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Partierna, rösträtten och medborgarskapet : Riksdagsdebatten om utlandssvenskars och ickemedborgares rösträtt efter år 1921

Political Parties, Enfranchisement, and Citizenship: Debates on Voting Rights for Expatriate Citizens and Resident Aliens in the Swedish Parliament after 1921.The question of how voting rights should be designed in relation to national citizenship has gained attention in modern, academic debates. However, there are few empirical studies on the political agents actually involved in efforts to promo

α-Hemolysin of uropathogenic E. coli regulates NLRP3 inflammasome activation and mitochondrial dysfunction in THP-1 macrophages

Hemolysin expressing UPEC strains have been associated with severe advanced kidney pathologies, such as cystitis and pyelonephritis, which are associated with an inflammatory response. Macrophages play an important role in regulating an inflammatory response during a urinary tract infection. We have studied the role of purified recombinant α-hemolysin in inducing inflammatory responses and cell de

Proinflammatory cytokines induce accumulation of glypican-1-derived heparan sulfate and the C-terminal fragment of β-cleaved APP in autophagosomes of dividing neuronal cells

Proinflammatory cytokines stimulate expression of β-secretase, which increases processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP), ultimately leading to the deposition of amyloid beta (Aβ). The N-terminal domain of β-cleaved APP supports Cu/NO-dependent release of heparan sulfate (HS) from the glypican-1 (Gpc-1) proteoglycan. HS is an inhibitor of β-secretase, thereby constituting a regulatory, negativ

Almost complex surfaces in the nearly Kähler SL(2, R) × SL(2, R)

The space SL(2, R) × SL(2, R) admits a natural homogeneous pseudo-Riemannian nearly Kahler structure. We investigate almost complex surfaces in this space. In particular, we obtain a complete classification of the totally geodesic almost complex surfaces and of the almost complex surfaces with parallel second fundamental form.

Advances on image interpolation based on ant colony algorithm

This paper presents an advance on image interpolation based on ant colony algorithm (AACA) for high resolution image scaling. The difference between the proposed algorithm and the previously proposed optimization of bilinear interpolation based on ant colony algorithm (OBACA) is that AACA uses global weighting, whereas OBACA uses local weighting scheme. The strength of the proposed global weightin

Estimated effect of secondary screening for hip dislocation

Objectives: To quantify the effect of secondary screening for hip dislocations. Design: Retrospective analysis of hospital files from participants in a prospectively collected nationwide registry. Setting: Child healthcare centres and orthopaedic departments in Sweden. Participants: Of 126 children with hip dislocation diagnosed later than 14 days age in the 2000-2009 birth cohort, 101 had complet

Hilpinen's Theory of Inquiry

Risto Hilpinen’s name is associated with seminal contributions to many areas of analytic philosophy, including influential work on deontic logic and the theory of artifacts, as well as important early investigations into inductive logic and indefeasibility analyses of knowledge. A somewhat lesser known body of Hilpinen’s work concerns the theory of inquiry, whereby the central questions are how to

Management of an outbreak of postpartum Streptococcus pyogenes emm75 infections

Background: Streptococcus pyogenes is a well-known cause of postpartum infections and is causing significant morbidity and mortality. Aim: To describe measures taken to control an outbreak of postpartum infections caused by S. pyogenes emm75 on a maternity ward. Methods: Patients presenting postpartum with signs and symptoms of infection were cultured for β-haemolytic streptococci with cervical sw

Energy versus throughput optimisation for machine-to-machine communication

We investigate the trade-off between energy usage and (packet) throughput in wireless mesh networks performing machine-to-machine communication. For this we provide a novel mixed-integer programming formulation to maximise the throughput while maintaining minimal energy usage, together with an effective price-and-branch solution algorithm based on column generation. The resulting optimisation mode

Oxidation of Polyunsaturated Lipid Membranes by Photocatalytic Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles : Role of pH and Salinity

In the present study, UV-induced membrane destabilization by TiO2 (anatase) nanoparticles was investigated by neutron reflectometry (NR), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D), dynamic light scattering (DLS), and ζ-potential measurements for phospholipid bilayers formed by zwitterionic palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) containing biologic

Optimization of analog circuits test mode based on Ants Colony Algorithms

In this paper, optimization technique based on Ants Colony Algorithms (ACA) was studied for test node selection. The technique yields high faults detection and isolation rates with less number of nodes. This concept can also be applied in the domain of fault dictionary. In the technique proposed, the objective function consists of the fault detection rate defined as the number of faults detected d

Epigenome-wide cross-tissue correlation of human bone and blood DNA methylation–can blood be used as a surrogate for bone?

Difficulty in obtaining bone tissue is an obstacle to studying epigenetics to understand gene–environment interactions, and their role in disease pathogenesis. Blood is an obvious alternative and in this proof of principle study, our aim was to systematically investigate whether blood is a viable surrogate for bone. We measured epigenome-wide DNA methylation at 850 K CpG sites in matched trabecula