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Gastric and enteric Helicobacter species in animal models and in the human colon

Popular Abstract in Swedish Helicobacter pylori är troligen världens vanligaste bakterieinfektion och mer än 50% av jordens befolkning är infekterad. Bakterien orsakar kronisk magkatarr vilket kan utvecklas till sår både i magsäcken och i tolvfingertarmen, samt till magcancer. Behandling med antibiotika, som dödar bakterien, och syrahämmande läkemedel har revolutionerat behandlingen av magsår, somThe Gram-negative genus of Helicobacter consists of many bacterial species that colonize a wide range of animal hosts. The genus can be divided into gastric species that colonize the stomach, and enteric species that preferentially colonize the colon and biliary tree of various animal hosts. Helicobacter pylori cause gastritis, gastro-duodenal ulcer disease and gastric adenocarcinoma and lymphoma

Ortodoxa och österländska kyrkor i Sverige

Vilka är de ortodoxa och österländska kyrkorna? Många har säkert hört talas om grekisk-ortodoxa eller syrisk-ortodoxa kristna – men vad utmärker egentligen deras religiösa liv? Och hur ser gruppernas tillvaro ut i Sverige? I SSTs nya publikation om de ortodoxa och österländska kyrkorna i Sverige beskrivs både historia och samtid för en av Sveriges största samfundsgrupper.

On collaboration between academia and practice for research and innovation: A pilot study for BillerudKorsnäs

Collaboration between academia and industry is believed important for innovation: industry needs academic expertise and know-how and academics need empirical data, test beds and more. So what needs to be improved? A pilot study conducted for BillerudKorsnäs confirms findings in previous research: the main challenge to industry-academia collaboration is the lack of mutual understanding of each oth

60 GHz 130-nm CMOS Second Harmonic Power Amplifiers

Abstract—Two different frequency doubling power amplifiers have been measured, one with differential and one with singleended input, both with single-ended output at 60 GHz. The amplifiers have been implemented in a 1p8M 130-nm CMOS process. The resonant nodes are tuned to 30 GHz or 60 GHz using on-chip transmission lines, which have been simulated in ADS and Momentum. The measured input impedance

Systematics of Lactobacillus spp. of probiotic potential

Lactobacillus is a heterogeneous bacterial genus comprising at present 91 species. The high species number often makes classification and identification difficult, especially as the taxonomy to a high degree has been based on phenotypical traits. Members of the genus are of commercial importance, involved in a range of industrial products and applied as probiotics, “live microorganisms which when

Signal processing and alarm handling in process control

The proper handling of alarms is crucial to automated process control. In practice, many alarms are only distractive and do not represent a fault situation. Here a toolbox, that uses an expert system called LARA, is proposed that aims to reduce the occurrence of so-called nuisance alarms. It is based on a signal classification scheme to propose suitable alarm handling algorithms according to the s

Accumulation, control and contingency; a critical review of intellectual property rights' "piracy"

This article problematizes piracy a) as a hegemonic discourse and technology of control, aiming to securitize late capitalist accumulation; b) as a practice developed by the multitudes that is compatible to post–Fordist mode of production and to neoliberal norms; and, c) as resistance to dominant mode of late capitalist production, distribution and consumption of immaterial goods. The article addr

Reduced-order through-flow design code for highly loaded cooled gas turbines

The development of advanced computational fluid dynamic codes for turbine design does not substitute the importance of mean-line codes. Turbine design involves mean-line design, through-flow design, airfoil design, and finally 3D viscous modeling. The preliminary mean-line design continues to play an important role in early design stages. The aim of this paper was to present the methodology of mea

Avtal om vidareutnyttjande av offentlig information

Projektet har haft sitt största fokus vid att göra en djuplodande rättsutredning för att därmed kunna ange konkreta förslag på praktiskt användbara rättsliga lösningar för tillgängliggörande av öppna datakällor. Två tydliga förslag förs fram: 1. Riktlinjer för vidareutnyttjande av handlingar som finns hos myndigheten (datapolicy); och 2. En öppen licens för vidareutnyttjande av information från