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The interaction between the ISO tapping machine and lightweight floors
The ISO standard tapping machine, used as an excitation source in rating the impact-sound level of a floor structure, interacts with the floor structure during the hammer impact. Expressions for the force spectrum due to the impact are presented. The 6 dB difference at low frequencies of the force spectrum, evident in measurements, and reasons for it, are discussed. The interaction is investigated
A simple model for the arterial system
We present a simple model for the arterial part of the cardiovascular system, based on Poiseuille flow constrained by the power dissipated into the cells lining the vessels. This, together with the assumption of a volume-filling network, leads to correct predictions for the evolution of vessel radii, vessel lengths and blood pressure in the human arterial system. The model can also be used to find
The eta(c)(2980) formation in two-photon collisions at LEP energies
eta(c)(2980) production in gammagamma interactions has been detected via its decays into K(s)(0)K(-/+)pi(-/+), K+K-K+K- and K(+)K(-)pi(+)pi(-) in the data taken with the DELPHI detector at LEP1 and LEP2 energies. The two-photon radiative width averaged over all observed decay channels is Gammagammagamma=13.9+/-2.0(stat.)+/-1.4(syst.)+/-2.7 (BR) keV. No direct decay channel eta(c)-->pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)
Clinical impact of breakpoint position within M-bcr in chronic myeloid leukemia
We have analyzed the M-bcr breakpoint position in 133 Philadelphia-positive chronic myeloid leukemia patients and correlated the findings with clinical, hematologic, and cytogenetic data. We also investigated the splicing pattern of the BCR-ABL mRNA in 30 patients, using reverse transcriptase PCR. No statistically significant differences were found between breakpoint position within M-bcr and clin
ISOL Beams of Neutron-Rich Oxygen Isotopes
CMOS On-Chip Clock for Digital Signal Processors
An on-chip clock for frequencies up to 190 MHz is presented. This clock generator can be used for application specific digital signal processors which are clocked faster than the off-chip system clock. It is useful for both processors with a few cycles per sample or for high frequency bit-serial processors which need a large number of cycles
An extended probabilistic approach of plant vital attributes: an application to European pollen records at 0 and 6 ka
Aim This paper presents a probabilistic method of pollen spectra analysis. The method relies on a pollen taxon characterization using biotic and abiotic plant attribute modes, and their occurrence in a given pollen spectrum at a specific site. This type of analysis can provide an interpretation, which can lead to the reconstruction of the biome and, to an extent, of the abiotic conditions at the s
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Gender politics in conservative men's movements: beyond complexity, ambiguity and pragmatism
The article examines different attempts to analyse the Christian men's movement, Promise Keepers, and the fatherhood responsibility movement. Complexity used as an argument to abandon the search for a gender ideology in the movements is criticized. Despite the presence of complex features, for example, regarding Promise Keepers' view on gender roles in the family, there are common assumptions of g
Phylogeographic breaks without geographic barriers to gene flow
The spatial distribution of genetic markers can be useful both in estimating patterns of gene flow and in reconstructing biogeographic history, particularly when gene genealogies can be estimated. Genealogies based on nonrecombining genetic units such as mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA often consist of geographically separated clades that come into contact in narrow regions. Such phylogeographic
Läkarförbundets yrkesetiska regler kan inte modifieras hur som helst
Dynamics of Energy Efficient Lighting
The paper discusses the results of a time dynamic analysis of the possible effects of government and utility sponsored energy efficiency programmes on lighting energy use in Sweden. Scenarios are developed of electricity demand and efficiency improvement, based on various types of energy performance standards and utility demand-side management (DSM) investments. The scenarios account for the dynam
Oscillator strengths for transitions in As II
Theoretical oscillator strengths for transitions between the even 4s(2) 4p(2) and the three odd {4s4p(3), 4s(2)4p4d, 4s(2)4p5s} configurations of As+ are reported. Both ab initio, multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock and semiempirical configuration interaction techniques are used. The uncertainty of the results are estimated, by considering the reproduced energy structure, the agreement of results from
Channel Statistics-Based RF-Pre-Processing with Antenna Selection
We introduce two novel joint radio-frequency (RF)-baseband designs for receivers in a MIMO system with Nt transmit antennas, Nr receive antennas, but only L < Nr RF chains at the receiver. The joint design introduces an RF pre-processing matrix that processes the signals from the different antennas, and is followed by selection (if necessary), down-conversion, and further processing in the baseban
Analysis of glycosaminoglycan chains from different proteoglycan populations in human embryonic skin fibroblasts
1. The structure of chondroitin/dermatan and heparan-sulphate chains from various proteoglycan populations derived from cultured human skin fibroblasts have been examined. Confluent cell cultures were biosynthetically labelled with [3H]-glucosamine and 35SO4(2-), and proteoglycans were purified according to buoyant density, size and charge density [Schmidtchen, A., Carlstedt, I., Malmstrom, A. &am
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Total C4B deficiency due to gene deletion and gene conversion in a patient with severe infections
Deficiencies of the early components of the classical complement pathway impair the actions of innate and humoral immunity and may lead to increased susceptibility to infections. We have studied the genetic basis of total C4B deficiency in a Finnish patient with recurrent meningitis, chronic fistulas and abscesses. The maternal chromosome carried a four-gene deletion including the C4B gene, and a
Hadron beam test of a scintillating fibre tracker system for elastic scattering and luminosity measurement in ATLAS
A scintillating fibre tracker is proposed to measure elastic proton scattering at very small angles in the ATLAS experiment at CERN. The tracker will be located in so-called Roman Pot units at a distance of 240 m on each side of the ATLAS interaction point. An initial validation of the design choices was achieved in a beam test at DESY in a relatively low energy electron beam and using slow off-th
Time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence lifetime measurements and relativistic Hartree-Fock calculations of transition probabilities in SmII
Radiative lifetime measurements were performed with time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence techniques for 47 levels of the astrophysically important ion Sm1+ over the energy range 21000-36 000 cm(-1). The new results have been compared with previous measurements but also with theoretical calculations taking configuration interactions and core-polarization effects into account, and a satisfying a