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Misunderstanding Abai and the Legacy of the Canon: “Neponyanii” and “Neponyatii” Abai in Contemporary Kazakhstan

The Soviet canonisation of Abai, the nineteenth-century Kazakh poet and enlightener became a problematic theme for local intellectuals in the 2010s after the Occupy Abai movement in Moscow raised concerns over the heritage of Abai as a Sovietised canon and as an independent non-Soviet thinker. In 2012 oppositional leaders in Russia occupied Abai monument in Moscow and the leader of the opposition

Measurement of the cross-section for producing a W boson in association with a single top quark in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with ATLAS

The inclusive cross-section for the associated production of a W boson and top quark is measured using data from proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV. The dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 3.2 fb−1, and was collected in 2015 by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Events are selected requiring two opposite sign isolated leptons and at least one jet; they are se

The Potential of Using Large Antenna Arrays on Intelligent Surfaces

In this paper, we consider capacities of single-antenna terminals communicating to large antenna arrays that are deployed on surfaces. That is, the entire surface is used as an intelligent receiving antenna array. Under the condition that the surface area is sufficiently large, the received signal after matched-filtering (MF) can be well approximated by an intersymbol interference (ISI) channel wh

Geographies of growth : Innovations, networks and collaborations

Today we can observe an increasing spatial divide as some large urban regions and many more medium-sized and small regions face growing problems such as decreasing labour demand, increasing unemployment and an ageing population. In view of these trends, this book offers a better understanding of the general characteristics and specific drivers of the geographies of growth. It shows how these may v

Canon Revisited

Et forarbejde til en publikation på Syddansk Universitetsforlag, Danmark

Förändrade förutsättningar för framtidens kollektivtrafik

Övergripande samhällsförändringar påverkar förutsättningarna för framtidens kollektivtrafik. Det påverkar t.ex. var människor väljer att bo och arbeta, hur företag organiserar sin verksamhet, och vilka metoder som används för att omsätta politiska beslut i praktik handling. Vi kan aldrig med säkerhetuttala oss om vad som kommer att ske i framtiden. Men genom att resonera kring trender och mottrend

Infection-Induced Coronary Dysfunction and Systemic Inflammation in Piglets Are Dampened in Hypercholesterolemic Milieu

Introduction: The synergism of infection with conventional cardiovascular risk factors in early life atherosclerosis is much debated. We hypothesized that coronary arterial injury correlates with infection recurrence and pathogen burden, and is further aggravated by hypercholesterolemia. Methods: Forty-two Go ̈ ttingen minipigs were assigned to repeated intra-tracheal inoculation of either saline,

CHEOPS (CHaracterizing ExOPlanets Satellite) Mission

The Characterizing ExOPlanet Satellite (CHEOPS) mission was selected in October 2012 by ESA as the first small mission. It will be a ultra-high precision photometer dedicated to the observation of transits of known exoplanets on bright stars, for which the mass has already been measured via ground-based spectroscopic surveys. Its precision will allow the accurate determination of the planetary rad

Hip Heritage and Contemporary Tastes : Packaging the Nordic in the American Cultural Market

This article focuses on two institutions, the American Swedish Institute and the Nordic Heritage Museum that have spent the first part of the 21st century thinking and rethinking what the heritage under their auspices can be. In doing this, the text problematizes the manner in which elements of Nordic history and identity are being re-thought and re-framed in the cultural and economic context of tThis article focuses on two institutions, the American Swedish Institute and the Nordic Heritage Museum that have spent the first part of the 21st century thinking and rethinking what the heritage under their auspices can be. In doing this, the text problematizes the manner in which elements of Nordic history and identity are being re-thought and re-framed in the cultural and economic context of t