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Aerotaxy - A Gas-Phase Nanowire Growth Technique

In this thesis an efficient nanowire fabrication technique, called Aerotaxy, is investigated. Traditional nanowire fabrication techniques include the use of a substrate as a point of nanowire nucleation which limits the amount of nanowires that can be produced per unit time. In contrary, Aerotaxy offers a continuous growth process, in the gasphase, which could substantially increase the rate at wh

Conformational change of complement proteins C3 and C4 induced by methylamine: An X-ray scattering study

Analysis of X-ray scattering data from dilute solutions of the complement proteins C3, C4 and C5 yields the radii of gyration 4.5, 4.25 and 4.8 nm, and the maximum distances within the molecules (Dmax) of 18, 14.5 and 14 nm, respectively. The X-ray data of C4 are compatible with the scattering from one single triaxial body represented as an elliptic cylinder with the semiaxes 5.6 and 2.1 nm and a

Photon Dose Calculations in a Fluence-Based Treatment Planning System: Data Processing, Implementation and Validation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Framgångsrik strålbehandling av cancerpatienter kräver att man kan bestämma den absorberade dosen i patienten med stor noggrannhet. Bara några enstaka procents avvikelse i absorberad dos kan ha betydelse för det kliniska resultatet avseende både tumörutläkning och normalvävnadsreaktioner. För att beräkna den absorberade dosen i patienten används sofistikerade datorprogThe accuracy of dose calculations for various aspects of a treatment planning system (TPS) using an energy fluence beam modelling has been evaluated. The investigated TPS uses a beam model, which separates the energy fluence into a number of sources in the treatment head. The energy fluence components are transported towards the patient and, together with the scatter generated in the patient, yiel

Food for Naught : The politics of food in agricultural modernization for African smallholder food security

Why is there hunger in sub-Saharan Africa? What forces drive the global food system? What is the global food system? To approach these questions, this study investigates power and politics in food, in its production and in its organization. Proceeding from a critical realist approach, focus of this study is on the challenge of African smallholder food insecurity and how it is presented as part of