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Your search for "*" yielded 532221 hits
Left-headed complex words
Empathic modelling: The sober version
On approximations of rank one H_(-2)-perturbations
Hydropolitics, Ecosystems and Syrian communities at the Occupied Golan Heights
A transnational perspective on knowledge sharing in retail internationalization: case studies of IKEA´s entry into Russia, China and Japan
Behind the counter. Female inroads, obstacles and careers in the Swedish commercial bank sector, 1885-1937.
This study investigates the feminisation of the Swedish commercial bank sector between 1885 and 1937, during which time the female labour share increased from 10 to 27 per cent. More specifically, it is examined why the banks hired women, and why they did not hire women to an even greater extent. The study employs a queue-theoretical framework, and a micro-level panel database constructed from the
Beta-Decay Studies of Neutron-Rich K Isotopes
A Survey of Software Engineering Techniques in Medical Device Development
Coding problems of cryptography or codesets vs. codewords
DNA microarray analysis in cancer target discovery
Familjemåltiden – en (ut)märkt och laddad praktik. Måltidspraktikens kön, klass och ”ras”/etnicitet.
Mat och ätande väcker känslor till liv, det handlar om njutning och avsmak, men också om oro, frustration och glädje. Floran av idéer, trender och råd om mat och måltider tycks ständigt växa. I hushåll med yngre barn är normer kring mat och ätande särskilt starka och involverar i sin tur specifik kunskap om hur den ”riktiga” måltiden görs. I den här artikeln handlar det inte om att kritiskt gransk
Lost in Translation: Queer Studies in Sweden
The word queer landed in Sweden in a terminological and theoretical vacuum. It was not that nobody had studied issues and theories relating to sexualities and identities before queer theory were introduced, but the approach of the then new queer theory was slightly different. Above all, it concerned a term that had no history in the Swedish language. Queer is not a Swedish word, and therefore it c
Primary sequence differences between Chido and Rodgers variants of tryptic C4d of the human complement system
Human tryptic C4d of the Chido and Rodgers variant was fragmented by cyanogen bromide and trypsin. The fragments were characterized by amino acid analysis and sequence determination. Polymorphism between the two genetic variants was detected in 5 positions. Four were closely located (residues 141, 142, 145, 146), where Leu, Ser, Ile, His occurred in the Chido variant and Pro, Cys, Leu, Asp in the
Pictures as language
The purpose of this lecture is to shed light on a potential, and invite those who are interested to join in and make use of this potential. Here is the background: Starting with the Isaac Project in 1993, Certec has developed a technological/educational concept based on pictures as language for people with limited spoken language or none at all. There are a number of case studies (our own and ot
Von Trier – excentriskt geni som fått en stor publik
UML and SystemC - Comparison and Mapping Rules for Automatic Code Generation
Today embedded system development is a complex task. To aid the engineers new methodologies and languages are emerging. During the development the system is modelled using different tools and languages. Transformations between the models are traditionally done manually. We investigate the automation of this process, specifically we are looking at automatic UML to SystemC transformation. In this pa
Gender Justice, Best Practices: Haiti 10-11 September 2007
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Skeletal growth and effects of physical activity during adolescence
Popular Abstract in Swedish Osteoporos (benskörhet) är en sjukdom som drabbar de äldre och leder till att skelettet urkalkas och därmed förlorar delar av sin styrka. Detta bidrager till olika typer av frakturer (brott av benet) där de vanligaste är handleds-, axel-, kot- och höftfrakturer. Andelen frakturer ökar i befolkningen, vilket både medför ökade kostnader för samhället och invaliditet för dThe aim of this thesis was to evaluate bone mass and bone size in girls and boys from age 12 to 16, with special attention to physical activity. We also wanted to retrospectively evaluate the effect of exercise for the years preceding age 12. The findings were as follows. Sixteen year old adolescents in a rural area had higher areal bone mineral density in the total body and the spine compared wit