrialization. They had huge demands in recourses like oil and steel. As an emerging power Japan wanted to compare themselves with USA, Great Britain, and Germany. Their imper

Sveriges försvarssamarbete med Finland - Vilka motiv finns ur ett svenskt perspektiv?

Since the end of the cold war, Sweden's security policy has shifted from neutrality to a policy of solidarity. The deteriorating security situation in recent years in the Baltic sea region and in Europe has increased the political will in Sweden to implement and develop defence co-operation with other states. Swedish-Finnish defence co-operation is the most developed of Sweden's different

Autokratier: Nord- och Sydkoreas olika politiska utveckling efter åttiotalet.

År 1987 infördes den första demokratiska reformen i Sydkorea, vilket har bidragit till att landet idag är en välutvecklad liberaldemokrati. Nordkorea har fortsatt bedriva en auktoritär regim sedan Koreas splittring 1945. Den här uppsatsen behandlar Nord- och Sydkoreas olika politiska utveckling sedan 1980-talet. Det är en komparativ studie med mest-lika design där orsakerna till ländernas olika po

Jakt-mosaiken i Villa del Tellaro. En ikonografisk analys.

This essay is an iconographic analysis of a specific mosaic called the Hunting mosaic, found at Villa del Tellaro, a late Roman villa near Noto, Sicily. Interpretations of Tellaro's Hunting mosaic have already been included in previous studies, leading some scholars to a similar conclusion regarding the identification of the two large, central figures: a female, and a male. Due to the extensiv

Automated pipeline for processing fluorescence calcium imaging microscopy data and electrophysiological measurements from 3D brain organoids

Motivation: 3D brain organoids are biological models of human brain development from which a rich body of data can be extracted that allows for insights about neuronal dynamics. Several tools, such as fluorescence calcium imaging microscopy and electrophysiological recordings are being used to assess how 3D brain organoid dynamics recapitulate what is known from the human brain. In-silico automate

Intraspecific variation in female wing coloration in Polyommatus icarus –Structural basis, heritability and temperature-dependent plasticity

Bästa att var blå eller brun fjärilshona? Solen skiner och fjärilarna cirkulerar runt bland dina blommor. Har du någon gång funderat på varför fjärilar ofta är så färgrika? Här i Sverige har vi ca 400 dagfjärilar och en av de allra vanligaste är en liten men färgglad vid namn puktörneblåvinge (Polyommatus icarus). Hannarna är ljusblå med en stilren svart konturlinje och honorna varierar mellan atButterfly wing coloration and pattern are believed to be shaped by selection pressures arising from the needs of thermoregulation, as signals to conspecifics, or reducing predation risk. The Common Blue Butterfly (Polyommatus icarus) display a large variation in dorsal wing blueness among females. The gradual pattern of brown to blue wings varies between individual females and among populations in