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Mechanical soil disturbance as a determinant of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in semi-natural grassland.

While the effect of disturbance on overall abundance and community composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi has been researched in agricultural fields, less is known about the impact in semi-natural grasslands. We sampled two AM plant species, Festuca brevipila and Plantago lanceolata, from an ongoing grassland restoration experiment that contained replicated plowed and control plots. The

Mapping the location of grafted PNIPAAM in mesoporous SBA-15 silica using gas adsorption analysis.

The thermoresponsive polymer poly-N-isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAAM) was grafted in mesoporous SBA-15 silica. The grafting process consists of three steps: (i) increasing the amount of surface silanol groups of SBA-15 by hydroxylation, (ii) attachment of an anchor (1-(trichlorosilyl)-2-(m/p-(chloromethylphenyl)ethane) and finally (iii) the polymerization of the monomers (NIPAAM) onto the anchor. Afte

Active control of the pointing of a multi-terawatt laser.

The beam pointing of a multi-terawatt laser wave laser is stabilized on a millisecond time scale using an active control system. Two piezo mirrors, two position sensing detectors, and a computer based optimization program ensure that both near- and far-field are stable, even during single shot operation. A standard deviation for the distribution of laser shots of 2.6 μ rad is achieved.

Electrification and Energy Productivity

Energy productivity is crucial for sustainable development.We use cointegration analyses to investigate the effect of electricity on energy productivity in Swedish industry from 1930 to 1990. Electricity augmented energy productivity in those industrial branches that used electricity formultiple purposes. This productivity effect goes beyond “book-keeping effects,” i. e. it is not only the result

Elastic Net Regularized Logistic Regression using Cubic Majorization

In this work, a coordinate solver for elastic net regularized logistic regression is proposed. In particular, a method based on majorization maximization using a cubic function is derived. This to reliably and accurately optimize the objective function at each step without resorting to line search. Experiments show that the proposed solver is comparable to, or improves, state-of-the-art solvers. T

The Social Process of Escalation: A Promising Focus for Crisis Management Research

Background This study identifies a promising, new focus for the crisis management research in the health care domain. After reviewing the literature on health care crisis management, there seems to be a knowledge-gap regarding organisational change and adaption, especially when health care situations goes from normal, to non-normal, to pathological and further into a state of emergency or crisis.

Xanthoparmelia lineola s. l. in Australia and North America

Populations previously included in Xanthoparmelia lineola and X. digitiformis from Australia and North America have been investigated using ITS rDNA sequences, chemistry and morphology and have been compared with possible related species. The new species, Xanthoparmelia knudsenii Elix, A. Thell & Søchting is described and the new combination Xanthoparmelia rimalis (Kurok.) Elix, A. Thell &

New product from old reaction: uniform magnetite nanoparticles from iron-mediated synthesis of alkali iodides and their protection from leaching in acidic media

Iron-mediated synthesis of alkali metal iodides was quite unexpectedly demonstrated to be able to serve as a cost-efficient and reliable source of spherical single crystalline near-stoichiometric magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles as revealed by TEM and XRD studies and also by XANES spectroscopic quantification of the Fe2+-content. Using the particles as nuclei for the Stoeber synthesis of silica nan

Cognitive development, reading and prosodic skills in children with cochlear implants

This report summarizes some of the results of studies in our laboratory exploring the development of cognitive, reading and prosodic skills in children with cochlear implantation (CI). The children with CI performed at significantly lower levels than the hearing comparison group on the majority of cognitive tests, despite showing levels of nonverbal ability. The differences between children with C

CSF Biomarkers and Incipient Alzheimer Disease in Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment

Context Small single-center studies have shown that cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers may be useful to identify incipient Alzheimer disease (AD) in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), but large-scale multicenter studies have not been conducted. Objective To determine the diagnostic accuracy of CSF beta-amyloid(1-42) (A beta 42), total tau protein (T-tau), and tau phosphorylated at po

En studie av vindsbränder utifrån statistik och brandutredningar

This report provides a detailed study of attic fires that have occurred in Swedish apartment buildings in order to determine if there are specific technical or organizational factors that influence them. The study has been carried out by a combined analysis of rescue service statistics with case studies based on detailed fire investigations. In the case study a total of 27 fire investigations w

Innovation policies in Thailand: towards a system of innovation approach?

The issue of the rationale for public intervention under the system of innovation (SI) perspective has recently received increasing attention from scholars and practitioners. However, with few exceptions, this literature has been based on the analysis of innovation policies and innovation systems in industrialized countries neglecting almost completely the specific policy dilemmas that arise from

Advancing adolescent health and health services in Saudi Arabia: exploring health-care providers' training, interest, and perceptions of the health-care needs of young people.

Adolescent health is regarded as central to global health goals. Investments made in adolescent health and health services protect the improvements witnessed in child health. Though Saudi Arabia has a large adolescent population, adolescent health-care only began to emerge in recent years, yet widespread uptake has been very limited. Health-care providers are key in addressing and providing the ne

Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy of beta-carotene.

Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2D) has been applied to beta-carotene in solution to shine new light on the ultrafast energy dissipation network in carotenoids. The ability of 2D to relieve spectral congestion provides new experimental grounds for resolving the rise of the excited state absorption signal between 18,000 and 19,000 cm(-1). In this spectral region, the pump-probe signals fro

phi meson production in d plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

The PHENIX Collaboration has measured phi meson production in d + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV using the dimuon and dielectron decay channels. The phi meson is measured in the forward (backward) d-going (Au-going) direction, 1.2 < y < 2.2 (-2.2 < y < -1.2) in the transverse-momentum (pT) range from 1-7 GeV/c and at midrapidity vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.35 in the p(T) range below 7 G