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Fabrication and Charaterisation of Finger Gates
År 1925 patenterade den österrike-ungerska fysikern, Julius Edgar Lilenfeld, den första fälteffektstransistorn. Han beskrev i detalj komponentens design, funktioner och användningsområden. Eftersom den dåvarande teknologin var otillräcklig, blev någon tillverkning dock aldrig av. MOSFET:en uppfannas först år 1959, utav Dawon Kahnng och Martin Atalla från Bells Labs. Den typiskt kiselbaserade kompoIn this thesis were vertical NWFETs (nanowire field-effect transistors) fabricated, and their electrical properties characterised. The main goal was to minimize the parasitic capacitances that limited the high frequency performance. The nanowires consisted of InAs/InGaAs heterojunctions, and were grown on top of Si via a buffer layer. The gate contained a finger pattern that was defined via EBL (e
Aggressionsbrottets Janusansikte
Staters interventionism har legat bakom många grova människorättskränkningar. Eftersom FN-systemets vetorätt skyddar vissa stater från straffrättsligt ansvar finns det få reella utsikter för en minskning av dessa människorättsbrott. Inom det institutionella systemet är den Internationella Brottmålsdomstolen ICC och det möjliga aktiverandet av dess jurisdiktion över aggressionsbrottet – som nu befi
New stories for a new, more beautiful world : claiming authorship of the climate story
Sustainability philosophers claim that we are at the impasse of stories, finding ourselves in a blank chapter between the old and the new. The old story, characterized by separation, technological arrogance and human superiority over nature, is unfolding in an ecological crisis giving space for a new narrative defined by inter being, cooperation and balance. It has been put forward that this crisi
Disciplining Tionghoa : Critical Discourse Analysis of News Media During Indonesia’s New Order
Indonesia has a history of hundreds of years revolving around the racism against its 3% Chinese ethnic minority—who are also known as Tionghoa. This circumstance engenders the racial-social order that has been shaping the attitudes and behaviours of the Chinese, both individually and collectively, in social, cultural, and political realms. The Chinese have become self-controlled and self-regulated
Exploring the perceptions of the HR personnel and implications in terms of the 2013-2014 Decentralization Strategy
This research was requested by one of the divisional HR departments´of Region Skåne. The research explores the HR personnels’ perception of the organizational structure, in comparison with the aims of the geographical decentralization strategy, Healthcare Skåne 2.0, which was implemented in 2013-2014. Furthermore, it evaluates and analyses the grander implications of being a geographically decentr
Föroreningsspridning från kustnära deponi : applicering av Landsim 2.5 för modellering av lakvattentransport till Östersjön
Strax väster om centrala Ystad, intill Ystad Reningsverk, återfinns en deponi vars ursprung har spårats tillbaka till tidigt 1960-tal. Deponin beräknas vara cirka 11 250 kv. m och begränsas i sydlig riktning av Östersjön. Vid tidigare markundersökningar inom deponin konstaterades det förekomma stora mängder fyllnadsmassor av heterogen karaktär hela vägen ned till strandkanten där även aktiv erosioAdjacent to Ystad Reningsverk, just west of the central parts of Ystad, there is a landfill whose origin has been traced back to the early 1960´s. The total area of the landfill is assumed to be around 11 250 sq. m and in the south the landfill it is limited by the presence of the Baltic Sea. During previous investigation and surveying within the landfill, a large amount of municipal solid waste (
”Känner du dig som man eller kvinna?” ”Nej!” Om upplevelser av könsidentitet och könsinkongruens i en icke-klinisk population
En internetbaserad enkätstudie med 823 deltagare undersökte huruvida det gick att finna variationer i könsidentitet som överskred en binär syn på könsidentitet, om det fanns upplevelser av könsinkongruens i en icke-klinisk population samt hur två mått på könsidentitet förhöll sig till varandra. Detta undersöktes i en icke-klinisk population. Könsidentitet definierades som ”vilket kön en känner sigAn internet-based survey with 823 participants explored the possibility of finding variations in gender identity that lay outside the gender binary, whether any experiences of gender incongruence were present, as well as how two measures of gender identity were related to one another. This was explored in a non-clinical sample. Gender identity was defined as "the gender one feels like".
Predictive Value of Olfaction, α-synuclein and β-amyloid on Cognition in Parkinson’s Disease
Cognitive decline and subsequent dementia are known to be prevalent in PD (Parkinson’s disease) however, recently olfactory deficits have been found to be present in the majority of PD patients. Findings indicate that they precede the motor symptoms and could therefore be used as early clinical markers for PD. The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictive value of olfaction and CSF (
What is the matter with finance? A historical analysis of the change in US banking practices since 1970
This paper follows changes in US banking practices since financial growth de-coupled from the real economy in 1970s, a phenomenon referred to as financialisation in post-Keynesian and Marxian literature. It is argued that financialisation is a consequence of decades of financial deregulation and neoliberal policies, that has given rise to shareholder value-oriented management structures and comple
Are Some Lives More Grievable Than Others? : Social media practices of mourning and solidarity in the aftermath of the Beirut and Paris attacks
The thesis sets out to investigate how collective mourning on social media is perceived by online audiences and what motivates their participation in it. It is centered around examining the aftermath of the Beirut and Paris attacks in 2015 and how mourning and solidarity was constructed online in their aftermath. The closeness in time of the two attacks illustrates the differences between how the
The male vegetarian - A study about advertising’s ability to change social norms
A Saviour Emerges: A processual view on normative control in practice
This Master’s Thesis contributes with a rich description of normative control as a social process, through the illustration and interpretation of the practical efforts and sense-making that surround it. These contributions are made possible through an ethnographic case study at a medium-sized, fast-growing dotcom company with a distinct and salient corporate culture and normative control efforts.
Cost-effective and energy-efficient renovation measures of multi-family apartment buildings constructed during the million program - Where carbon dioxide emissions minimization is a key issue
The Swedish construction and real estate sector has a significant impact on the total national carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption. Thus, energy efficient and environmentally friendly renovation measures of existing buildings in Sweden plays an important role in the attempt to mitigate the climate changes. By applying the methodology developed by the IEA EBC Annex 56, this study focuse
Faktorers påverkan på bussresandet: En studie på busslinjenivå
Crafting the virtual self: A netnographic study of artisan chocolate consumption practices on Instagram
This thesis addresses the lack of consideration of Instagram as an online brand community. The aim is to explore consumption activities and motives regarding the artisan food brand on Instagram. It also seeks to investigate the idea of craft products and its influence on consumers' consumption choices and activities, including the concept of craft consumption. A netnographic approach is the ma
Vem tar hand om barnen? - En rättssäkerhetsstudie av det kommunala mottagandet av ensamkommande barn
I anslutning till 2015 års flyktingvåg uppenbarades oklarheter i rättsläget med avseende på det svenska rättssystemets tillhandahållande av ställföreträdare för ensamkommande barn. Personer som är under 18 år betraktas enligt svensk rätt som omyndiga vilket innebär att barn saknar förmåga att med rättsligt bindande verkan fatta beslut i personliga angelägenheter och råda över sin egendom. EnsamkomIn 2015 Sweden received an unexpected number of refugees which revealed several flaws within the domestic regulations regarding representation of unaccompanied children. According to swedish legislation persons under the age of 18 lack the legal capacity to make decisions in personal and financial matters. Unaccompanied children who arrive in Sweden require a guardian who can look after the child’
Separation of Hard and Soft Production in High Multiplicity pp Collisions using Transverse Spherocity
Partikel fysik, ämnet som har för avsikt att förklara de allra minsta beståndsdelarna i vårt universum. Forskning inom partikel fysik är viktig för att få en djupare förståelse om kvantkromodynamiken (teorin om den starka växelverkan som är en av de fundamentala krafterna) men även utanför partikelfysiken som till exempel inom kosmologi eftersom att det antas att ett par micro-sekunder efter Big BA big question at LHC is if the Quark-Gluon Plasma is produced in small systems such as pp and p-Pb collisions. A general problem in small systems is that possible medium effects are small and can be obscured by hard collisions such as jet production. In this project the goal is to use a new method, the Transverse Spherocity, to subdivide proton-proton events into soft and hard classes. The hope i
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This study examines how the discourses from the British debate on the French burkini bans from 2016, portrayed Muslim women who cover. 13 articles from The Times, The Guardian, and The Telegraph covering the period of March to June 2016 were selected, and through a discourse analysis it was examined which chains of equivalence were constructed in relation to the nodal point ‘burqini’. With an unde
Effekten av att använda tal eller brus och olika metoder för rättning av HINT vid testning av CI-användare
Cochleaimplantatanvändare (CI) har ofta svårigheter i situationer med bakgrundsljud. Hearing In Noise Test (HINT) mäter talförståelseförmågan för meningar i brus eller tystnad. HINT med brus beskrevs ursprungligen ha fast presentationsnivå för bruset och variabel för tal. Resultatet är ett signal till brusförhållande vid vilket deltagaren svarade 50% rätt. Lägre resultat var bättre. Resultaten frå