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Developing A Proactive Safety Performance Measurement Tool (SPMT) For Construction Sites

‘Safety pays’ is a phrase commonly used. But, when it comes to putting that concept into practice, very few are actually successful at it. Reasons given include: it is costly or it is a waste of time or it is not the main cause of failure. However the real problem is that there is not enough guidance as to how to improve safety performance on site. Traditional measurement approaches include accide

Solaris Storage Ring Lattice Optimization with Strong Insertion Devices

The Solaris synchrotron radiation facility under construction in Krakow will be a replica of the 1.5 GeV storage ring of MAX IV. This compact 3rd generation light source has been designed to have an emittance of 6 nm rad and operate with 500 mA stored current for VUV and and soft X-ray production.The lattice consists of 12 double- bend achromats (DBA) where each DBA cell is integrated into one sol

State-copying and Recomputation in Parallel Constraint Programming with Global Constraints

In this paper we discuss parallelization and distribution of problems modeled in a constraint programming (CP) framework. We focus on parallelization of depth-first search methods, since search is the most time-consuming task in CP. The current hardware development is moving towards multi-core processors and the cost of building distributed systems is shrinking. Hence, parallelization and distribu

Från skandinavisk myntunion mot EMU

i Andersson-Skogh, L. & Krantz, O. (Red.) . [”From Scandinavian Monetary Union Towards EMU.” in Andersson-Skogh, L. & Krantz, O. (Ed.) The Century of Transformation. Perspectives on Economy and Society in 20th Century Sweden.]

Histamine and chromogranin A-derived peptides in rat stomach ECL cells

Popular Abstract in Swedish ECL-cellen är en hormonproducerande cell i magslemhinnan. Den utsöndrar histamin vilken i sin tur reglerar magsäckens saltsyrautsöndring. I avhandlingen utvecklades en metod som möjliggör mätningar av histaminutsöndringen från ECL-celler i vakna råttor. Metoden bygger på att ett semipermeabelt membran opereras in i magslemhinnan varpå histamin och andra substanser som fThe ECL cells constitute the predominant endocrine cell population of the stomach. They secrete histamine which is a major stimulator of acid secretion. Chormogranin A (CgA)-derived peptides, such as pancreastatin, are co-secreted with histamine. In this thesis it was demonstrated that pancreastatin may serve as a reliable marker for ECL cell secretory activity in the rat. The function of pancreas

The Sun, Space Weather and Effects

The Sun and the solar magnetic activity is responsible for a variety of effects in space and on the Earth. High energy radiation and charged particles are constantly being emitted from the solar atmosphere interacting with our atmosphere and technological systems in space and on the ground. The research papers included in this thesis cover analysis of solar magnetic activity, solar indices, solar

Ultrafast, jitter-free x-ray streak camera that uses single-photon counting

A novel method developed to increase the temporal resolution of x-ray streak cameras is described. The method is analogous to the time-correlated single-photon-counting technique, which is commonly used in atomic physics. By use of short-pulse x-ray radiation from a laser-produced plasma, generated by an ultrafast laser, it is shown that a standard x-ray streak camera with a nominal temporal resol

Variational Methods in Combinatorial Optimization and Phylogeny Reconstruction

Popular Abstract in Swedish Metoder utvecklade inom den statistiska fysiken har visat sig vara användbara även i andra forskningfält såsom datalogi, statistik, ekonomi och molekylärbiologi. I den här avhandlingen undersöks hur en variationell metod, utvecklad för statistisk fysik, kan användas när man löser kombinatoriska optimeringsproblem och när man försöker rekonstruera evolutionsträd. I den Algorithms based on the variational approach, as used in statistical physics, are developed. For constraint satisfaction problems a novel cost function, based on information-theoretic arguments, is introduced, and an algorithm similar to the mean-field annealing algorithm is proposed. It outperforms the conventional mean-field algorithm, and its performance is comparable to good problem-dedicated