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Reality TV Crime Programs

Crime reality television is a significant origin story in understanding reality entertainment. In the 1980s, crime reality television captured the public’s imagination with cold cases, ongoing criminal investigations, surveillance feeds, and live appeals to the public for information to catch criminals. Early crime reality television borrowed from other factual genres, including news reportage, cr

Brand new images? Implications of Instagram photography for place branding

The aim of this article is to develop an understanding of what happens when Instagram photography is used for branding a place. Questions raised are which photographs are taken and published, does the practice result in novel ways of representing a place, and, in turn the image of a place. A practice approach to photography is used where focus is directed to the performative aspect of photography.

Mode i sju akter

Galleri 5 på Kulturhuset Stadsteatern. "Mode i sju akter presenterar arbeten av studenter från ett antal tongivande stockholmsbaserade utbildningar med fokus på mode, hantverk och textil. Funderar kring ekonomi, stil och modets förgänglighet gör Modedoktorn."

Den kvantifierade konsumenten: Om behovet av tillit och transparens på datadrivna marknader

I kärnan av den digitala ekonomin finns idag användning av individrelaterad information, ofta reglerad i termer av personuppgifter. Som konsument är det dessvärre allt svårare att bedöma när den samlas in, hur den används och vilka aktörer som hanterar den över tid, vilket riskerar att undergräva den tillit som ofta är en förutsättning för en fungerade digital marknad. Denna policy brief använder

LRN 2016 SPECIAL – high capacity vehicles and modal shift from rail to road : combining macro and micro analyses

This paper addresses a road transport policy of allowing high capacity vehicles (HCVs) on the roads. The purpose is to examine the effect reduced road transport costs from HCVs can have on a modal shift. Two studies of HCV implementation in Sweden were combined. A micro-based case study modelled the distribution network of a major retailer in scenarios based on actual cost and flow data. A macro a

A Stabilizing Switching Scheme for Multi Controller Systems

The stability of a multi-controller system is analyzed using Lyapunov theory. Stability is guaranteed by a switching strategy determined by a combination of separate Lyapunov functions for the different controllers. The behavior on sliding surfaces is analyzed using non-smooth analysis according to Filippov. Two examples illustrate the theory.

Effect of alteplase on the CT hyperdense artery sign and outcome after ischemic stroke

OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether the location and extent of the CT hyperdense artery sign (HAS) at presentation affects response to IV alteplase in the randomized controlled Third International Stroke Trial (IST-3).METHODS: All prerandomization and follow-up (24-48 hours) CT brain scans in IST-3 were assessed for HAS presence, location, and extent by masked raters. We assessed whether HAS grew, p

Evaluation of δ13C in Carbonaceous Aerosol Source Apportionment at a Rural Measurement Site

The stable isotope of carbon, 13C, has been used in several studies for source characterization of carbonaceous aerosol since there are specific signatures for different sources. In rural areas, the influence of different sources is complex and the application of δ13C for source characterization of the total carbonaceous aerosol (TC) can therefore be difficult, especially the separation between bi

Centralization at Asine during the Bronze Age from a zooarchaeological perspective

From at least the Late Neolithic through the end of the Bronze Age and onwards, people continued to inhabit the settlement of Asine. For this reason, the site makes an interesting starting point for discussing long term change. This short paper presents new data on the animal bones from Bronze Age Asine. The data set is used for a zooarchaeological discussion of the site from a diachronic perspectFrom at least the Late Neolithic through the end of the Bronze Age and onwards, people continued to inhabit the settlement of Asine. For this reason, the site makes an interesting starting point for discussing long term change. This short paper presents new data on the animal bones from Bronze Age Asine. The data set is used for a zooarchaeological discussion of the site from a diachronic perspect

Go with the flow : visually mediated flight control in bumblebees

För ungefär 350 miljoner år sedan utvecklade de första insekterna förmågan att flyga och har sedan dess dominerat våra terrestra miljöer. Trots sina pyttesmå hjärnor och avsaknad av avancerade kontrollinstrument så lyckas flygande insekter på många vis utkonkurrera modern flygteknik. Humlor och bin kan till exempel leta upp en födokälla långt ifrån sitt bo, återvända hem igen och sedan upprepa denDespite their small brains and tiny eyes, flying insects are capable of detecting and avoiding collisions with moving obstacles, and with remarkable precision they navigate through environments of different complexity. For this thesis, I have investigated how bumblebees use the pattern of apparent image motion that is generated in their eyes as they move through the world (known as optic flow), in

Bridging the floods - The role of social learning for resilience building in urban water services

The development of cities is increasingly threatened by a worldwide water crisis. Urban water services (including drinking water, sanitation and drainage) are facing complex and multiple pressures, which are becoming increasingly frequent and severe. These pressures include floods, and the depletion, pollution and degradation of water resources and their associated ecosystems. These diverse pressu

IL-18 associated with lung lymphoid aggregates drives IFNγ production in severe COPD

Background: Increased interferon gamma (IFNγ) release occurs in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) lungs. IFNγ supports optimal viral clearance, but if dysregulated could increase lung tissue destruction. Methods: The present study investigates which mediators most closely correlate with IFNγ in sputum in stable and exacerbating disease, and seeks to shed light on the spatial requirement