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Visualizing Impunity : Photography and State Violence in Thailand

In this paper I discuss the challenge of visualising ongoing and repeated state violence and impunity in Thailand. Human rights activists commonly assume that photographs hold political power. This assumption can be doubted. Even if there are material traces of the violence, they cannot guarantee visibility, and, as Ariella Azoulay points out, photography of violence risks depoliticizing by equati

Predicting clinical decline and conversion to Alzheimer’s disease or dementia using novel Elecsys Aβ(1–42), pTau and tTau CSF immunoassays

We evaluated the performance of CSF biomarkers for predicting risk of clinical decline and conversion to dementia in non-demented patients with cognitive symptoms. CSF samples from patients in two multicentre longitudinal studies (ADNI, n = 619; BioFINDER, n = 431) were analysed. Aβ(1–42), tTau and pTau CSF concentrations were measured using Elecsys CSF immunoassays, and tTau/Aβ(1–42) and pTau/Aβ(

Unveiling the smallest-systematics, classification and a new subfamily of featherwing beetles based on larval morphology (Coleoptera : Ptiliidae)

The higher-level systematics of featherwing beetles (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae), the smallest non-parasitic insects and abundant in the world's forests, is poorly known. Based on larval morphology, the systematic relationships and internal classification are revised and analysed from a comparative, evolutionary and phylogenetic perspective. We introduce 37 morphological characters of all instars and o

A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production

Human land use threatens global biodiversity and compromises multiple ecosystem functions critical to food production. Whether crop yield-related ecosystem services can be maintained by a few dominant species or rely on high richness remains unclear. Using a global database from 89 studies (with 1475 locations), we partition the relative importance of species richness, abundance, and dominance for

Vitamin D receptor expression in invasive breast tumors and breast cancer survival

Background: Vitamin D has been suggested to prevent and improve the prognosis of several cancers, including breast cancer. We have previously shown a U-shaped association between pre-diagnostic serum levels of vitamin D and risk of breast cancer-related death, with poor survival in patients with the lowest and the highest levels respectively, as compared to the intermediate group. Vitamin D exerts

Genetically Determined Risk of Depression and Functional Outcome After Ischemic Stroke

Background and Purpose- Psychosocial factors can have implications for ischemic stroke risk and recovery. This study investigated the effect of genetically determined risk of depression on these outcomes using the Mendelian randomization (MR) framework. Methods- Genetic instruments for risk of depression were identified in a discovery genome-wide association study of 246 363 cases and 561 190 cont

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss. Aspects of Epidemiology, Immunology, Treatment and Obstetric Outcomes.

Aims: Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), defined as three consecutive miscarriages, is a multifaceted problem whose resolution needs a broad approach. In this thesis, epidemiology, immunology, treatment and obstetrical outcomes areexplored. The aims are as follows: To establish the incidence of the diagnosis of RPL in the National Patient Register (NPR) in Sweden from 2003 to 2012 (Paper I). To evalu

Low-dose oral ketamine as a procedural analgesia in pediatric cancer patients undergoing bone marrow aspirations at a resource-limited cancer hospital in India

Aim: Many pediatric cancer patients undergo repeated bone marrow aspirations (BMAs) for diagnostic and treatment evaluation purposes. Full anesthesia is the standard of care during this procedure in high-income countries. At hospitals with low resources in low/middle-income countries many children undergo these painful procedures without sufficient pain relief. This study aimed to evaluate the use

Immune effector monocyte–neutrophil cooperation induced by the primary tumor prevents metastatic progression of breast cancer

Metastatic behavior varies significantly among breast cancers. Mechanisms explaining why the majority of breast cancer patients never develop metastatic outgrowth are largely lacking but could underlie the development of novel immunotherapeutic target molecules. Here we show interplay between nonmetastatic primary breast cancer and innate immune response, acting together to control metastatic prog

Design and Synthesis of Glycomimetics as Selective Galectin Inhibitors

In last couple of decades the field of glycobiology has developed rapidly due to the increased understanding of glycans’ abilities to encode biological information, which may have impact on biological event and disease, such as for example tumour growth and inflammation. This development has been accompanied by an increasing focus on drug discovery revolving around a category of carbohydrate-based

Wiki collaboration in organizations: an exploratory study

The use of social media technologies in organizations has introduced novel ways of collaboration, communication, and knowledge sharing. In this respect, the present study is concerned with examining the use of one type of social media, the wiki technology, by members of several professional communities of practice to collaborate and share knowledge with each other. As such, it seeks to identify an

The Automagic Home

The automated and technologically enhanced home has been promoted in varying guises since the late 19th Century. Nowadays we hear much about smart homes in which new internet connected things are supposed to change daily domestic practices and routines. Are we really on the brink of something new? Will AI and robotic technology finally deliver the automagic home?