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Alternative Marine Fuels with Onboard Carbon Capture can Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Maritime Sector
The marine sector contributes significantly to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and a reduction is required in the sector’s environmental impact to meet present climate change targets. This thesis conducts a well-to-wake life-cycle assessment of potential decarbonization solutions for the marine industry, aiming to identify the most promising alternative fuels and evaluate the impact of inclu
Getting to Know Editors and Authors: The Humans Behind the Screen
Fourteen guests from all over Europe and editors of Chemistry Europe journals met for two days to discuss trends and challenges in publishing and to get to know each other during networking breaks and a social evening. The third Chemistry Europe Early Career Researchers Meeting was held on invitation by the Chemistry Europe societies at the Wiley-VCH offices in Weinheim, Germany. It was a great su
Starch in Food : Structure, Function, and Applications
Starch in Food: Structure, Function and Applications, Third Edition is now fully updated with eleven new chapters covering "hot" areas for starch applications, such as starch-based pickering emulsifiers, starch for structuring gluten-free bread products, and starch microspheres for encapsulation of probiotic bacteria. Sections illustrate how plant starch can be analyzed and modified, including cha
CAP 2023-2027: The new fairer and greener CAP?
Agricultural activity is a fundamental part of most societies in the world, therefore policies regulating these activities have an impact on almost every part of these societies, both locally and globally. As a result, it covers the interest of a variety of groups, ranging from farmers to environmental groups, civil society organizations, multinational companies, and political parties, making agri
Securitising Climate Change: An Analysis of Barbados’ advocacy for SIDS in international climate change negotiations
In the last twenty-five years, the influence of climate change over the lives of the world’s citizens has become a central topic of discussion within multilateral organisations such as the United Nations. The topic of policy and decision- making capacity, as well as representation of developing nations such as Small Island Developing States (SIDS) is also constant. This research is conducted as a
Policy Conceptualisation of Development by Re-emerging Donors in Central and Eastern Europe: The Case of the Czech Republic
This study investigates the policy interpretations of development as a concept in the Czech international development cooperation. The rapid transitional experience of countries in Central and Eastern Europe from aid recipient to aid donor claims to have established a unique type of donor, distinct from other major traditional donors, specifically in regard to their approaches to development. Furt
Steering Through the Storm: Azerbaijan’s Journey Towards Promoting Non-Oil Sectors and Diversification Efforts in the Face of Global Crises and the COVID-19 Pandemic
In the interconnected landscape of today's global economy, some nations' fortunes are closely tied to their natural resources and their effective management. This is particularly true for countries like Azerbaijan, blessed with abundant oil reserves. While these resources catalyze growth, they also expose vulnerabilities as the nation's economy fluctuates with the tides of the global o
A note on automorphisms of finite p-groups
Teaching and Learning of Calculus
Nordic research in didactics of mathematics: Past, present and future
The impact of ESG on corporate Debt: Evidence from the Nordic Market
Five things you need to know about prostate cancer diagnostic tests
For many years, prostate cancer early detection was a straightforward matter of recommending biopsy to all men with an elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA). This is perhaps best evidenced by the European Randomized Trial of Screening for Prostate Cancer, where an automatic biopsy is specified in the protocol and close to 90% of men with a PSA ≥3.0 ng/mL were biopsied [1]. Starting around 2010,
d’hondt och kartellerna : Kartellsamverkan mellan partierna i de svenska andrakammarvalen 1911-1948 under den d’Hondtska heltalsmetodens tid
‘Where is the harmony? It's just wild and rainy, it’s closed.’ A Case Study on Rural Destination Branding and Stakeholder Cooperation at Kullahalvön
Rural destinations like Kullahalvön are becoming more and more popular as tourists look for authentic local experiences. However, the synergy between stakeholder engagement and rural branding has not received much attention in studies. We explore the complexities of destination branding and stakeholder collaboration in Kullahalvön in this qualitative study. By means of a comprehensive document ana
Consultants as Change Agents for Sustainability: A Qualitative Study of ESG Services
This thesis examines the role of consultants as external change agents for sustainability, exploring how they address the grand challenges of our generation through the provision of ESG services. Interviews with fifteen consultants and sustainability services providers located in Sweden and Denmark were conducted to map how ESG services are framed as a service offering in Scandinavia. Additionally
Women Behind the Wheel: A grounded theory study about attracting young women to the trucking industry
Purpose: The trucking industry is growing due the rise of e-commerce, which has led to increase in demand for drivers. To address this demand, the industry seeks strategies to attract more qualified drivers. Recognizing the benefits of employing women as drivers, there's a collective effort to encourage women participation. In Sweden, there is a growing interest among young women to become tru
LuViRA Dataset Validation and Discussion: Comparing Vision, Radio, and Audio Sensors for Indoor Localization
We present a unique comparative analysis, and evaluation of vision, radio, and audio based localization algorithms. We create the first baseline for the aforementioned sensors using the recently published Lund University Vision, Radio, and Audio (LuViRA) dataset, where all the sensors are synchronized and measured in the same environment. Some of the challenges of using each specific sensor for in
The AAV-α-Synuclein Model of Parkinson's Disease : An Update
Targeted delivery of α-synuclein using AAV vectors has over the two decades since its introduction developed into a versatile tool for modeling different aspects of synucleinopathy, mimicking those seen in Parkinson's disease and related Lewy body disorders. The viral vector approach to disease modeling is attractive in that the expression of α-synuclein, wild-type or mutated, can be confined to d
Economic Inequality and Social Mobility
This chapter analyzes the long-term development of income inequality and social mobility. During the twentieth century Landskrona experienced a dramatic socioeconomic transformation that shaped economic inequality and social mobility. There were three main phases in the development of socioeconomic disparities, which reflect development at the national level. The first phase (1905–1930) saw high a