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The adsorption of iron phthalocyanine on graphite: A scanning tunnelling microscopy study

Different adsorption phases of iron phthalocyanine (FePc) on highly oriented pyrolitic graphite (HOPG) have been characterized by scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). Evaporation of FePc onto the graphite (000 1) surface, kept at room temperature. results in the formation of three-dimensional molecular islands. After annealing to 400 degrees C different two-dimensional features Lire identified. d

Lumbar orthosis with unilateral hip immobilization. Effect on intervertebral mobility determined by roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis

To determine the additional stabilizing effect of unilateral hip fixation on external lumbar supports, nine patients with a posterolateral lumbosacral fusion without internal fixation were examined by roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis. The roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis was performed with the patients in supine and erect positions 1 month after surgery, that is, before fusion consol

On the length of flames under ceilings

Two sets of experimental data on flame length under flat ceilings from a burner in a lower corner of a room have been correlated by conventional dimensionless variables. The correlations are shown to have considerable similarity to those of temperature distributions under ceilings caused by a heat source below. Matching is effected by a choice of temperature rise of approximately 180ºC.

Immunoglobulin deficiencies and susceptibility to infection among homozygotes and heterozygotes for C2 deficiency

About 25% of C2-deficient homozygotes have increased susceptibility to severe bacterial infections. C2-deficient homozygotes had significantly lower serum levels of IgG2, IgG4, IgD, and Factor B, significantly higher levels of IgA and IgG3 and levels of IgG1 and IgM similar to controls. Type I ( 28 bp deletion in C2 exon 6 on the [HLA-B18, S042, DR2] haplotype or its fragments) and type II ( non-t

A Semi-Empirical Tire-Model Including the Effects of Camber

This report presents the addition of camber to a previously published semi-empirical tire model by the same authors. The model combines empirical models for pure braking, cornering and cambering to a model for simultaneous braking, cornering and cambering. It is based on brush-model tire mechanics and aims to offer an easy-to-use accurate model for vehicle handling-simulations. The proposed model

Effects of kinship on growth and movements of brown trout in field enclosures

The effect of kinship on growth and use of space by individually PIT-tagged 1+ brown trout was studied for 11 weeks in eight stream enclosures. Each enclosure consisted of two sections, separated by a region containing PIT-detecting antennae, which enabled us to measure use of sections by all individuals. Two types of sibling groups were tested, a single sibling group, F1, consisting of four indiv

Building Technological Capabilities of Local Auto Parts Firms under Contrasting Industrial Policies: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and Thailand 1960-2000.

This study deals with technological capability building of local auto parts firms in Malaysia and Thailand during the period 1960-2000. Malaysia introduced a national car programme in 1985 while Thailand has maintained its liberal economic policy and relies on foreign multinational automakers to operate in the country. The study focuses on an empirical survey of 41 and 42 local auto parts firms in

A 5-year follow-up study on the incidence of retinopathy in type 1 diabetes mellitus in relation to medical risk indicators

OBJECTIVES. The aim of the present study was to describe the 5-year incidence of retinopathy in type 1 diabetes mellitus and to characterize risk indicators for the development and progression of retinopathy. DESIGN. A cross-sectional study of type 1 diabetic patients taken care of at a medical department. SETTING. All type 1 diabetic patients attending the Department of Internal Medicine, Univers

Isotope shifts and accurate wavelengths in NeII and NeIII

Transition isotope shifts of 3s-3p transitions in Ne II and Ne III are measured in Fourier transform spectra from a hollow-cathode source. Accurate absolute line-center positions of the Ne-20 isotope are derived for the purpose of tertiary wavelength standards in the region 2000-5000 angstrom. A robust statistical treatment is applied, yielding line-position uncertainties that are lower than for t

Numerical modelling of fracture initiation in large steel specimens at impact

Dynamic mode I fracture initiation in impact loaded single edge bend specimens with a quarter notch is investigated by numerical modelling and the results are compared with sets of experimental data from two different steel qualities. The finite element analysis include 2D (two-dimensional) plane strain, 2D plane stress and 3D models. No crack growth is included in the calculations. The impact vel

Contrast sensitivity and visual recovery time in diabetic patients treated with panretinal photocoagulation

PURPOSE: To study patients treated with panretinal photocoagulation regarding contrast sensitivity and visual recovery time after exposure to glare. METHODS: To compare contrast sensitivity and visual recovery-time after exposure to glare in eyes (n=20) from 20 type 1 diabetic patients treated with panretinal photocoagulation for proliferative retinopathy with eyes (n= 19) from 19 un-treated type

Effect of resonant impurity scattering on the carrier dynamics in Si/SiGe quantum wells

We have performed Monte Carlo simulations of the electron drift velocity in a delta-doped Si/SiGe quantum well, for high and low temperatures as well as strong and weak electric field. All scattering matrix elements of intervalley phonons, acoustic phonons, interface roughness, and impurity ions are calculated from the electron wave functions. Special attention was paid to the resonant state scatt