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Propagation of transient electromagnetic waves in time-varying media - Direct and inverse scattering problems

Wave propagation of transient electromagnetic waves in time-varying media is considered. The medium, which is assumed to be inhomogeneous and dispersive, lacks invariance under time translations. The spatial variation of the medium is assumed to be in the depth coordinate, i.e., it is stratified. The constitutive relations of the medium is a time integral of a generalized susceptibility kernel and

De vuxna är en av de viktigaste förklaringarna till kränkningarna

Tyckare och experter förfäras över det hemska nätet och de ohyfsade ungdomarna. Men det kommer någonstans ifrån. Barn gör inte som vuxna säger, de gör som vuxna gör. Det skriver Marcin de Kaminski, nätforskare och doktorand i rättssociologi, och Katia Wagner, frilansjournalist och föreläsare kring ungas vardag på internet.

Rao-Blackwellized Particle Smoothing for Occupancy-Grid Based SLAM Using Low-Cost Sensors

We approach the simultaneous localization and mapping problem by using an ultrasound sensor and wheel encoders on a mobile robot. The measurements are modeled to yield a conditionally linear model for all the map states. Moreover, we implement a Rao-Blackwellized particle smoother (RBPS) for jointly estimating the position of the robot and the map. The method is applied and successfully verified b

NEXT STEP in Cost-based Sustainable Production Development - Cases from different Production Operations

This article discusses the NEXT STEP (beyond Lean production philosophy) and its relation to Sustainable Production Development. One of the most important factors affecting long-term sustainability is the degree to which resource-efficient production can be achieved. From this standpoint, Lean Production is similar to Sustainable Production. The research reported on here suggests there to be no co

HMS: A Predictive Text Entry Method using Bigrams

Due to the emergence of SMS messages, the significance of effective text entry on limited-size keyboards has increased. In this paper, we describe and discuss a new method to enter text more efficiently using a mobile telephone keyboard. This method, which we called HMS, predicts words from a sequence of keystrokes using a dictionary and a function combining bigram frequencies and word length. We

A European Public Sphere and the Issue of Permeability

The academic discourse on the need for a shared political public sphere at the level of the European Union has in recent years produced the conventional wisdom that such an emerging transnational community of communication is already observable in the mass media. However, the empirical indicators on which this notion is based tend to accommodate parallel national public spheres rather than a genui

Software Dependability under Emergency Conditions

Many governmental actors have an operative responsibility in times of emergency. For this task they are becoming more and more dependent on IT systems. First interviews with some emergency managers show that traditional emergency management and risk analysis not always manages to capture this critical dependency. The exact dependence on IT systems in a crisis is often hard to predict, and