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Your search for "*" yielded 528454 hits

Using a thermal manikin to determine evaporative resistance and thermal insulation : A comparison of methods

Heat transfer from the human body, especially through the evaporation of sweat from the skin, is often restricted when protective clothing is used, which may result in overheating. For this reason, it is important to consider the parameters of protective clothing as input data in physiological models, such as predicted heat strain. The two most important parameters are thermal insulation and evapo

Visual and non-visual agency in transformation of urban space. : On the semiotics of spatial governance

When semiotics of architectural space turns from an interest in the visual revelation of a space “hidden” behind city plans or types of building facades, and focuses more on the socio-logical or narrato-logical interaction between humans, rules and matter, the subject of investigation (i.e. space) consequently turns more corporeal, more situation-based, and more political. In his philosophy of spa

Praxitopia : How shopping makes a street vibrant

AbstractDe senaste årtiondena så har shoppingens geografiska manifestationer förändrats i grunden. Den förmodade ”döden” som har förutspåtts för shopping i stadskärnor har blivit alltmer angeläget. Vetenskapliga studier har undersökt de sociala, kulturella och ekonomiska orsakerna till shoppingens decentralisering och dess effekter på stadslivet. Få studier har dock hittills fokuserat på den föränDuring recent decades, shopping’s geographical manifestations have altered radically and the presumed ‘death’ of town centre retailing has become a public concern. The social, cultural, and economic backgrounds of this decentralisation of retail and its effects on city life have been studied comprehensively. However, to date, few studies have examined the changing dynamics of non-mainstream shoppi

Human, but not rat, IRS1 targets to the plasma membrane in both human and rat adipocytes

Adipocytes are primary targets for insulin control of metabolism. The activated insulin receptor phosphorylates insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS1), which acts as a docking protein for downstream signal mediators. In the absence of insulin stimulation, IRS1 in rat adipocytes is intracellular but in human adipocytes IRS1 is constitutively targeted to the plasma membrane. Stimulation of adipocytes w

LGBTI politics and value change in Ukraine and Turkey : Exporting Europe?

LGBTI Politics and Value Change in Ukraine and Turkey focuses on the impact of European Union promotion of LGBTI rights in Turkey and Ukraine, offering a re-evaluation of the mechanisms used by the EU and the domestic and external conditions that result in different outcomes. With the protection of LGBTI rights becoming one of the core principles of the EU, the last two decades have seen a consist

Reversible oxygen migration and phase transitions in hafnia-based ferroelectric devices

Unconventional ferroelectricity exhibited by hafnia-based thin films-robust at nanoscale sizes-presents tremendous opportunities in nanoelectronics. However, the exact nature of polarization switching remains controversial. We investigated a La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 capacitor interfaced with various top electrodes while performing in situ electrical biasing using atomic-resolution microscopy

Entrepreneurship in Cities

Impactful, growth-oriented entrepreneurship is a major research and policy focus. Building on arguments put forward by Jane Jacobs more than 50 years ago, we propose that local knowledge spillovers in a city are enhanced by human agency in that city (e.g. local psychological openness). This effect is critically amplified by the catalyst function of a favorable structural city environment that not

Selections of genes and methods of using the same for diagnosis and for targeting the therapy of select cancers

A method of diagnosing a disease that includes obtaining experimental data on gene selections. The gene selection functions to characterize a cancer when the expression of that gene selection is compared to the identical selection from a noncancerous cell or a different type of cancer cell. The invention also includes a method of targeting at least one product of agene that includes administration

Millennial-scale interaction between the East Asian winter monsoon and El Niño-related tropical Pacific precipitation in the Holocene

Both the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) and El Niño (EN) activities are vital climate modes that regulate the Pacific hydrologic cycle. However, the Holocene interactions among the EAWM, EN activities, and tropical Pacific precipitation remain unclear due to the lack of appropriate EAWM proxies. Here, we present high-resolution grain size records from the East China Sea shelf along with a transi

Inhalation and dermal uptake of particle and gas phase phthalates - A human chamber exposure study

We have exposed sixteen test subjects to particle and gas phase phthalates in the controlled chamber exposure study. Deuterium labelled phthalates were used to generate particle D4-DEHP (di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate) and gas phase D4-DEP (diethyl phthalate) for exposures scenarios allowed studying the dermal only and combined inhalational and dermal uptake. Metabolites were measured in urine samples

Reconceptualizing Welfare States and Social Policies in Times of Climate Emergency

Social policies developed as means to ensure societal development in the context of rising capitalism and industrialization. Many countries transformed into modern welfare states addressing a wide range of social risks and social problems. Social policy entangled with economic growth both as a promoter of the ‘growth machine’ and as a mechanism to redistribute resources secured by economic develop

Clemizole and La3+ salts ameliorate angiotensin II-induced glomerular hyperpermeability in vivo

Angiotensin II (Ang II) induces marked, dynamic increases in the permeability of the glomerular filtration barrier (GFB) in rats. After binding to its receptor, Ang II elicits Ca2+ influx into cells, mediated by TRPC5 and TRPC6 (transient receptor potential canonical type 5 and 6). Clemizole and La3+ salts have been shown to block TRPC channels in vitro, and we therefore tested their potential eff

Blue-Green Playscapes : Exploring Children’s Places in Stormwater Spaces in Augustenborg, Malmö

The urbanisation of cities increases the demands on, and complexity of, urban land use. Urban densification is challenging urban green space. Cities have responded to this challenge by adopting a multiple-use strategy where different functions share space. Shrinking open space has to contain solutions for everyday functions such as bicycle parking, waste sorting, blue-green stormwater systems, and

Roadmap on dynamics of molecules and clusters in the gas phase

Abstract: This roadmap article highlights recent advances, challenges and future prospects in studies of the dynamics of molecules and clusters in the gas phase. It comprises nineteen contributions by scientists with leading expertise in complementary experimental and theoretical techniques to probe the dynamics on timescales spanning twenty order of magnitudes, from attoseconds to minutes and bey

Enfranchisement as a Tool for Integration : The 1975 Extension of Voting Rights to Resident Aliens in Sweden

In 1975, Sweden extended voting rights in local elections to immigrants without Swedish citizenship (resident aliens). In this essay, motives behind the reform are analysed and it is argued that these were based on a wish to speed up the integration of immigrants rather than on normative ideas about the nature of democracy. In fact, the reform was seen as a part of the emerging Swedish integration

The proportion cured of patients with resected stage ii–iii cutaneous melanoma in sweden

Background: Cure proportion represents the proportion of patients who experience the same mortality rate as the general population and can be estimated together with the survival of the proportion experiencing excess mortality (the uncured). The aim was to estimate the cure proportions and survival among uncured stage II–III cutaneous melanoma (CM) patients. Methods: 1‐ and 5‐year relative surviva