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The first Swedish edition of Emanuel Swedenborg's manuscript in neurology from 1720
The first Swedish edition of Emanuel Swedenborg's manuscript in neurology from 1720
Popular Abstract in Icelandic Landnám á jökulskerjum Plöntur hafa lengi verið taldar nauðsynlegar til að dýr geti numið land en þessi sýn er að breytast því rannsóknir hafa sýnt að smádýr nema oft land á undan plöntum. Landnám bæði plantna og dýra getur hafist um leið og nýtt land myndast en til að landnám takist þurfa nokkrir þættir að fara saman. Þau verða að komast á staðinn og þegar þangað erThe classical view of primary community assembly is that colonisation by plants is essential before invertebrates can establish. It has been recognised, however, that invertebrates can establish before plants, and that they may be important in the first steps of community assembly. Plant succession is well studied but assembly of invertebrates and how their dispersal abilities affect the community
In this paper we consider the problem of packet loss concealment for Voice over IP (VoIP). The speech signal is compressed at the transmitter using A sinusoidal coding scheme working at 8 kbit/s. At the receiver, packet loss concealment is carried out working directly on the quantized sinusoidal parameters, based on time-scaling of the packets surrounding the missing ones. Subjective listening tes
Telomeric DNA generally comprises a repetitive, noncoding sequence which terminates in a single‑stranded extension, the 3' overhang. Although these species‑specific repeats show a large diversity in sequence and length, they comprise some specific characteristic conserved features. Therefore, analyses of the telomeric repeats of various organisms have delivered important insights concerning the or
Experimental campaigns on investigations of the superheavy elements 115, 117, 119, and 120 were conducted 2011 and 2012 at the gas-filled “TransActinide Separator and Chemistry Apparatus” (TASCA) at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany. Nuclear structure implications of first-ever α-photon coincidence spectroscopy on element 115 and its daughters obtained with the
A new adaptive technique is presented for the increase of the dynamic stiffness of the cutting tool in a lathe by active control of the tool vibration in the cutting speed direction. Due to the statistic properties of tool vibration that are induced by the stochastic behaviour of chip formation process, the controller is based on the filtered-x LMS algorithm which controls an adaptive filter that