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Complementary shifts in photoreceptor spectral tuning unlock the full adaptive potential of ultraviolet vision in birds

Color vision in birds is mediated by four types of cone photoreceptors whose maximal sensitivities (λmax) are evenly spaced across the light spectrum. In the course of avian evolution, the λmax of the most shortwave-sensitive cone, SWS1, has switched between violet (λmax > 400 nm) and ultraviolet (λmax < 380 nm) multiple times. This shift of the SWS1 opsin is accompanied by a corresponding short-w

Investigation of the effect of engine lubricant oil on remote temperature sensing using thermographic phosphors

Phosphor thermometry, a remote temperature sensing technique, is widely implemented to measure the temperature of different combustion engines components. The presence of engine lubricant can influence the behavior of the applied sensor materials, known as thermographic phosphors, and thus leading to erroneous temperature measurements. The effect of two engine lubricants on decay times originating

Scaling and scale breaking in polyelectrolytes

We consider the thermodynamics of a uniformly charged polyelectrolyte with harmonic bonds. For such a system there is at high temperatures an approximate scaling of global properties like the end-to-end distance and the interaction energy with the chain length divided by the temperature. This scaling is broken at low temperatures by the ultraviolet divergence of the Coulomb potential. By introduci

Social capital, friendship networks, and youth unemployment

Youth unemployment is a contemporary social problem in many societies. Youths often have limited access to information about jobs and limited social influence, yet little is known about the relationship between social capital and unemployment risk among youth. We study the effect of social capital on unemployment risk in a sample of 19 year olds of Swedish, Iranian, and Yugoslavian origin living i

”Det är ur görandet tankarna föds” – från idé till komposition : En studie av kompositionsprocesser i högre musikutbildning

Recent technological developments have challenged the historical methods of composing music for acoustical instruments using traditional scores. However, composers in the Western art music tradition still continue to use them when they explore the realm of sounds in traditional instruments and possible ways to communicate their intentions.The aim of the present study is to describe the development

Factors influencing physical working capacity in renal transplant patients

Clyne N, Jogestrand T, Lins L-E & Pehrsson SK. Division of Nephrology and Cardiology, Department of Medicine and Department of Clinical Physiology, Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden. We have examined uraemic patients' exercise capacity, and the factors influencing this capacity, before and after successful renal transplantation. Eleven uraemic patients (mean age 41 ± 10 years) with an ave

Factors limiting physical working capacity in predialytic uraemic patients

The exercise capacity of 20 predialytic uraemic patients (mean age 43 ± 12 years) was studied prospectively. Nine of these patients were examined twice in a longitudinal study. The maximal working capacity, measured by standardized exercise test on a bicycle ergometer, averaged 74 ± 19% of the expected normal. Normal exercise ECG were registered in 16 out of 20 patients. Total hemoglobin/kg body w

The regional aerosol-climate model REMO-HAM

REMO-HAM is a new regional aerosol-climate model. It is based on the REMO regional climate model and includes most of the major aerosol processes. The structure for aerosol is similar to the global aerosol-climate model ECHAM5-HAM, for example the aerosol module HAM is coupled with a two-moment stratiform cloud scheme. On the other hand, REMO-HAM does not include an online coupled aerosol-radiatio

Pathways to future cropland : Assessing uncertainties in socio-economic processes by applying a global land-use model

Den globala jordbruksproduktionen har de senaste fem decennierna nästan tredubblats. Produktionsökningen beror på ett allt intensivare jordbruk samt konvertering av naturliga ekosystem till jordbruksmark. Intensifieringen av jordbruket har skett genom ökad användning av högavkastande grödor, mekanisering, bevattning, konstgödsel och bekämpningsmedel. Både intensivare jordbruk och expansionen av joGlobal agricultural production almost tripled within the last five decades. The production increase wasbased on expanding cropland and pastures, as well as the intensification of agriculture, including increased use ofhigh yielding crop varieties, machinery, irrigation, artificial fertilisers, and pesticides. Both, agriculturalintensification and the expansion of agricultural land-use lead to envi

Könsinkluderande språk i nästa svenska bibelöversättning

Gender-inclusive language has been consciously applied in almost all significant English Bible translations over the last thirty years. It has only recently been introduced into Swedish Bible translation practices, however, with the test translation of Luke 9:51–19:28 and Galatians issued by the Swedish Bible Society. This fact signals that the next Swedish Bible translation will implement gender-