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Tunable high-harmonic generation by chromatic focusing of few-cycle laser pulses

In this work we study the impact of chromatic focusing of few-cycle laser pulses on high-order-harmonic generation (HHG) through analysis of the emitted extreme ultraviolet (XUV) radiation. Chromatic focusing is usually avoided in the few-cycle regime, as the pulse spatiotemporal structure may be highly distorted by the spatiotemporal aberrations. Here, however, we demonstrate it as an additional

The core of sibling stem cell donation-A grounded theory study

Background: There is a lack of theoretical framework supporting stem cell transplant nurses in their assessment, judgment and caring interventions of sibling stem cell donors. Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore sibling stem cell donors’ main concerns and how they deal with them before and after donation. Method: Ten healthy sibling donors, 5 men and 5 women, with a median age of 5

Molecular regulation of arterial aneurysms : Role of actin dynamics and microRNAs in vascular smooth muscle

Aortic aneurysms are defined as an irreversible increase in arterial diameter by morethan 50% relative to the normal vessel diameter. The incidence of aneurysm rupture isabout 10 in 100,000 persons per year and ruptured arterial aneurysms inevitably resultsin serious complications, which are fatal in about 40% of cases. There is also a hereditarycomponent of the disease and dilation of the ascendi

“Acting Like a Man”: Emotion Management in Police and Border Guard Work

Conventional views of the police support a norm of emotion management. Aspiring police officers are taught not to show pain or fear and to display an image of control and assertion. If failing to convey such emotions officers might be considered too weak or simply not “man enough” for the job. This is also the case concerning border guarding and border police conduct. This study draws on data gath