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The Last Dog in Rwanda: Swedish Educational Films and Teaching Guides on the History of Genocide
Sweden has a long tradition of using film material in school education. As a way to heighten the film industry’s status, commercial film companies began to lend out films to schools already in 1921. This practice continued until Swedish television (SVT) started to televise programs directly to schools in 1961. The Last Dog in Rwanda (Den sista hunden i Rwanda, 2006, Jens Assur) is a short film pro
Liberalising Local Empowerment in Egypt: Foreign Funding and the Freedom to ‘Democratise’
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Abstract in Undetermined Contribuir para a validade da Classificação Internacional de Doenças-11ª edição no diagnóstico diferencial entre experiências espirituais/anômalas e transtornos mentais revisando artigos de pesquisa sobre o tema em psiquiatria e psicologia envolvendo populações latino-americanas e/ou produzidos por pesquisadores latino-americanos. Método: Pesquisa em bases de dados (PubMed
Let´s use the models!
Disabilities after stroke and how long-term pain affects daily life.
Hamlet eller Hamilton? Nyttan med nytta?
Straffrättsligt samarbete i EU:s tredje pelare - något att sträva efter?
Indigenous Innovation in China and its Protection: the Chinese Automobile Industry
Energy - and CO2 Intensities during the 19th and 20th Centuries: Sweden versus Spain
We examine energy and CO2 intensities (energy use / GDP and CO2 emissions / GDP) in Sweden and Spain during the last two hundred years. The first aim is to establish reliable and comparable time-series. We include all energy that involves some human effort in its capture. Therefore, not only do we include modern energy carriers such as coal, oil, and electricity, but also we aim to account for fir
Large Eddy Simulation of an aerated Rushton stirred reactor
Mis/trusting Open Access eller Open Access och jag : en kärleksrelation (keynote lecture)
The Genius of the System? On the effects of public support, regional film funds and film policy on Swedish cinema
The present paper will place recent Swedish cinema against the background of the evolving public film policy and support – transnational, national and regional – during the last five decades although with a focus on the last few decades.. The purpose is an attempt to map how certain kinds of films, filmmakers and even locations appear to have been somewhat systematically endorsed or made possible
Immunofluorometric assay for sensitive and specific measurement of human prostatic glandular kallikrein (hK2) in serum
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and human prostatic glandular kallikrein (hK2) have 79% identity with the primary structure. When we used recombinant hK2 protein, only 7 of 23 monoclonal anti-PSA IgGs (monoclonal antibodies, MAbs) cross-reacted with hK2, which enabled us to design a novel immunofluorometric MAb-MAb assay for the specific detection of hK2. In the first incubation, an excess of MAb
Enhancing Multisensory Environments with Design Artifacts for Tangible Interaction
Even though multisensory environments (MSE) incorporate artifacts and technology to provide sensory stimuli, most of these artifacts are non-interactive. Twenty-four children with profound developmental disabilities from three MSE institutions have been involved in a research study. A handful of interactive design artifacts, which have been developed as a tool for ideation and to enhance the use o
Integrating Alternative Dispute Resolution into Japanese Legal Education
We examine the spread of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms to Japanese legal education. We collected course syllabi from all newly established law schools in Japan. By examining the teaching ADR before and after the introduction of law schools in 2004, we test our prediction of massive isomorphism. We found that many of these law schools immediately responded to ambiguous recommendat