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Your search for "*" yielded 533498 hits

Assessment of respiration during video fluoroscopy of dysphagic patients

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The authors evaluated the coordination of swallowing and respiration in dysphagic patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Video fluoroscopy and respirometry were performed simultaneously during 98 swallows in 33 patients (18 women, 15 men) with a median age of 70 years (interquartile range, 52-78 years). Pharyngeal transit time, deglutition apnea, and the ratio between the two (

Temporal changes in the elemental composition of Rhizopogon rhizomorphs during colonization of patches with fresh organic matter or acid-washed sand

A laboratory experiment was performed to estimate the elemental composition of rhizomorphs of an ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungus growing in a patchy environment. Successive samples of Rhizopogon rhizomorphs, located adjacent to patches with organic matter or patches with acid-washed sand, were taken over a period of 45 d. The mass per unit area was analyzed with scanning transmission ion microscopy (S

Karyotypic differences and evolutionary tendencies of some species from the subgenus Obliquodesmus Mlad. of genus Scenedesmus Meyen (Chlorophyta, Chlorococcales)

Karyotype structures of Scenedesmus acuminatus (Lagerch.) Chod. and Scenedesmus pectinatus Meyen are compared. The karyotype of S. acuminatus (n = 5) is described for the first time. It reveals four large metacentric and one large submeta centric chromosomes (4M + 1SM). The established karyotype differences have been helpful in clarifying the taxonomic position of these two species. The cytologica

{mu-2-[1-(N,N-Dimethylamino)ethyl]ferrocene-1,1 '-diylbis(diphenylphosphine)-kappa P-2 : P '}-bis[chlorogold(I)]

The structure of the title compound, [ Au2Fe( C21H23NP)( C17H14P) Cl-2], displays the pseudo-linear [ P - Au - Cl = 175.4 ( 1) and 174.0 ( 1) degrees] two-coordinate geometry usually observed in gold( I) complexes. The Au - P bond distances are 2.237 ( 2) and 2.224 ( 2) angstrom and the Au - Cl distances are 2.271 ( 3) and 2.278 ( 2) angstrom. The bis( diphenylphosphino)ferrocenyl ligand links the

Ethics and vaccination

Background: Immunization programmes are ethically defensible and society has a significant role to play in providing vaccination against measles and safeguarding herd immunity to optimize its individuals' capabilities. Since preventive actions interfere with individuals who consider themselves as healthy, public health strategies - as distinct from advice in a clinical consultation - require somet

Statistical analysis of the influence of conspecifics on the dispersal of a soil collembola.

The evidence for dispersal activity among soil-living invertebrates comes mainly from observations of their movement on artificial substrates or of colonisation of defaunated soils in the field. In an attempt to elucidate the dispersal pattern of soil collembolans in the presence of conspecifics, statistical analyses were undertaken to describe and simulate the movement of groups of Onychiurus arm

Algorithmic Bounds for Presumably Hard Combinatorial Problems

In this thesis we present new worst case computational bounds on algorithms for some of the most well-known NP-complete and #P-complete problems and their optimization variants. We consider graph problems like Longest Path, Maximum Cut, Number of Perfect Matchings, Chromatic and Domatic Number, as well as Maximum k-Satisfiability and Set Cover. Our results include I a) There is a polynomial--

Isospin breaking in K -> 3 pi decays I: strong isospin breaking

The CP conserving amplitudes for the decays K --> 3pi are calculated in Chiral Perturbation Theory. The calculation is made at the next-to-leading order including strong and local electromagnetic isospin breaking. A comparison is made between the squared amplitudes with and without isospin violation to estimate the size of the effect. We find corrections of order five percent in the amplitudes.

Search for light gravitinos in events with photons and missing transverse momentum at HERA

A search for gravitinos produced in e(+/-)p collisions is performed using the H1 detector at HERA. The data were taken at a centre-of-mass energy of 319 GeV and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 64.3 pb(-1) for e(+)p collisions and 13.5 pb(-1) for e(-)p collisions. If R-parity is not conserved, the t-channel exchange of a selectron can produce a neutralino, which, in models where the gravi

Spanish research on avian migration: historical trajectory and future perspectives.

Aim: To value the importance of research on avian migration for the development and current status of Spanish ornithology. Results and Conclusions: Avian migration has always been an outstanding field in ornithology. This assertion is particularly true in Spain, as we illustrate here by discussing the contribution of migration research to both the scientific and historical development of Spanish o

Decreased shortening velocity and altered myosin isoforms in guinea-pig hypertrophic intestinal smooth muscle

The aims of this study were to investigate whether hypertrophy of the small intestinal smooth muscle leads to alterations of myosin isoform composition and shortening velocity and whether possible changes correlate with a change in the sensitivity to ADP of shortening velocity in this tissue. A partial occlusion was introduced in the distal part of the ileum of guinea-pigs. After 2 weeks, the part

Determination of heat loss from the feet and insulation of the footwear

This study compared the methods of determining the footwear insulation on human subjects and the thermal foot model. Another purpose was to find out minimal number of measurement points on human foot that is needed for insulation calculation. Bare foot was tested at three ambient temperatures on 6 subjects. Three types of footwear were tested on 2 subjects. The mean insulation for bare foot obtain

Distribution of iodine 125-labeled alpha1-microglobulin in rats after intravenous injection

The 28-kd plasma protein alpha(1)-microglobulin is found in the blood of mammals and fish in a free, monomeric form and as high-molecular-weight complexes with molecular masses above 200 kd. In this study, iodine 125-labeled free and high-molecular weight rat alpha(1)-microglobulin (a mixture of alpha(1)-microglobulin/alpha(1)-inhibitor-3 and alpha(1)-microglobulin/fibronectin complexes) were inje

Macrophage Activation and AP-1 in Atherosclerosis

High levels of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL) have been identified as independent risk factors for coronary heart disease. Hypertriglyceridemia is generally associated with an increased expression of inflammatory makers and inflammation is thought to contribute to atherosclerosis and its complications. The present investigation was aimed at providing

Laser focusing of cold atoms: Analytical solution of the problem

The motion of paraxial atomic beams in a laser radiation field is studied within the framework of a parabolic equation. Exact analytical solutions of the parabolic equation are found for a variety of potentials featuring a nonuniformity in the propagation direction. Special attention is paid to the propagation of cold atomic beams in the gradient field of the TEM01* laser radiation mode. Explicit

CFD Modeling of Turbulent Flows in Industrial Applications with Emphasis on Premixed Combustion in Gas Turbines

Increasing restrictions on hazardous emissions combined with demands for good profitability from the operators in the energy market have contributed strongly to the development of innovations in which the emphasis is on low emissions and high efficiency. For gas turbine-based power plants, emission of NOx in particular is governed by stringent legislation. To meet these restrictions, most of the m