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Acts of Reading Diary Weblogs
The number of weblogs has increased exponentially since several weblog service providers released free and easy-to-use software in late 1999. This enabled people with a computer, Internet access and a desire to present themselves and their daily lives, and/or their political views, tech news, knitting projects for a possible audience to create and keep a blog. Yet, why do people read blogs, and wh
Genetically modified cells as a source for grafting in Parkinson’s disease
Testing for Error Correction in Panel Data
Admission Control Schemes Guaranteeing Customer QoS in Commercial Web Sites
Many commercial web sites, as web stores, have recently experienced performance problems due to the growth of Internet trading. One way to improve a site’s performance during overload is to introduce admission control mechanisms. In this paper we develop and investigate two admission control schemes specifically for distributed commercial web sites. One of the schemes is request-based and the othe
Board Evaluations: making a fit between the purpose and the system
Board evaluations can contribute to effective boards and improved corporate financial performance. The increasing interest in the practice of board evaluations, however, calls for a more systematic and careful approach than has been employed in the past. While most attention has primarily been focused on the content of board evaluations, this article outlines the features of various possible board
Preference Logic and Radical Interpretation: Kanger meets Davidson
This paper traces the intellectual effects of an encounter between Stig Kanger and Donald Davidson -two very different philosophers working in two seemingly unconnected areas. Their meeting in Oslo 1979 led the latter to improve his influential theory of radical interpretation and gave the former an inspiration for a rather striking paradox in preference logic. But, as we show, the paradox can be
Tropic of Value
In Rabinowicz & Rønnow-Rasmussen (1999), we defended the following claims: (i) Not only states of affairs, or facts, but also concrete objects, such as things or persons, may have final value (value for their own sake); (ii) The final value of a concrete object need not be intrinsic, i.e., it need not be exclusively based on the internal (non-relational) properties of its bearer; (iii) The fi
Vinterbetong : en översikt (1:a uppl.)
Biogas Production in Zabrze: Closing the Cycle of Organic Waste
Both energy security and the demand for energy, particularly from renewable energy sources, as principle drivers, call for the investigation of renewable energy potential in Poland. The city of Zabrze, located in the Upper Silesia province and urban zone of Katowice, dedicates continuous efforts to the improvement of its waste management against the background of European Union Directives requirin
Nordic universities- do they have any entrepreneurial objectives and strategies?
This paper reports on a survey of the 20 largest Nordic universities, 12 Humboldtian type universities and 8 technical universities, and their espoused objectives and strategies regarding their entrepreneurial and innovation role related to regional and national economic development. The study is based on archival data; public documents issued by each university and higher education authorities. T
Einstein!? (Sune Svanberg)
Nāḍī Divination and Indian Astrology
A summary of the doctoral thesis Patterns of Destiny: Hindu Nāḍī Astrology, with particular emphasis placed on the textual material, its method of divination and underlying metaphysical assumptions.
Beskrivning av temperatur och relativ fuktighet ute i svenskt klimat
Studies of groups and change : proceedings from a conference on group and social psychology, Lund University, May 2000
The conference intended to make visible research on groups in social systems carried out in Sweden and neighboring countries. The rapid changes characterizing organizations and societies at the verge of the 21st millennium taking into account the continuous dislocation of the context of groups and group research was emphasized. An important issue was the exploration of whether established theories