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Your search for "*" yielded 533226 hits

”You don’t win friends with salad!” - Representation av vegetarianer och veganer i amerikansk TV och film

Den här uppsatsen undersöker representation av veganism och vegetarianism i amerikanska filmer och TV-serier, samt hur gestaltningen ser ut ur ett genusperspektiv och hur köttnormativet syns. Studien fungerar som en överblickande kvalitativ kulturstudie över det valda ämnet. Det teoretiska ramverket grundar sig i representation, stereotyper och genus. Med denna metod och dessa teorier ämnar studie

Elektroniska journalsystem i vården: Varför kvarstår problemen?

Idéen med ett elektroniskt journalsystem som kan arbeta med patientdata började under mitten av 1980-talet. Att gå över från pappersjournalen till elektroniska patientjournaler var ett nytt moment inom vården. Det har skett förändringar sedan dess, men det har aldrig varit så att de elektroniska journalsystemen har fungerat på ett sätt som användarna har kunnat vara nöjda med. Ansträngningar har g

Fast mapping in adult language acquisition: a diffusion tensor imaging study

Fast mapping as a way for adults to learn new lexical items is a hot topic and only a limited number of studies have connected fast mapping to brain imaging (see Merhav, Karni, & Gilboa, 2015). The present study aims to compare and contrast explicit encoding with fast mapping of new vocabulary items in adult healthy Swedish native speakers (N=17, NFEMALE=7) as well as connect these behavioural

Språkets gränser är förståelsens gränser - en studie om mellanchefens utsatta roll under en organisationsförändring

This study aimed at generating psychological knowledge regarding how the middle manager experiences his/her communicative role during an organizational change. For this purpose, qualitative interviews with several middle managers were conducted at a company located in the south of Sweden. This company had recently gone through an organizational change in which they had merged two different busines

The Exposure of the Nordic Banking Sector against Global Macroeconomic Factors - A Time Series Study on Probability of Default

Business cycles and changes in macroeconomic variables can have a huge influence on the profitability and credit exposure of an individual bank. Consequently, they affect the risk profile of a given bank. This study uses multifactor time series regressions to examine the influence of global macroeconomic variables on the probability of default for Nordic banks, both on industry level and on indivi

Object Tracking with Compressed Networks

With the goal of making object tracking neural networks more suitable for phones and tablets, a quantisation process demonstrates considerable reductions in hardware requirements at surprisingly minimal accuracy losses.

Low friction sliding door seal

This is a project in product development made for ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems which is a manufacturer of sliding doors among other products. The objective of this project is to come up with a solution which offers an improved air sealing capability for a set of sliding doors all while the friction remains either the same or lower compared to before. The development process began with collecting in

From the Norm to the Form. An Integrative Ecological Approach for Analyzing Ni Una Menos activists’ Gender-based Violence Perceptions in Argentina

The phenomenon of gender-based violence (GBV) and the magnitude it takes in Argentina is raising great concerns within the country, intergovernmental organisations and women’s movements. Since 2015 a women’s movement named Ni Una Menos was established to create visibility and fight for the eradication of gender-based violence in the country. Building upon the Integrative Ecological Framework, usin

Regeringens retoriska bruk av ”mänskliga rättigheter” i klimatförändringsdiskursen

I denna uppsats undersöks svenska regeringens retoriska bruk av ”mänskliga rättigheter” i deras klimatförändringsdiskurs, 1 november 2015 – 1 november 2016. Det undersökta materialet är hämtat från och analyseras med hjälp av retorisk analys för att avgöra på vilket sätt begreppet ”mänskliga rättigheter” används. Ett människorätts-perspektiv används för att förstå människorättsspråk

Investigation of graphene and nanocellulose hybrid films as a barrier material in packages

Forskning har visat att den största delen av allt plastskräp i haven kommer från förpackningsindustrin. Då plasten inte bryts ner på flera decennier görs nu stora försök med att försöka få fram bionedbrytbara alternativ. I det här arbetet undersöks om nanocellulosa kan fungera som ett alternativ till de plastbarriärer som används för att hålla livsmedel fräscha.In this report, hybrid films of carboxymethylated cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) and graphene nanosheets (GNs) have been prepared to evaluate if the GNs can enhance the barrier properties of the CNF films. CNF already possess great barrier properties at low relative humidity (RH) but it is drastically lowered when the RH reaches above 50% due to its strong hydrophilicity of CNF. This report shows tha

Import penetration from China and its effect on manufacturing employment in the OECD countries.

China has ever since the 1990s emerged as a manufacturing superpower, following its liberalized trade reforms and its entrance to the World Trade Organization. This has caused China to expand their exports substantially, in particular to the OECD countries. This has lead to an increasing debate on whether, or to what extent, increasing manufacturing exports from China to the OECD countries has con

Peptide fragment screening towards a new inhibitor of neutrophil elastase

Undersökning av en ny metod att söka efter inhibitorer Vad görs när immunsystemet, systemet byggt för att skydda oss, attackerar oss istället? I dagsläget finns inte så mycket man kan göra. Jag har därför undersökt en ny metod för att hitta ämnen som ska kunna hindra det trasiga immunsystemet från att skada! Framsteg inom medicinen är bland de viktigaste som kan göras för mänsklighetens fortlevnaThe main purpose of this master thesis was to test a novel approach of finding leads for new pharmaceuticals, by using Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis (SPPS) in combination with Weak Affinity Chromatography (WAC). Put in a more concrete way, the objective was to find a lead for a better human neutrophil elastase inhibitor. The plan was to take advantage of the fact that the tripeptide Valine-Proline

“Om man inte följer upp det… då vet du ju inte... och vad är då poängen?” : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av uppföljningsarbete inom öppenvården.

The investigation of children's and young people’s need for protection and safety is carried out by social services and is regulated by Socialtjänstlagen chapter 1, § 2. In a case where a child is granted outpatient care, the necessity of follow-ups to ensure that progress is being made is specified in the law. The law does not however define the frequency of these follow-ups. The aim was ther

How are project beneficiaries being depicted? : A discourse analysis on how women are presented in projects on empowerment

Social work carried through in an international projects-based context is common world-wide. This essay focuses on in what way the project beneficiaries are being portrayed in project evaluations with focus on women’s empowerment. The essay uses a critical discourse analysis based on a specific module in order to examine in what way the project beneficiaries are being presented in the project anal

Beskattning av Bitcoin i ljuset av likformighetsprincipen

Denna uppsats utreder hur finansiella produkter klassificeras i inkomstslaget kapital, och vilka skatterättsliga skillnader som finns mellan de olika kategorierna i inkomstslaget. Utifrån praxis och inkomstskattelagens systematik redogörs för hur en avyttring av kryptovalutan Bitcoin ska klassificeras och beskattas. Gällande rätt analyseras sedan mot bakgrund av principen om likformighet och skattThis paper examines how financial products are classified within the capital gains bracket and which tax differences follow from such classification. Based on practice and the methodology of the Income tax act, the paper describes how a divestment of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin should be classified and taxed. The result is thereafter analyzed from the perspective of the principle of uniformity and

Lagstiftningen under kontroll – Om regeringsformens beredningskrav i förhållande till lagprövningen

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka beredningskravet i 7 kap. 2 § regeringsformen i förhållande till den formella lagprövningen i 11 kap. 14 § regeringsformen. Uppsatsen fokuserar på remissförfarandet som är centralt i lagstiftningsprocessen och två fall av lagprövning under 2018 – NJA 2018 s. 743 och MIG 2018:18. En konstruktiv rättsdogmatisk metod tillämpas för att undersöka gällande rätt The aim of this essay is to examine the mandatory preparation of government business in Chapter 7, Article 2 Instrument of Government (IG) in relation to formal judicial review in Chapter 11, Article 14 IG. This essay focuses on the consultation process, which is central in the legislative process and in two cases of judicial review in 2018 – NJA 2018 p. 743 and MIG 2018:18. A constructive legal d

Between words and deeds - A case study of the European Commission’s role conception during the implementation of the EU-Turkey Refugee Agreement

This thesis wishes to contribute to identifying potential discrepancies between the way the European Commission perceives the role of the EU within the international arena and the way the EU’s foreign policy materializes. To do so, it analyzes the reports of the European Commission on the implementation of the strongly criticized EU-Turkey Refugee Agreement. The analysis identifies several inconsi

Små jobb, stora effekter? En kvantitativ undersökning av arbetssituationen för anställda i Mini-jobs i Tyskland

This paper examines the work situation for people holding Mini-jobs in Germany in an attempt to evaluate the effects that marginal employment has on people’s lives. The study is quantitatively conducted and compares employees having Mini-jobs with people in full-time employment in order to explore differences in regards of work situation. Longitudinal panel data collected by the German Socio-Econo

Organized crime in Europe: Free movement and human trafficking inside EU borders

Despite the fact of being considered as one of the safest regions in the world, the EU reports a wide number of cases of human trafficking every year in its Member States. Moreover, free movement of persons that EU membership grants makes it easier for human trafficking criminals to transport and exploit victims within Member States. The country that has shown by far to have the largest number of

Mamma, pappa, barn. Eller? - En diskursanalytisk granskning av heteronormativiteten i svensk lagstiftning gällande rättsligt föräldraskap vid insemination utanför svensk sjukvård.

Kvinnliga samkönade par har tillgång till insemination inom svensk sjukvård sedan den 1 juli 2005. Trots det väljer en del par att genomföra behandlingen utanför svensk sjukvård, antingen utomlands eller genom privat insemination. Vid insemination utanför svensk sjukvård med donerad sperma skiljer sig föräldraskapsregleringen för kvinnliga samkönade par från den för olikkönade par. Mannen i ett olFemale same-sex couples have had the right to undergo insemination within Swedish health care since July 1st 2005. Despite this some couples still choose to get the treatment outside Swedish health care, either abroad or through private insemination. With insemination outside Swedish health care with donated sperm the regulation for parenthood for female same-sex couples differs from that of oppos