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Element 115
Element 115 är arbetsnamnet för det grundämne som karaktäriseras av att atomer av ämnet har 115 protoner i sin atomkärna. Protoner är positivt laddade kärnpartiklar och är ansvariga för att atomkärnor omges av lika många negativt laddade elektroner för att bilda fullvärdiga neutrala atomer. Olika grundämnen -- såsom guld, syre och tellur -- kännetecknas av att atomerna har olika många protoner, ocThis thesis is devoted to detailed studies of element 115 decay chains using the highly efficient multi-coincidence alpha, electron, gamma and X-ray detector setup TASISpec at the gas-filled separator TASCA at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany. In a three-week long experiment thirty new decay chains assumed to stem from element 115 isotopes were observed together with the very first detections of gamma rays
Infrared cameras in science education
Infrared cameras can be used in science education. The technology suits open-ended thermodynamics laboratory exercises in higher education. School children engage in instant inquiry of thermal phenomena.
Desalination and Power Plant, Project for Gaza and Sinai
Risk of Abdominal Surgery in Pregnancy Among Women Who Have Undergone Bariatric Surgery
OBJECTIVE:: To compare the rates of abdominal surgery during pregnancy among women with previous bariatric surgery (women in the case group) and women with first-trimester body mass index (BMI) greater than 35 and no previous bariatric surgery (women in the control group). METHODS:: We conducted a national cohort study, merging data from the Swedish Medical Birth Registry and the Swedish National
Stora sabotageligan : Kominterns och Sovjetunionens underjordiska nätverk i Sverige
How do selected crop rotations affect soil organic carbon in boreo-temperate systems? A systematic review protocol
Background: Soils are important global carbon pools that are under threat from intensive land use through a variety of agricultural practices. Sustainable management of agricultural soils may have the potential to mitigate climate change through increased carbon sequestration and increase their fertility. Among management practices to increase carbon sequestration, crop rotation designs have often
Early- versus late-onset Alzheimer disease : Long-term functional outcomes, nursing home placement, and risk factors for rate of progression.
Background/Aims: Whether age at onset influences functional deterioration in Alzheimer disease (AD) is unclear. We, therefore, investigated risk factors for progression in activities of daily living (ADL) and nursing home placement (NHP) in cholinesterase inhibitor (ChEI)-treated patients with early-onset AD (EOAD) versus late-onset AD (LOAD). Methods: This 3-year, prospective, observational, mult
Acoustic Touch Screen for Dolphins, First application of ELVIS - an Echo-Location Visualization and Interface System
Dolphin sonar has been extensively studied over several decades, and much of its basic characteristics are well known (Au 1993). However, most of these studies have been based on an experimental setup where the dolphin has been trained to be voluntarily fixed, so its directional sonar beam could be recorded with fixed hydrophones. Although this allows for very exact measurements, it most likely ha
Tormented by History: Greece, Turkey and the Territorial Imagination
No Trace of Accelerator
No Trace of Accelerator takes as its starting point the mysterious incident of a series of apparently spontaneous fires that broke out in an isolated French town in the mid-1990s. The cause of the fires remained unexplained for some months, a period when all kinds of fear, panic and superstition gripped the small community. The fires were eventually explained, but the reaction of the towns-people
Meaningful work at a distance
Effects of Injection Timing on Fluid Flow Characteristics of Partially Premixed Combustion Based on High-Speed Particle Image Velocimetry
Partially Premixed Combustion (PPC) is a promising combustion concept ,based on judicious tuning of the charge stratification, to meet the increasing demands of emission legislation and to improve fuel efficiency. Longer ignition delays of PPC in comparison with conventional diesel combustion provide better fuel/air mixture which decreases soot and NOx emissions. Moreover, a proper injection timin
Inledning till temanumret Migration
Kriminologiska metoder och internet
Remissyttrande: En känneteckensrättslig reform (SOU 2016:79)
Staden i ständig förnyelse
Anterograde and retrograde regulation of nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial proteins during growth, development, and stress
Mitochondrial biogenesis and function in plants require the expression of over 1000 nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial proteins (NGEMPs). The expression of these genes is regulated by tissue-specific, developmental, internal, and external stimuli that result in a dynamic organelle involved in both metabolic and a variety of signaling processes. Although the metabolic and biosynthetic machinery o
Perturbation of indole-3-butyric acid homeostasis by the UDP-glucosyltransferase UGT74E2 modulates Arabidopsis architecture and water stress tolerance
Reactive oxygen species and redox signaling undergo synergistic and antagonistic interactions with phytohormones to regulate protective responses of plants against biotic and abiotic stresses. However, molecular insight into the nature of this crosstalk remains scarce. We demonstrate that the hydrogen peroxide-responsive UDP-glucosyltransferase UGT74E2 of Arabidopsis thaliana is involved in the mo
Alternative oxidase : a target and regulator of stress responses
The alternative oxidase (AOX) is found in all plants examined to date, fungi and lower invertebrates. We propose that AOX is not only part of the stress response in plants, but it also plays a central role in defining the stress response. Three lines of evidence support this proposal: (1) The absence of AOX leads to an alteration of stress defences in normal and stress conditions, (2) the expressi