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An Introduction to Special Issue: The Causes and Consequences of Secret Ballot Reform

This article introduces a collection of papers that explore two understudied but critical questions of enduring concern for the study of democratization. Was the secret ballot driven by the same forces that drove the rise of democracy more generally? Did the secret ballot end electoral fraud, or was its effect merely endogenous to economic modernization more generally? This article provides histor

Differences between occupations with respect to exit from working life

There is in large parts of the world a demographic crisis. Due to the increase in life length and the drop inbirth rates, prospects are that much fewer people of working age will be available in the future to supportthose in retirement.Also Sweden faces a demographic challenge, implying that it will be necessary to make the Swedeswork more years. There is an obvious potential in the age range 65-7

The politics of landscape creation in the history of development along Florida's Atlantic coast

The politics of landscape production involve questions about the power to define what landscape means, who or what belongs to landscape and who or what belongs in landscape. Asserting the right to participate in landscape production and thus to help steer landscape along desirable development pathways remains a core component of landscape politics and grows in importance as many societies experienc

Att överväga geologin. En idéskrift om geovetenskapliga värden i vägplaneringen

Landskapets geologi, former och andra naturgivna egenskaper har en förhållandevis undanskymd roll i dagens infrastrukturplanering jämfört med den vikt som läggs vid biologiska och ekologiska företeelser och egenskaper. Många gånger är det dessutom endast extremföreteelser som lyfts fram i samband med infrastrukturplaneringen medan det så kallade vardagslandskapet får träda tillbaka, trots att det

Functional hearing deficits in children with Type 1 diabetes

Aim: Hearing loss (as reflected by abnormal sound detection) is a frequently reported consequence of Type 1 diabetes mellitus. We sought to evaluate sound detection, auditory neural function and binaural processing ability in a group of school-aged participants with Type 1 diabetes and to assess their functional hearing and general communication ability. Methods: A range of electroacoustic, electr

A threat to our integrity - Meanings of providing nursing care for older patients with cognitive impairment in acute care settings

Background: Older people with cognitive impairment represent a large group of patients in acute care settings. Research show that these acute care environments can be unsafe and even unfriendly for frail older patients. Research and clinical experience show that being a nurse in acute/specialised medical facilities means to work in a high-speed, technologically complex and demanding environment. W

Uropathogenic Escherichia coli engages CD14-dependent signaling to enable bladder-macrophage-dependent control of acute urinary tract infection

Background. CD14, a coreceptor for several pattern recognition receptors and a widely used monocyte/macrophage marker, plays a key role in host responses to gram-negative bacteria. Despite the central role of CD14 in the inflammatory response to lipopolysaccharide and other microbial products and in the dissemination of bacteria in some infections, the signaling networks controlled by CD14 during

Support for Data Parallelism in the CAL Actor Language

With the arrival of heterogeneous manycores comprising various features to support task, data and instruction-level parallelism, developing applications that take full advantage of the hardware parallel features has become a major challenge. In this paper, we present an extension to our CAL compilation framework (CAL2Many) that supports data parallelism in the CAL Actor Language. Our compilation f

Audience Experiences and Emotional Economy

This chapter explores trends in an emotional or experience economy as this relates to media management. The case of reality entertainment is used as an example of the tricky balancing act between the management and production of media content that has emotional resonance and audience engagement with such content. The research draws on quantitative and qualitative empirical audience data to illumin

New perspectives on complement mediated immunotherapy

Tumor-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) offer several modes of tumor cell killing, from direct cytotoxic activity to indirect mechanisms employing the host immune system, particularly its innate branch. The latter effector functions seem to dominate among clinically approved anti-cancer mAbs and major efforts are being undertaken by both academia and the pharmaceutical industry with the aim to

Dagligvarubutikernas betydelse för hållbara marknader : Svensk dagligvaruhandel sett i ett europeiskt sammanhang

Butikskedjorna inom dagligvaruhandeln är viktiga aktörer i arbetet med att förbättra ekologiska och sociala aspekter av livsmedelsförsörjningen och även för att uppmuntra till hållbara produkter på marknaden. Med tanke på deras stora inflytande på andra aktörer i produktkedjan i hållbarhetsarbetet tillskrivs butikskedjorna ofta benämningen grindvakt. Denna position innebär också f

Public and Popular : British and Swedish Audience Trends in Factual and Reality Television

The research in this article examines audience responses to a range of factual and reality genres. It takes as a starting point that television audiences do not experience news or documentary or reality TV in isolation but as part of a range of factual and reality programmes. Factual and reality programming includes a broad understanding of non-fictional programming on broadcast television, satell